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Title:  The compleat housewife: or, Accomplish'd gentlewoman's companion: being a collection of several hundred of the most approved receipts, in cookery, pastry, confectionary, preserving, pickles, cakes, creams, jellies, made wines, cordials. And also bills of fare for every month in the year. : To which is added, a collection of near two hundred family receipts of medicines; viz. drinks, syrups, salves, ointments, and many other things of sovereign and approved efficacy in most distempers, pains, aches, wounds, sores, &c. never before made publick in these parts; fit either for private families, or such publick-spirited gentlewomen as would be beneficent to their poor neighbors. / By E. Smith.
Author: Smith, E. (Eliza), d. ca. 1732.
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A Lamb Pye.CUT a hind Quarter of Lamb into thin Slices, sea|son it with sweet Spices, and lay it in the Pye, mix'd with Half a Pound of Raisins of the Sun stoned, Half a Pound of Currants, two or three Spanish Potatoes boil|ed, blanched, and sliced; or an Artichoke Bottom or two, with Prunellas, Damsons, Gooseberries, Grapes, Citron and Lemon Chips: Lay on Butter, and close the Pye; when 'tis baked, make a Caudle for it.A Chicken Pye.TAKE six small Chichens, roll up a Piece of But|ter in sweet Spice, and put it into them; then sea|son them, and lay them in the Pye, with the Marrow of two Bones, with Fruit and Preserves, as the Lamb Pye, with a Caudle.A Lumber Pye.TAKE a Pound and Half of a Fillet of Veal, and mince it with the same Quantity of Beef suet; sea|son it with sweet Spice, five Pippins, an handful of Spin|nage, and an hard Lettuce, Thyme and Parsley. Mix it with a Penny grated white Loaf, the Yolks of Eggs, Sack and Orange-flower Water, a Pound and an Half of Cur|rants and Preserves, as the Lamb Pye, with a Caudle. An Humble Pye is made the same way.A Mutton Pye.SEASON your Mutton-steaks with savoury Spice; fill the Pye, lay on the Butter, and close the Pye: When it is baked, toss up a Handful of chopp'd Capers, Cucumbers, and Oysters, in Gravy, an Anchovy, and drawn Butter.0