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Title:  An essay for the recording of illustrious providences: wherein, an account is given of many remarkable and very memorable events, which have happened in this last age; especially in New-England. / By Increase Mather, teacher of a church at Boston in New-England. ; [Six lines of Scripture texts]
Author: Mather, Increase, 1639-1723.
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the other was stuck fast in the Mud (with his feet downwards, and his upper parts above water) like a Post not able to help himself out; but besides a present asto|nying or numness had no other hurt: but was for the present so disturbed in his Senses that he knew not how he came out of the Boat, nor could remember either Thunder or Lightning that did effect it: and was ve|ry feeble and faint upon it (which though presently put into a warm Bed) he had not throughly recovered by the next night; and whither since he have or no, I know not. Others, in another Boat, about ten or twen|ty yards from these (as by their description I estimate) felt a disturbance and shaking in their Boat, and one of them had his Chair struck from under him, and thrown upon him, but had no hurt. These imme|diately made up to the others, and (some leaping into the Water to them) presently drew them into the Boat or on shore; yet none of them saw these two fall into the wa|ter (not looking that way) but heard one of them cry for help presently upon the stroke, and smelt a very strong stinking smell in the Air; which, when I asked him that told it me, what kind of stink? he said, like such a smell, as is perceived upon the 0