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Title: To the mayor and aldermen,: with all others in authority, both in the civil and millitary affaires in and about the city of London, together with all other sorts of people of what condition soever, high and low, rich and poor, professors and prophane, who reside in and about the said city; : listen and give good eare to what is here declared unto you by a servant of the Lord.
Author:  Parker, Alexander, 1628-1689.
Publication info: [London : s.n., 1665]
subjects: [Society of Friends -- Persecutions -- England] [Apocalyptic literature] [Broadsides -- 17th century. -- England]
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Title: The Remonstrance of the suffering people called Quakers clearing their innocency from the many false aspersions, slanders and suggestions, which are lately come abroad in the nation causlesly [sic] upon them.
Publication info: London : [s.n.], 1665.
subjects: [Society of Friends -- Persecutions] [Society of Friends -- Controversial literature]
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Title: To all rulers and magistrates in England, and all men in authority from the highest to the lowest a few sober words tendred to your serious consideration, which you are desired to read with moderation.
Author: Wastfield, Robert, fl. 1647-1665.
Publication info: London : [s.n.], 1665.
subjects: [Society of Friends -- Apologetic works] [Society of Friends -- Persecutions] [Church and state -- England]
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