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part of an inch, it could not then have been ru∣ly said to have been 26 foot long, and whooe∣ver taketh proximum vero, pro vero, in this kinde, 'tis plain that he taketh falsum pro vero, falshood for truth. The third answer is impertinent, and not to the purpose, for the question propoun∣ded, was not how many inches, but how many foot long one side of that figure was. Neither ought the question to have been any other waies propounded; because in the extraction of all roots, the first number sought after, is a Cardinall number, and not an ordinall number, a number of such parts of which every one may be said to be an integrum, and not a number of fractions, which result of themselves without seeking after, when this first number is found out. And as for the fractions, I have already shewed, that they cannot darken the remarka∣blenesse of the number 25, nor disanull that an∣tithesis, which is and ought to be between this number and that number, which is opposite un∣to it. Yet if any number, by which the fractions of this root may be expressed, be more remark∣able and rather to be chosen then another: then without question it is that number, by which the fractions may be most exactly expressed by fewest figures, and by such numbers as doe 0