Remedium melancholiae, or, The remedy of melancholy. the first book being a choice collection of new songs : with a thorow-bass for the harpsichord, theorbo, or bass-viol.
Franck, Johann Wolfgang, ca. 1644-ca. 1710.

〈♫〉TUsh never tell me I'm too young for lo╌ving, or too green, She stays at least Ten Years too long that's Wedded at Four╌teen, Lambs bring forth Lambs, & Doves bring Doves as soon as they'r be╌got╌ten, then why shou'd La╌dies lin╌ger Loves, as if not ripe till rotten.

Gray Hairs are fitter for the Grave,
Then for the Bridal Bed;
What pleasure can a Lover have
In a wither'd Maidenhead?
Nature's exalted in our time,
And what our Grandams then
At four and twenty scarce cou'd climb
We can arrive at Ten.