An invitation of a seeker to all those that seriously desire to find the Lord written by I.S. or the indefatigable seeker.
I. S., indefatigable seeker.

CHAP. XLIV. Why Angels and Saints ought rather to be honoured then Men.

OUt of what hath been said, it is easie to gather, that honour may be more se∣curely committed to Saints and Angels, then to mortal men. Because men by reason of their ignorance, blindness, passion, self-love, vehement temptation, and other frailties in corrupt natures, are subject to apply to them∣selves the sweet that is felt in receiving Ho∣nour. Whereas the Saints and Angels have such a clear knowledge of their own insuffi∣ciency and weakness, and of the Lords Power, Worth, and Dignity, that it is not possible for them to receive any praise which they should not presently make pass to their Cre∣ator.

The Virgin Mary, as she surpasseth all in being exalted to the superexcellent dignity of the Mother-hood of God, so she exceeds them all in the perfect discovery of her own baseness, and the Lords dreadful greatness. Page  136 This supernatural ray of divine light witholds her from arrogating to her self any the least parcel of the incomparable Enconiums, or exaggerated praise, which all learned and pi∣ous ages have bequeathed unto us, as lively testimonies of the desire they had to honour her. And no man did ever fear, that any of them should stick by her, who with humble gratitude makes them all stream to increase the Honour, Praise and Glory of God the Fountain.

Because I have mentioned the Virgin Mary, and because this Treatise may come into the hands of some that have been brought up with a mean conceit of her; I will briefly lay down some Motives, drawn out of the Bible, upon which the Religion of Christ re∣lies, when it attributes honour to her.