The duty of children to parents.
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A Wise (that is, a Godly) Son [or Daughter.]

  • A Wise Son maketh a glad Father.
  • A Wise Son heareth his Father's Instructions.
  • He that regardeth Reproof is Prudent.
  • The Lips of the Righteous know what is acceptable.
  • The Wise in Heart will receive Commandments.
  • The Tongue of the Wise useth knowledg aright.
  • He that walks with Wise Men shall be Wise.
  • The Lips of the Wise shall preserve them.
  • Wise-Men lay up Knowledg.
  • A Wise Daughter shall bring an Inheritance to her Husband.
  • Whoso honoureth his Father, maketh an atonement for his Sins, Ecclus. 3.3.
  • He that honoureth his Mother, is as one that layeth up trea∣sure, Ecclus. 3.4.
  • He that feareth the Lord, will honour his Father, and will do service unto his Parents, as to his Masters, Ecclus. 3.7.
  • Whoso honours his Father, shall have joy of his own Chil∣dren; and when he makes his Prayer he shall be heard, Ecclus. 3.5.

[illustration] [stern minister admonishing subservient children]
Come ye Children and harken unto me and I Will teach you the fear of ye of ye Lord
Ps. ye: 34: 11:

A Foolish (that is, a Wicked) Son [or Daughter.]

  • A Foolish Son is the heaviness of his Mother, Prov. 10.1.
  • A Foolish Man Despiseth his Mother, Prov. 15.20.
  • A Scorner heareth not Rebuke, Prov. 13.1.
  • A Fool despiseth his Father's Instructions, Prov. 15.5.
  • The Mouth of the Wicked speaketh frowardness, Prov. 10.20.
  • A prating Fool shall fall, Prov. 10.8.
  • The Mouth of Fools pours out foolishness, Prov. 15.2.
  • A Companion of Fools shall be destroyed, Prov. 13.20.
  • The Mouth of the Foolish is a rod of pride, Prov. 14.2.
  • The Mouth of the Foolish is near Destruction, Prov. 10.14.
  • She that lives dishonestly is her Fathers heaviness, Ecclus. 22.4.
  • He that forsaketh his Father, is as a blasphemer, and he that angreth his Mother is Cursed of God, Ecclus. 3.16.
  • A Stubborn heart shall fare evil at the last.
  • An Obstinate heart shall be laden with sorrows, and the Wick∣ed Man shall heap Sin upon Sin, Ecclus. 3.26, 27.
  • An Evil nurtured Son is the dishonour of his Father that be∣gat him: and a Foolish Daughter is born to his loss, Ecclus. 22.3.

Children ought,

I. TO fear their Parents, ye shall fear every Man his Mother and his Father, Levit. 19.3.

II. To Honour and Reverence their Parents. A Son Honours his Father; If I then be a Father where is mine Honour? Malac. 1.6. Honour thy Father and Mother, that thy days may be long in the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, Exod. 20.12. Honour thy Father and Mother, (which is the First Com∣mandment with promise, that it may be well with thee, and thou mayst live long on the Earth, Eph. 6.2, 3. Ecclus. 3. And Rachel said unto her Father, Let it not displease my Lord, that I cannot rise up before thee, Gen. 31.35.

III. To Relieve and Succour their Parents: And Joseph nourished his Father, with Bread, Gen. 47.12. God Commanded, saying, Honour thy Father and Mother, and he that curseth Father or Mother, let him dye the Death: But ye say, whosoever shall say to his Father or Mother, it is a Gift, whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me, and Honour not his Father or Mother, he shall be free, Matth. 15.4, 5, 6. Honour thy Father with thy whole Heart, and forget not the sorrows of thy Mother. Remember that thou wast begat of them, and how canst thou recompense them the things that they have done for thee, Ecclus. 7.27, 28. If any Widow have Children or Nephews, let them learn first to shew piety at home, and Requite their Parents, for that is good and acceptable before God, 1 Tim. 5.4.

IV. To obey their Parents Instructions. Hear ye Children the Instruction of a Fa∣ther. Prov. 4.1. My Son give me thine Heart, and let thine Eyes observe my ways, Prov. 23.26. Hear thou my Son, and be Wise, and guide thine Heart in the way. Hearken unto thy Father that begat thee, and despise not thy Mother when she is old, Prov. 23.19, 22 My Son, hear the Instruction of thy Father, and forsake not the Law of thy Mother, Prov. 1.8. My Son keep thy Father's Commandments, and forsake not the Law of thy Mother. Prov. 6.20. Children obey your Parents in all things, Col. 3.20. Children obey your Parents in the Lord, for this is right. Eph. 6.1. A certain man had two Sons; and he came to the First, and said, Son, go work to day in my Vinyard. He answerd and said, I will not: But afterward he repented and went. And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, Sir; and went not. Whether of them twain did the will of his Fa∣ther? They say unto him the first, St. Math. 21.28, 29, 30. And Jesus, went down with his Parents, and came to Nazareth, and was Subject unto them, St. Luke, 2.51. Tho he [Christ] were a Son, yet he learnt Obedience by the things which he suffered, Heb. 5.8.

V. To Submit to the Correction of their Parents. We have had Fathers of our flesh, who Corrected us, and we gave them reverence. Heb. 12.9. He that refuseth Cor∣rection despiseth his own Soul, Prov. 15.2. But he that heareth reproof getteth un∣derstanding.

VI. To follow the advice of their Parents in Marrying. And Isaac called Jacob, and said unto him, Thou shall not take of the Daughters of Canaan. Arise go to Pa∣dan-Aram, to the house of Bethuel thy Mother's Father, and take thee a Wife from thence; and Jacob obeyed his Father and his Mother, Gen. 21.1, 2, 7.

VII. To follow the advice of Guardians. Esther did the Commandment of Mordecai; brought up Hadassah (that is, Esther) his Uncle's Daughter, for she had neither Father nor Mother, Esther, 2.

Children ought not,

I. TO Curse their Parents. Every one that Curseth his Father, or his Mother, shall be surely put to Death: He that Curseth his Father, or his Mother, his Blood shall be upon him, Exod. 21.17. Levit. 20.9. Who so Curseth his Father, or his Mother, his Lamp shall be put out in obscure Darkness, Prov. 20.20. He that Curseth Father, or Mother, let him dye the death, St. Matth. 15.4. There is a Generation that Curseth their Father, and doth not Bless their Mo∣ther, Prov. 30.11.

II. To Strike their Parents. He that Smiteth his Father, or his Mother, shall be surely put to Death, Exod. 21.15.

III. To Rob their Parents. Who so Robbeth his Father, or his Mother, and saith it is no Transgression; the same is a Companion of a Destroyer, Prov. 28.24.

IV. To Despise and Deride their Parents. Despise not thy Mother when she is Old, Prov. 23.22. A Fool despiseth his Father's Instructions, Prov. 15.5. The Eye that Mocketh at his Father, and Despiseth to obey his Mother; the Ravens of the Valley shall pick it out, and the young Eagles shall Eat it, Prov. 30.17. In thee [Jerusalem] have they set light by Father and Mother, Ezech. 22.7. Curs∣ed is he that setteth light by his Father, Deut. 27.16. Glory not in the Dishon∣our of thy Father; for thy Father's Dishonour is no Glory to thee, Ecclus. 3.10. A foolish Son Despiseth his Mother, Prov. 15.20. And Ham the Father of Ca∣naan, saw the Nakedness of his Father, [Noah] and told his two Brethren, and Noah said, Cursed be Canaan: a Servant of Servants, shall he be to his Brethren, Gen. 9.22, 25.

V. To be Disobedient to Parents, God gave them over to a reprobate Mind, &c. — To be Disobedient to Parents, Rom. 1.28, 30. For Men shall be — Diso∣bedient to Parents in the last times, 2 Tim. 3.2. If one Man Sin against another, the Judg shall Judg him: But if a Man Sin against the Lord, who shall intreat for him? Notwithstanding they [Hophni and Phinehas] hearkned not unto the Voice of their Father; because the Lord would slay them, 1 Sam. 2.25. If a Man have a Stubborn and Rebellious Son, who will not Obey the Voice of his Fa∣ther, or the Voice of his Mother, and yet when they have Chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his Father and his Mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the Elders of his City, and unto the Gate of his place; and they shall say unto the Elders of his City, this our Son is Stubborn and Rebellious, he will not Obey our Voice: He is a Glutton and a Drunkard. And all the Men of the City shall Stone him with Stones, that he dye, Deut. 21.18, 19, 20.

VI. To Marry without the Parents Consent. And Esau was 40 Years Old when he took to Wife Judith, the Daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bathshemah the Daughter of Elon the Hittite; which were a Grief of Mind unto Isaac and to Re∣beccah, Gen. 26.24, 25. If a Woman Vow a Vow unto the Lord, and bind herself by a Bond, being in her Father's House in her youth — and her Father disallow her in the day that he heareth; not any of her Vows, or of her Bonds, wherewith she had bound her Soul, shall stand: and the Lord shall forgive her, because her Father disallowed her, Numb. 30.3, 5.

VII. To Disrespect Guardians, for they are in the place, of Parents.

Reward of Obedience.

HOnour thy Father and thy Mother both in word and deed, that a Blessing may come upon thee from them, Ecclus. 3.8. My Son if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my Commandments with thee, Then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledg of God, Prov. 2.1, 5. Honour thy Father and Mother, that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the Earth, Eph. 6.2, 3. Exo. 20.12.

Punishment of Disobedient.

1. HIs Blood shall be upon him, Lev. 20.9.

2. His Lamp shall be put out in obscure Darkness, Prov. 2.2.

3. He shall surely be put to Death, Exod. 21.17. Mat. 15.4.

4. He shall be stoned that he dye, Deut. 21.21.

5. The Ravens of the Vally shall pick out his Eyes, and the young Eagles Eat them, Prov. 30.17.

6. He shall die the death, St. Matth. 15.4.


O Lord God! Heavenly Father, from whom every good and perfect Gift cometh, pour into my Heart such unfeigned Affection to my Father and Mother, [or Tutors and Guar∣dians] that I may ever Love, Fear and Honour them, that I may Support, Cherish and Succour them in all their Wants; that I may willingly submit to all their Chastise∣ments and Corrections; that I may diligently observe all their good Instructions, and cheerfully perform all their Lawful Commands, for his sake, who was Subject to his Parents here on Earth, and Obedient to thee, his and our Father which art in Heaven, even Jesus Christ thy only Son, our Saviour and Redeemer, Amen.