A very proper treatise, wherein is breefely set forth the art of limming whiche teacheth the order in drawing & tracing of letters, vinets, flowers, armes, and imagery, and the maner how to make sundrye syses or groundes to lay siluer or golde vpon, and how siluer or golde shall be layed or limmed vpon the syse, and the waye to temper golde and siluer and other mettals and diuerse kyndes of colours to write or to limme withall vppon velym, parchment or paper, and how to lay them vppon the worke which thou entendest to make, and how to vernishe it when thou hast done, with diuerse other thinges verye meete and necessary to be knowne to all such gentlemen, and other persons as do delight in limming, paynting, or in tricking of armes in their coulors, and therfore a worke very meete to be adioyned to the bookes of armes.
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To temper Vertgreace, called Spanish greene.

TAke Vertgrease well cleansed, and picked frō drosse & * motes, & grind it on a painters stone first drye, and put therto a little of the gal of a Neat, and of the iuyce of rue, with a litle saffron, and bray all these together on yt same stone, thē put it into a horn or shel vntil it be dry. And whē you will occupy it, take part thereof and grinde it againe with Viniger or Vergis, or with the pisse of a yong child, euery of them hauing gumme Arabic dissolued in them.

His false colour two parts, good greene, and the third of * Cerius, and sadded with a good greene, and Diaper ouer it with Venis Cerius.