Meditations vppon the mysteries of our holy faith with the practise of mental praier touching the same composed in Spanish by the R.F. Luys de la Puente ... ; and translated into English by F. Rich. Gibbons ...
Puente, Luis de la, 1554-1624., Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632.

The first Pointe.

LVxurie is a disordinate appetite of sensuall pleasures, * contrary to the order that God hath appointed therein. In this vice wee may sinne, first, by thought, consenting with the will to committe this sinne, or taking pleasure to thinke vpon disho∣nest things, with that delectation called by the schoolemen Morosa, detaining our selues volunta∣rily in this delight, or weakely resisting it, or not remoouing the occasion from whence it ariseth.

2 Secondly wee may sinne by worde, speaking fil∣thy things; by the eare, delighting to heare them, or to heare musicke, and dishonest songs: by the eye, be∣holding things that prouoke to dishonestye, or see∣ing such like representations, or reading bookes that treate of such things: by the smell, and taste, smelling, or eating, and drinking things that pro∣uoke to Luxurie, hauing in all, this sensuall delight for the ende.

3 Thirdly, wee sinne by the acte committed many waies. If by ones selfe alone, it is pollution: if with a single woman, it is fornication: if with a married woman, adultery: if with a virgin, deflowring: If with a kinswomā, Incest: if with a religious womā, or contrarye to the vowe of chastitie, it is sacri∣ledge: if with one of the same sexe, it is sodomye: if with a beaste, beastly brutishnesse: Touching by ones selfe, or by others for the same ende of delight, are reduced to the sinne of the acte consummated. In this pointe wee are not in praier to make much pause, reckoning the particular circumstances of these sinnes, least they should bee an occasion of Page  245newe Temptations, and therefor they are rather to bee beewailed, then thought vpon, saying: * VVretch that I am, my life is so bestiall, and filthye that I am ashamed to consider it, & afraide to looke backe on it, leaste I should a newe bee infected with the euill odour thereof. Looke, on it, o my God with thy eyes of mercye, that from my eyes may issue fountai∣nes of Teares, wherewith I may purifie myselfe from so greate vncleannes.