Meditations vppon the mysteries of our holy faith with the practise of mental praier touching the same composed in Spanish by the R.F. Luys de la Puente ... ; and translated into English by F. Rich. Gibbons ...
Puente, Luis de la, 1554-1624., Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632.

Of the examination of Praier, and of the fruites that may bee drawne from thence. §. 8.

PRayer being ended it is ëxceeding proffi∣table to examine what hath passed vs the∣rein: and albeit this examination ought to bee made after any worke, or exercize whatsoeuer of Vocall Praier, whither it bee Diuine offices, the Rosarye, or the Masse; yet particularly it ought to bee donne after retired Mentall Praier, wherein a man hath spent one, or more houres.

1. First, I am to examine whither I haue obser∣ued the aduertisements of those things that are precedent to Praier: as whither I premeditated the matter of the meditation; whither I put my∣selfe Page  44well in the presence of God: whither I of∣fered vnto him this Action in Spirit, and what puritye of Intention I had therein, with such like: being very sorrowfull for any defect that I shall finde, and purposing from that time for∣warde to amende it.

2. Secondly, I am to examine whither I were attentiue, or distracted: whither deuoute, or drye: whither I contented myselfe with discour∣sing onely (for that were no Praier, but studye) or whither I had good affections, and purposes: whither I begged of God, and spake vnto him in my Colloquies with reuerence, and confidence, or without it. And if I finde that it hath gonne well with mee in all. I will giue thankes to God for it, attributing this good successe not to my diligence, but to his grace, and mercye. But if I finde that it hath gonne ill with mee, I will examine the cause whither it were any fault of mine, or any passion, or disordered Affection, or any negligence, or remissenesse: and being sorrie for my fault I will purpose to amende with determination to mortify my selfe, and to remooue away the cause of this harme.

3. Thirdly, I am to examine the motions, and Inspirations, or Illuminations, and spirituall Taste that I haue felt, marking well what effectes they haue wrought in mee, to knowe whither they spring from a good Spirit, or not, and to gaine experience that may helpe mee to knowe the Variety of Spirits. To which ende it will helpe much to knowe the rules that are prescribed for this, of which wee shall set downe many in the discourse of these meditations.

4. Fourthly, I am to examine the Resolutions that I made in Praier, to see when, and how I am to put them in execution: and generally, I am to Page  45examine what fruite I drawe from Praier, and Conuersation with God: for if my Praier bee a Tree without fruite, * it will bee cursed like the figtree, and presently wither: but if it beare fruite, it shallbee blessed, and growe vp like a Tree planted nigh to the streames of waters. * The fruites of Praier are these; To reforme man∣ners, to withdraw vs from Sinnes bee they neuer so light, to auoyde the occasions of them, and of all Imperfection; to subdue Passions, to curbe the Senses, to mortifye sinister Inclinations, to vanquish the repugnancies, and difficulties that I finde in Vertues; to fight valiauntly against Temptations: to animate myselfe to suffer much Affliction with alacritye: to incourage myselfe to fullfill readily the will of God declared in his holy Lawe, in the Euangelicall Counsells, and in the rules, and Orders of my estate, and office. To procure also the augmentation or in∣crease of Vertues, imitating those of Christe IESVS our Lorde, especially his Charitye, and Humillitye; his Obedience, and Patience in Af∣flictions: his Loue of the Crosse, and of Con∣tempt, and of Chastizing the fleshe. And par∣ticularly euery one is to procure to haue that Vertue that hee hath most neede of, according to the quallitye of his Estate, whither it bee Modestye, or Chastitye, or Fortitude, or any other of the Theologall, or Morall Vertues with a most effectual resolution and purpose, as shall be set downe in the 29. meditation of the first part. And when I shall make an exami∣nation of Praier, I must make good Triall, whi∣ther I haue drawne out any of these fruites in the manner aforesaide.