Meditations vppon the mysteries of our holy faith with the practise of mental praier touching the same composed in Spanish by the R.F. Luys de la Puente ... ; and translated into English by F. Rich. Gibbons ...
Puente, Luis de la, 1554-1624., Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632.

The fourth Pointe.

FOurthly, I am to consider, * how the time beeing come, wherein God would make himselfe man; to laye the first Stone of this buil∣ding, hee created the B. Virgin that was to bee his mother: and in the very instant of her Con∣ception, hee communicated vnto her most ex∣cellent Graces, and singular Priuiledges, as was meete for such a Sonne, to giue vnto his Mother, hauing chosen her thorough his owne Will, and thorough his greate Charitye, and beeing most Riche, and Potent to inriche her with the Treasures of his Grace. These Priuiledges wee will reduce vnto foure, pondering breifely some Reasons thereof, and in what manner wee may participate of them.

The first Priuiledge hee graunted her, [ 1] was to preserue her from Originall Sinne, into which by beeing the daughter of Adam shee was to fall, sanctifying her Soule in the first instant of her Creation, when hee joyned it to the bodye. So that like as God our Lord at one instant gaue to the Sun Beeing, and Light, and to the Angells, and to our first Parents Adam, and Eua, hee gaue jointely nature, and Grace: So in one, and the same instant, hee created, and sanctifyed the Soule of the B. Virgin, electing it as the Sun, that it might not bee touched by the darkenesse of Sinne. The reason heereof (beside what hath beene saide in the precedent Pointe, was for that our Sauiour Christ came into the Worlde, Page  38to redeeme men, and to free them from all Sinne, especially from Originall. The which hee might doe in two sortes: either by drawing them out of Sinne, after they were fallen into it: or by pre∣seruing them from falling into it. And this second manner is much more excellent: for in it is most resplendent the Omnipotencye, and Mercye of the Redeemer, * because, (as before hath beene saide) as there is no greater miserye then the foule staine of Sinne: so there is no greater mer∣cye then so to preserue vs from Sinne, that it may not touche vs so much as for an instant. From hence it is, that for the Glorye of the Redeemer, and of his Redemption, it was very conuenient to vse this mercye towardes her, that was to bee his mother, redeeming her with the best manner of Redemption, that was possible: preseruing her from the Infamye, and Miserye of Originall Sinne, at such time as shee was to fall into it; honoring, and beautifying her with his Grace, that the mother might bee like vnto the Sonne in Puritye, they beeing both conceiued without Sinne: hee by Right, and shee by Pri∣uiledge: hee as the Redeemer of the Worlde, and shee as his Coadjutrice in the worke of the Redemption.

O Sonne of the liuing God, * that beeing borne of the Virgin becamest man, to make a glorious Churche without spot, or wrinkle, or any other imperfection. I render vnto thee all the thankes that I can, for that it was thy good pleasure, that thy blessed Mother, by speciall Grace should enjoye euen from her Conception, that puritye from Sinne, that the rest of the Elected obtaine in Glorye. O most Glorious mother, I rejoice at the Puritye wherewith thou entredst into the Worlde, bright shining with the Light of Grace, as Page  39entred thy Sonne, the Sun of Iustice. Well mayest thou say in this first entrance, as hee saide in his: * That thou art readye to accomplish the Will of God, and that in the middest of thy Hearte is imprinted his Lawe, which is, His Grace, and his Charitye. And seeing my Redeemer graunted thee this fauour, that thou mightest assist him in his Office; beseeche him to applye vnto mee his Redemption with Excellencye, pardoning mee my Sinnes committed, and preseruing mee from those I am likely to committe, with so greate an horrour of Sinnes, that I may not continue in them so much as a moment.

And this is the principall fruite that I am to collect from this consideration, beholding this spot-lesse Mirrour the most sacred Virgin, * to imitate her Puritye with the greatest perfection that possibly I may, remembring what God saide to his People: Bee perfect, * and immaculate in my Presence.

[ 2] The second Priuiledge was to take from her Fomes Peccati, the Roote, Seede, and Foode of Sinne, which is, the Rebelliō of the Fleshe against the Spirit, and of Sensuallity against Reason: that the house of her Soule with all the inhabitants thereof, which are the Faculties, might haue perpetuall Peace, and Concord, for that it was to bee the Habitation of the Prince of Peace, whose Dwelling place (saithe Dauid) is in Peace itselfe. * So that this blessed Ladye neuer felt that inte∣riour Warre, which all wee feele, and mourne for: for her flesh lusted not against the Spirit, * nor the Spirit founde any Difficulty in gouerning the fleshe: * the Lawe of the Appetites contradicted not the Lawe of Reason; neither did Reason labour to subdue the Passions of the Appetites; nay rather with greate pleasure they were vnited, Page  40and accorded in subjecting themselues to the eternall Lawe of their God.

O Princesse of Peace, * much good may it doe thee, the interiour Peace that thou enjoyedst, without hauing past thorough any Conflict, or Warre: obtaine for mee most B. Ladye, that the interiour Warre which I suffer, may bee moderated, to the ende that I may some what enjoy the sweetenesse of thy Peace.

The third Priuiledge was after a most singular manner to confirme her in Grace, [ 3] so that in all the time of her Life, shee should neuer sinne actually, neither in Deede, nor in Worde, nor so much as in Thought; our Lord assisting her in all her Workes with particular Prouidence, that they might all bee (as S. * Paul saieth of the Churche) Workes glorious, and pure, in the three Degrees of Puritye: that is; without spot of mor∣tall Sinne, without wrinckle of Veniall Sinne, & without any Imperfection at all: shee leauing not only Euill, but also Imperfect, & lesse good, choo∣sing all waies what shee helde for Best, & imprin∣ting in euery worke the glorious Purity, that is in the Triumphāt Church. This manner of Purity, in that degree that it is possible for mee, I am to pro¦cure, & to aske it of our Lord, saying vnto him:

O eternall God, that didst sanctifye the Tabernacle of thy Mother, * assisting immutably in the middest of her, & euery day rising very earely to aide her in all her Workes: sanctifye also my Soule, assist her perpetually; & arize earely, preuenting mee with thy Grace, that my VVorkes may bee pure, without spot, or wrinckle, or any thing else that may bee displeasing vnto thee. Amen

The fourth Priuiledge, [ 4] was to replenish her in that instant with Grace, and Charitye, & with the other Vertues, & Giftes of the Holy Ghost with such Plentye, & Aboundance, that shee exceeded the Angells, & Seraphins of heauen, to the end shee Page  41might bee the worthy Mother of God, & Queene of the Angelicall Hierarchyes, * making her so much better, & holyer then they, as the name was better which hee intended to giue her of his mother, then that which they had of Seruantes, and mini∣sters in his house: so that this sacred Virgin began her Carreere where the Angells ended theirs: & beeing on earthe had greater Degrees of Sancti∣tye, then those which liued in heauen (excepting that which is proper to that estate) fullfilling in her, that which the Prophet Dauid sayeth of the Citty of God, * That her foundations were vpon the high mountaines: for the beginnings of her Life were higher raised in Sanctitye, then the hi∣ghest height that euer the greatest Sainctes of the Church arriued vnto. O what contēt receiued the most B. Trinitye in beholding the excellencye of this Childe. The eternall Father rejoiced in hauing such a daughter. The Sonne of God was exceed in∣gly pleased, to see her so beautifull that was to bee his mother. And the Holy Spirit was full of Ioye, to haue such a Spouse: And all Three entred in her by grace, & dwelled in her with high Delight.

O Angells of Heauen that adored afterwardes the Son∣ne of God, when hee entred into the VVorlde; * come now at this instant to reuerence her that is to bee his Mo∣ther, & your Queene! O Queene of Angells, I now salute thee in the VVombe of thy Mother, * with those VVordes which shall after bee spoken vnto thee by the Angell S. Gabriell: Haile, full of Grace, our Lord is with thee: Blessed art thou among VVomen: for in the first instant of thy Conception, thou foundest Grace before God aboue them all. Beseeche him, B. Ladye, to purifye my Spirit, to bridle my fleshe, to moderate my Passions, & to replenish mee with his Grace, that I may begin to serue him with greate feruour, and perseuerance, vntill I obtaine the Crowne of Glorye. Amen.