Meditations vppon the mysteries of our holy faith with the practise of mental praier touching the same composed in Spanish by the R.F. Luys de la Puente ... ; and translated into English by F. Rich. Gibbons ...
Puente, Luis de la, 1554-1624., Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632.

The first Pointe.

FIrst, is to be considered how on the eigth day after the natiuitye, the blessed VIRGIN, and S. Ioseph determined to circumcize the childe in accomplishment of the Lawe, * with Imposed vpon the Parents a precept thereof: vpon which I am to ponder. [ 1] First, the obedience of the VIRGIN, and of S. Ioseph, which was very puntuall, and prompt to accomplish this precept, though they knewe that the execution thereof would bee very dolorous, and painefull to the Childe, whome they so much loued: yet the will of God was to bee prefered before all: which the blessed VIRGIN esteemed so much, that if neede had beene, she herselfe like another Se hora, would haue taken the knife, * and would haue circumcized the Childe: some say that she herselfe did circumcize him: some others that S. Ioseph did it: but howsoeuer, certaine it is, they were prepared to put in execution, what∣soeuer they should esteeme to be most agreable to the Will of almighty God.

Secondly I will ponder the Charitye, [ 2] and De∣uotion of the blessed VIRGIN, who doubtlesse would be present at this spectacle: both to cherishe her Sonne, & to cure him his Wounde, being one whome she so much loued: as also to gather vp the most precious bloud that he Page  196there shed, and to keepe that litle peece of fleshe that was cut of: for she knewe it to be the blood of God, and to be of infinite value. O with what deuotion did she kisse it with her mouthe, and keepe it in her brest! O what Loue∣acts vsed she with that precious blood! and how did she beseeche the eternall Father that for it hee would pardon the Worlde, beseeching him, if it were possible, he would content himselfe with this alone it beeing so Infinitely worthe! She likewise directed her speeches to the holy Ghoste, whose spouse she was; saying vnto him, as Sephora saide to Moyses being in an Inne with her Sonne: * O most holy Ghoste, though thou art to me a Spouse of blood, desiring that the blood of my Sonne should bee shed, bathing therewith his sacred feete, yet for all this, I will not leaue thee, as Sephora left Moyses, for I esteeme more thy Will, then my owne, though it were needefull to shed my owne blood to fullfill it. [ 3] On the other side the blessed VIRGIN was transperced with Com∣passion, and Dolour for the suffering of her Sonne: She wept with him to see him weepe, and for the cause for which he wept, saying: O ori∣ginall Sinne, how deare doest thou cost my Sonne! O Sinne of the terrestriall Adam, how bitter art thou to this caelestiall Adam!

O most B. * VIRGIN, that I might accompanye thee in this Lamentation, bewailing my Sinnes, to obtaine the remedye of them, by the Vertue of the precious blood of thy Sonne.