Meditations vppon the mysteries of our holy faith with the practise of mental praier touching the same composed in Spanish by the R.F. Luys de la Puente ... ; and translated into English by F. Rich. Gibbons ...
Puente, Luis de la, 1554-1624., Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632.

The first Pointe.

FOr the foundation of this Meditation, * I am to consider the greate Sanctitye of S. Ioseth, and the Vertues, and Graces graunted him by our Lord, for being the worthye Spouse of his mother, and his worthy Foster-father, so that he should be helde for his Father, * and was so indeede, as concerning the office of educating, and sustaining him. For as our Lord filled with grace, and with the holy Spirit, the Baptist, and the Apostles with that abundance that was conuenient to exercize worthily the Offices that he incharged them: so also would he replenish S. Ioseph with most excellent giftes, and graces, with the which he might fullfill those ministeries that he recommended vnto him, and he so skillfully negotiated with the giftes receiued, that euery daye he encreased them, and was therefore called Ioseph, * which is to say, Accrescens, Encreasing, or he that en∣creaseth.

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First, [ 2] he encreased his Sanctitye aboue all the Sainctes that had preceded him: for he had greater Faithe, and Obedience then Abraham: more Patience in Afflictions then Iacob: more Chastitye then his Sonne Ioseph: more familiar Conuersation with God then Moyses: more Cha∣ritye towardes the People the amuel: and more Humillitye, and Meekenesse then Dauid. In these, and other Vertues he was resplendent, and daily augmented them, that being fullfilled in him, that was spoken by the Prophet Dauid: Blessed is the man whose helpe is from thee; * for with thy fauour hee hath disposed ascensions in his Hearte, ascending from one Vertue to another, vntill he see the God, of Gods in Sion.

Especially this happy Sainct increased moun∣ting that spirituall Ladder, [ 2] which (as we haue saide) his Spouse did ascende, by whose example he was ayded, these two Seraphins prouoking one another to flye with their wings, and to glorifye the Holye of Holyes in their Praier. * And to doe this with more libertye of Spirit, by Inspiration of the holy Ghost, he chose to obserue perpe∣tuall Chastity, * which (as S. Paul sayeth remoueth the impediments of Praier: and therein he proceeded so farre, that by speciall fauour he felt no euill motion, though he conuersed with a Virgin exceeding beautifull, but withall so admirably chaste, that meerely to beholde her, inflamed one with desier of Chastitye. And in this very Action, he discouered his greate Loue to allmighty God, for whose sake he renounced the pleasures of matrimonye, accepting the burthen of that estate, without the delightes thereof. With these Vertues he joyned other, whereof wee shall by and by speake, in the Page  151which I am to endeuour to imitate him, besee∣ching him to be my aduocate vnto his Spouse, & Christ IESVS our Sauiour; for doubtlesse he may preuaile much with them both, for the great seruices that he did them.

O glorious Patriarch, * whose beautye the Hierar∣chies of Heaue doe admire, beseeche the Desired of the eternall Hilles, who powred forth vpon thy Heade his copious benediction, that he will likewise powre it forth vpon mine, that in imitation of thee I may encrease in good workes, and augment in Vertues, perseuering with Constancye to the gaining of the euerlasting Crowne. Amen.