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Title:  The harmonie of the lawe and the gospel Wherin is plainly shewed, that howsoeuer they differ in time and some other circumstances, yet in substance they are one & the same. And by waie of application, the pretended antiquitie of Poperie is discouered, and found to be a meere nouelty: deliuered in a sermon at Pauls-crosse, the 9. of Aug. 1607. by George Cresvvell, minister of Gods word.
Author: Creswell, George.
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cloake is the Popish Masse. The cloath whereof it was made, was the Sup∣per of the Lord: which, men not celebra∣ting according to the institution of Christ, waxed olde, lost it colour, being nothing worth. Then commeth one and casteth a peece vnto it: afterwarde, comes another and casteth vnto it, &c. So that now it is not the Supper of the Lord, but the masse of the Pope: now it is not the robe of an honourable man, but the cloak of a shame∣lesse begger. In conclusion, their Masse is their Helen, for whom they trouble the whole world.What wee haue spoken of all the afore∣said popish trumperies, the like may also bee saide of the Inuocation of Saints: Inuoca∣tion of Saints. which they can prooue by no testimonie nor example of the scripture. For, by the scripture wee are taught to inuocate one God, through the onely Mediator Christ Iesus: neither hath any one of the Saints either of the olde or newe Testament, be∣ing aliue, prayed vnto any of the Saints in heauē. Now the Leyturgie (which Duran∣dus makes to be twofolde: to wit, the ma∣ior & the minor) is also confessed to be in∣stituted by men: the one by Mamertus vn∣der 0