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Title:  Foure godlie and profitable sermons preached by Maister Thomas Carevv, the first against popery or false religion. Mathew .16.18 ...
Author: Carew, Thomas, Preacher.
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Marcus, Aristarcus, and Iustus, that they onely were his workefellowes vnto the kingdome of God: which2. Tim. 4. 16 could not haue beene said, if Peter had beene there. In Pauls second E∣pistle that he writes to Timothy from Rome, he saith at my first answering all men forsooke me: if Peter hadPhilem 9. beene there would he not haue assist∣ed Paul but forsaken him?You se i all the story of the scrip∣ture vnto this time of Paules death, who in his epistle to Philemō written also from Rome saith, he was Paul aged: there is noe proofe nor proba∣bilitie but great vnlikelyhood that Peter was at Rome.Now seeing all the religion of popery hanges vpon Peters being at Rome, this at least had neede bee cleerely and euidently proued by the Scripture, or else he is a foole that wil be a papist. But if Peter had beene t Rome, what is that to the Pope?0