The rule of saynt Augustyne, bothe in latyn and englysshe, with two exposicyons. And also the same rule agayn onely in englysshe without latyn or exposicyon The tra[n]slatour doth aduyse [and] cou[n]seyll all the disciples of this rule to bere alway one of these bokes upo[n] them syth they ben so portatyue, [and] may be had for so small a pryce.
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo., Hugh, of Saint-Victor, 1096?-1141., Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555?

Saynt Hugh.

¶ Than done we lyue togyder agreably / and in con∣corde Page  xvij / whan we haue in our lorde one mynde and one wyll. For so is wryten of the chirche of Chryst / in the fyrst begynnynge therof.* Erat eis cor vnum / et ani∣ma vna in domino. They had one herte / and one wyll in our lorde.* In that he sayth in the lettre vnanimi∣ter / that is / that we sholde lyue togyder / and be all of one mynde / that apperteyneth vnto the wyll. And where he sayth concorditer / that is / agreably and in concorde / that apperteyneth vnto religyous maners / condicyons & behauyour.* This than is ye ryght ordre of lyuynge / fyrst that in a congregacyon there be one wyll / & seconde lyke maners / lyke behauyour. Those persones than yt wyll lyue in relygyou agreably / & in concorde / they must haue one religyous mynde / that is to leue and forsake all euyll maners / all frowarde condicyons / so that they be not out of ordre / ne with∣out discyplyne & religyous behauyour / lest they trou¦ble theyr felowes & company. Than must they wey and consydre all theyr actes & dedes / all theyr speche and wordes / all theyr gesture and behauyour / & gene¦rally all theyr hole lyfe: so that in all they agre and be lyke vnto theyr cōpany. Bycause therfore that many persones / whan they haue lefte ye worlde / wolde lyue in relygyon after theyr owne wyll and mynde / and some also in theyr actes and dedes wolde take syngu¦ler wayes / and haue appetyte to seme precyse aboue other. Therfore sayth the rule. Oēs vnanimiter.* &c. as before / whiche texte with the text also before / this holy saynt expowneth agayne of newe. Wherin ye may note good chrystyanes the grete zele and chari∣te of this holy saynt / * and other olde auctoures that gaue suche dylygence and laboure / to haue the rule Page  [unnumbered] knowen clerely / & therafter kepte. A grete dyfference bytwene them in the olde tyme that kepte the rule / & them of whome I spake of vnto you in our preface / ye done hyde & kepe the rule from ye discyples of ye same. Syth than this saynt was soo dylygent / it shall no thynge greue vs to shewe agayne his mynde / and to premytte agayne the very lettre. So it wery not you to rede it agayne / & study well ye same.* Nec extollan∣tur / si cōmuni vite aliquid de suis facultatibus cōtu∣lerint: nec de suis diuitijs magis superbiāt quia eas monasterio parciunt: {quam} si eis in sco fruerētur. That is (as we sayd before) And yf they gaue or brought ony of theyr goodes vnto the cōmune lyuynge / let not them take ye more vpon them therfore / ne loke to haue preemynence or rule / or ye more to be set by / nor yet to wexe proude ne {pre}sume of theyr rychesse / bycause they gaue them vnto ye monastery / more thā yf they had in ye worlde enioyed & vsed them at theyr owne pleasure.