The rule of saynt Augustyne, bothe in latyn and englysshe, with two exposicyons. And also the same rule agayn onely in englysshe without latyn or exposicyon The tra[n]slatour doth aduyse [and] cou[n]seyll all the disciples of this rule to bere alway one of these bokes upo[n] them syth they ben so portatyue, [and] may be had for so small a pryce.
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo., Hugh, of Saint-Victor, 1096?-1141., Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555?

Saynt Hugh.

Be they neuer so poore in ye worlde without / yet haue they within the monastery / that (for our lorde) they may forsake / that is / the appetyte / wyll & desyre / ony thynge to haue. Scripture therfore commaundeth.* Non concupisces. That is / that we shall no thynge coueyte ne desyre. For our lorde regardeth more the af∣fecte & desyre of the herte / than the goodes. So sayth he be the wyse man. Fili / da mihi cor tuum.* Chylde (sayth he) gyue me onely thy herte & good wyll / & that suffyseth me. Whiche truly can not be / excepte the car¦nall appetyte be fyrst put awaye & quenched. For the flesshe & the spiryte can not dwell bothe togyder in one herte. Fyrst therfore we ben cōmaūded to leue and for∣sake all that we haue. And seconde to forsake also all yt we myght haue / & neyther to seke ne desyre ony thȳge erthly / that so we than may at more lyberty labour for tho thynges that ben heuenly. And therfore leest suche persones as from ye pouerty of the worlde / haue Page  [unnumbered] come to serue god in the monastery / sholde be despysed and yet haue that were necessary / there foloweth in the rule.* Sed tamen eorū infirmitati quod opus est tribuatur / etiam si pau{per}tas eorū quando foris erant: nec ipsa necessaria poterat inuenire. That is. But not withstandynge / that is necessary or nedefull for them let them haue / all though whan they were abrode / they were so poore / that they coude not gete that was necessary. Here ye may se / that all though saynt Au∣gustyne forbade the poore comers vnto the monaste∣ry / to aske or desyre therin ony superfluyte / yet wolde he they sholde haue that were necessary.