The rule of saynt Augustyne, bothe in latyn and englysshe, with two exposicyons. And also the same rule agayn onely in englysshe without latyn or exposicyon The tra[n]slatour doth aduyse [and] cou[n]seyll all the disciples of this rule to bere alway one of these bokes upo[n] them syth they ben so portatyue, [and] may be had for so small a pryce.
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo., Hugh, of Saint-Victor, 1096?-1141., Whitford, Richard, fl. 1495-1555?

¶ Saynt Hugh.

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¶ To stretche out ye necke is a sygne of pryde. If he∣uen were not a place cōuenyent for ye proude aūgels / how may the monastery be a place cōuenyent for ony proude persone. For though ye place of relygyous per∣sones be holy / the habyte holy / the werkes / exercyses and maner of lyuȳge holy / yet a lytell patche of pryde marreth all togyder / destroyeth all / loseth all / and ma¦keth all without {pro}fyte or meryte / & therfore note well the cōmune prouerbe / pryde hath a fall.* wherfore the prophete prayed vnto our lord.* Non veniat mihi pes su{per}bie. Good lorde (sayth he) let me neuer haue a fote of pryde. An euyll metall is pryde to make a fote of / & therfore the prophete shewed why he axed yt peticyon lest he shold slyppe & fall.* Quia ibi ceciderūt: qui ope∣rant{ur} iniqitatē. For there (sayth he) done they fall that done werke iniquite & synne.* Expulsi sūt / nec potue∣rūt stare. They were euer and euer shall be expelled & put out of all places of pleasure / bycause they had no myght nor power by theyr owne frowardnes to stan¦de & byde in perfeccyon: from heuen the aūgell / & man frō paradyse fell by pryde. Than fye on pryde fye. For therby all ye werkes & exercyses of religyon ben made nought / & clene wtout profyte. And contrary the same werkes & labours what so euer they be / ben by meke¦nes very {pro}fytable & moche merytoryous. For ye meke persones / ben ye scolers of our lorde. Scripture sayth. Docebit mites vias suas.* He wyll teche ye meke per∣sones his wayes. And in an other place. Amittit fon¦tes in cōuallibus. He sendeth out foūtaynes of fresshe water in the valeys / that is to saye / he gyueth grace vnto meke persones. For they lose not theyr good la∣bours / bycause they put not from them the keper and Page  xiij nourysshers of al vertues / that is mekenes.* And for by¦cause (after ye gospell) they syt in ye lowest place / & (af∣ter ye prophete) they chose to be as abiectes in ye hous of our lorde. Therfore doth he exalte them / and make them honourable. So he promysed in ye gospell.* Oīs qui se exaltat: humiliabit. Et qi se humiliat: exaltabit. Euery persone yt exalteth hymselfe / shall be brought lowe. And who yt done make themselfe meke & lowe / shall be exalted. And in an other place.* Almyghty god doth resyst & withstande proude persones. And vnto ye meke he gyueth his grace. And thus an ende of the fyrst chapytre of the rule & the exposicyon therof.
