The ground of the Catholike and Roman religion in the word of God With the antiquity and continuance therof, throughout all kingdomes and ages. Collected out of diuers conferences, discourses and disputes, which M. Patricke Anderson of the Society of Iesus, had at seuerall tymes, with sundry bishops and ministers of Scotland, at his last imprisonment in Edenburgh, for the Catholike faith, in the yeares of our Lord 1620. and 1621. Sent vnto an honorable personage, by the complyer, and prisoner himselfe. The first part, or introduction.
Anderson, Patrick, 1575-1624.

That the Ministers haue corrupted the Bible in sundry places which auow Apostolicall Traditions, wherof Fasting is one. The second Section.

THOVGH the fasting of Lent be not in expresse words in the Bible, as the denyall therof also is not in ex∣presse words: yet it is easie to deduce the same out of the Bible, as before is mentioned: for the which cause it hath bene euer accompted as one of the holy, ancient, and Apo∣stolicall traditions, which are very odious to the Ministers who will no wayes receaue vnwritten traditions, though their religion be no other thing, but a rapsodie of Ministe∣riall traditions.

2. Remarke Catholike reader, that Tradition is no other thing, but a doctrine taught verbally, or by word, and communicated from one to another: for the which Page  109 cause the Scripture in seuerall places commandeth vs to follow the holy and Apostolicall traditions of our forfa∣thers. Now the word Tradition in the new Testamēt is takē two seuerall wayes: first in a bad sense and meaning. 2. in a good sense and meaning, as when we are commanded to follow traditions. When the word Tradition is taken in an euill sense, then the Ministers translate alwayes Tradition, to make all Traditions indifferently odious to the ignorant people: as,(a) Why do yee also transgresse the commandement of God by your tradition? And agayne:(b) Thus haue yee made the commandement of God of no authority by your traditiō Where our Sauiour condēneth traditiōs which are against the expresse word of God. Here then the Ministers do translate Traditiō. But now on the other side whē we are cōmāded to follow & belieue vnwritten traditiōs, thē they turne not the word tradition, but rather ordinances, preachings, instructions, iusti∣tutions, to the end the ignorant people should not find the word tradition taken in a good sense in the Bible. As,(c) Therfore brethren stand fast and keep the* traditions which ye haue bene taught, eyther by word or by our epistle. And agayne:(d) We command you brethren, in the name of our Lord Iesus Chryst, that ye withdraw your selfe from euery brother that walketh inordi∣natly, and not after the Tradition which he receaued of vs. And a∣gayne:(e) Now brethren I command you, that you remember all my things, and keep the traditions as I delyuered them to you. Heer then the Ministers do neuer translate the word tradition, but craftily and deceitfully the word ordinances, and instructions, or any word els rather then tradition, to the end they may make the reader to beleue that we should not follow tra∣ditions. Who would thinke the malice and partiality of the Ministry against traditions, against the word of God, against the Bible to be so great, as to conceale impiously the word tradition, when it is taken in a good sense, and to translate it in other places when it is taken in an euill sense, the Greeke word being one in all those places? Can there be a more impious forme of proceeding? They brag, boast, & preach to the ignorant people and Nobility, that they wil follow nothing but the greeke text, that they Page  110 will translate faithfully the Greeke and Hebrew text: yet in effect they abandon both the one and the other when it pleaseth them. Besides this impious forme of proocee∣ding in not translating faithfully the Greeke text; in other places, they haue craftely put in their Bibles the word tra∣dition when it is not in the Greeke or Syriake, yea in no copy at all of the Greeke and originall text, as:(f) Why, as though yee liued in the world,* are ye burthened with traditions? Where they haue put in the word burthened & the word tra∣ditions, which are no wayes in the Greeke nor in the Latin, where it is, decernitis. Tell vs playnly: Yee protest to haue skill in the Greeke toung and to translate according to the Greeke text, tell vs then whether this Greeke word, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 do signify tradition, and 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 to be burthened with traditions? Name vs any holy Father, ancient wryter, kingdome or nation who euer before the coming of Cal∣uin so impiously did corrupt the Bible, and translate that place as you do? Iustify your translation if you can, eyther out of Fathers or Lexicons, and be ashamed of your igno∣rance and malice. Because ye put the word tradition where it is not in the Greeke, and would not put it in those places before cited where ye know that it is most euidently in the Greeke. Know ye not that the instructions of Plato, or Aristotle cannot be called Traditions, because Traditions do signify and contayne some antiquity and succession of tyme, some vnwritten doctrine proceeding from one to another? Likewyse are ye not ashamed to translate in S. Peters Epistle, thus:(g) Knowing that yee were not redeemed with corruptible things, as siluer and gold, from your vayne conuer∣sation, receaued by the traditions of the Fathers? Yee know that it is not so in the Greeke, but rather thus: From your vayne conuersation delyuered by the Fathers. Neuer a word of tradition. Can there be any saluation for you, or for those that do follow you, who so impiously do corrupt the Bible? feare yee not that horrible sentence pronounced against you, and against those who allowe, reade, and accompt of your corrupted Bible?(h) If any man shall adde vnto these things, God shall adde vnto him the plagues that are written in this Page  111 booke. And againe,(i) Put nothing to his words, least he reproue thee, and thou be found a lyar, And againe:(k) Thou shall put nothing thereto, nor take ought therefrom. In other places translating the same Greeke word, yee make no mention of Traditions, as in S. Luke 1. Chap. Vers. 2. and els where.

3. If any Minister reply, that our vulgar Latin tran∣slation hath here the word Tradition, what is that to the purpose? for you professe and protest to translate faithfully the Greeke, and not our vulgar Latin Edition, so great is your partiality and inconstancy to follow the old Latin translation though it differ from the Greeke; and an o∣ther tyme you will not follow it though it be all one with the Greeke, as in sundry places before alledged. But all this yee do without shame or conscience, only to frame your translations to your Errours and Heresies, deceauing therby those who are ignorant of the Greeke and Hebrew languages, casting them, in following your translations, into the pit of eternall damnation. Yee protest to them to follow the Greeke and Hebrew; is it the Greeke text that induceth you to translate blasphemously ordinances for traditions, traditions for decrees, Ordinances for Iustifications, Elder for Preist, Graue for Hell, Image for Idol? which abho∣minable forme of proceeding, proueth you to be manifest heretiks, and sworne enemyes to the true word of God and Scripture.