The ground of the Catholike and Roman religion in the word of God With the antiquity and continuance therof, throughout all kingdomes and ages. Collected out of diuers conferences, discourses and disputes, which M. Patricke Anderson of the Society of Iesus, had at seuerall tymes, with sundry bishops and ministers of Scotland, at his last imprisonment in Edenburgh, for the Catholike faith, in the yeares of our Lord 1620. and 1621. Sent vnto an honorable personage, by the complyer, and prisoner himselfe. The first part, or introduction.
Anderson, Patrick, 1575-1624.

The tenth Consideration.

How we should discerne and know, which is the visible Church of Christ.

HItherto I haue shewed that no other thing els is, or can be the Rule of Fayth, but the doctrine of Christs Church, which must continue alwayes, and euer be visi∣ble. It resteth that I shew how this true Church shall be discerned and knowen, from false and hereticall compa∣nyes, which falsly vsurpe the title & name of the Church; who notwithstanding do in no wise pertayne to the true Church, being only couered with the name of Christians. The way then to find out this Church is first to set downe, which be the certayne markes whereby the true Church is knowen; next to examine, to what company those marks doe agree.

It is therfore to be noted. First, that a true mark cannot Page  21 be common to many, but must agree only to the thinge whereof it is the marke. Secondly, it must be more euidēt and easy to be knowen, then the thing which it signifieth. Wherfore, when we will assigne some good markes, by which all sorts of men may in some sort discerne which particular company of men is the true Church: we must haue speciall regard to assigne those things which in some manner may be apparent to all sorts of men, since all sorts of men haue need to seeke out, & according to their capaci∣ty discerne which is the true Church. We must also assigne those things, which are known to agree to the true Church at this tyme, and to no other company, but that which is the true Church, to the intent, that a man seeing all those things, which be assigned as markes, to agree to any com∣pany, he may straightwayes conclude, that company to be the true Church: as on the contrary side, if he perceaue ey∣ther all, or any of them to be wanting in any company, he may be sure, that that company is not the true Church.