For the Rickets.
TAke sallet Oyle one pint, Cammomile with the flowers three handfulls, strip it from the stalkes, boyle one handfull first, in the Oyle and take it up, then the second and the third, then put
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TAke sallet Oyle one pint, Cammomile with the flowers three handfulls, strip it from the stalkes, boyle one handfull first, in the Oyle and take it up, then the second and the third, then put
the Cammomile into a bags; and anoint the sides striking it downwards with the Oyle, then lay on the bags warme, anoint it twice a day where the knots are, and lay speedewell in their drinke continually, then take a purge of Rhabarb, five or sixe graines in powder, in posset use it nine dayes together, then cease a fortnight and use it againe.