To keep the bones that they fall not out againe.
THe broken bone being thus reduced, and brought to his proper figure, the next thing to be observed is to keep in the same that it start not out againe; therefore all means possible are to be used to keep the members without motion, and to use apt and convenient ligature and rolling: But before you roll the member, first mix the white of an Egge and oyle of Roses together; and wet therein a soft linnen cloath of such bignesse as may compasse not only the place where the bone is fractured, but also somewhat of the sound parts above and below. Then this being applied to the affected part, you shall binde and roll the member, diligently regarding that you compress not the member, by too hard rolling, so that nou∣rishment cannot come to it, and also paine there∣by may cause flux of humours and inflamation; neither must you binde it to flack and loose, for then the broken bones will separate againe, and