The first part of the key of philosophie. Wherein is contained moste ex- [sic] excellent secretes of phisicke and philosophie, divided into twoo bookes. : In the firste is shewed the true and perfect order to distill ... In the seconde is shewed the true and perfect order to prepare, calcine, sublime, and dissolue all maner of mineralles ...
Hester, John, d. 1593., Paracelsus, 1493-1541., Hermanni, Philippus.

The order to distill Vineger for to make the aforesaied Saltes.

TAke good strong Renishe Wine vineger, and distill it in a Limbeck of glasse, and giue it firste a small fire till half be distilled, then take it awaie for it is nothyng worthe to our worke, then taste it on thy tongue whether it bee sharpe or no, if it be not sharpe it is not good: if not kepe that small sire till that the liquor come Page  [unnumbered] forthe sowre: for ye shall note that the worst of the vineger distilleth first, then distil that whiche is last with a reasonable fire vntill it bee almoste distilled, but ye maie not di∣still it all quite out, least it should stincke of the fire and waxe redde, for then it will not serue our purpose. Moreouer ye shall note that it maie not drop faster, but that a man maie saie a Pater noster betwene.