The first part of the key of philosophie. Wherein is contained moste ex- [sic] excellent secretes of phisicke and philosophie, divided into twoo bookes. : In the firste is shewed the true and perfect order to distill ... In the seconde is shewed the true and perfect order to prepare, calcine, sublime, and dissolue all maner of mineralles ...
Hester, John, d. 1593., Paracelsus, 1493-1541., Hermanni, Philippus.

To make Oyle of Mase.

THis Oyle is made as is a foresaid, and is hotte in operation, it hath greate vertue against the Collike Page  [unnumbered] which cōmeth of cold causes or of a rewme, desendyng from the heade: It comforteth the harte, the stomack, and the wombe, it is good in the strangurie, and al cold deseases: if ye drinke thereof three or fower droppes fastyng with a spoonfull of wine or broath, or eate twoo or three Manus Christi made therewith.