A Booke of the forme of common prayers, administration of the sacraments, &c. agreeable to Gods Worde, and the vse of the reformed churches. To this fourth editiŏ is added the maner of ordination and admission of a pastor to his charge, according to the maner of the reformed churches. The contents of this booke, are conteyned in the page following..
English Church (Middelburg, Netherlands)
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THE MANNER OF OR∣DAINING MINISTERS OF the Worde, and establishing them in their Churches.

WElbeloued Brethren in the Lord, it is knowen to you all, that wee haue three or foure times propoūded vnto you the name of our deare brother N. heere present, to know whether anie man had to except against him cōcerning his doctrine and conuersation, whereby he were to bee helde vnfit for the Ministerie in this Con∣gregation. But so it is, that no man appea∣reth, to alleadge anie lawfull exception a∣gainst him: wherfore we are at this present time to proceed in the Name of the Lorde to his institution. For the which cause, you N. & all that be heere present, are to heare a short declaration out of the Scripture, concerning the institution and charge of the Ministers of the worde: Namelie, that our heauēlie Father, purposing to call and gather out of mankinde, being corrupted, a Church vnto life euerlasting, doeth by a speciall grace vse therevnto the labour of men: as S. Paule teacheth vs Ephe. 4. That the Lord Christ gaue some to be Apostles, & some Prophetes, and some Euangelistes, & Page  [unnumbered] some Pastors and Teachers: for the gathe∣ring together of the Saints, for the worke of the Ministerie, and for the edification of the body of Christ. Heere wee see plainlie a∣mong other things, that the Pastors office is an institution of Iesus Christ. Nowe to know what belōgeth to this holy charge, wee may easilie gather out of the name it selfe. For as the duetie of a common Pastor or Sheepheard is to feede, to leade, to de∣fende and gouerne the flock that is cōmit∣ted vnto him: so doeth it also stande with those spirituall sheepheardes, set ouer that Cōgregation, the which God calleth vnto saluation, and holdeth to be the sheepe of his pasture. Which pasture to graze these sheepe withall, is nothing els but the prea∣ching of Gods word, with the annexed ad∣ministration of prayers and of the holie Sacramentes. The same worde is also that staffe, whereby this flocke is guided and gouerned. Consequentlie it is plaine, that the charge of Pastours or Ministers consi∣steth therein:

First, that they are vppon good ground, soundlie to deliuer vnto the people the worde of the Lotd, cōtained in the bookes of the Prophetes and Apostles: and to ap∣plie the same both in general and particu∣lar, to the vtilitie & profit of the hearers, Page  [unnumbered] by instructing, admonishing, comfortinge and rebuking them, according as the ne∣cessitie of euerie one requireth: preaching conuersion vnto God, and reconciliation with him through faith in Iesus Christ, & refuting by the holy Scriptures all errours & heresies that are repugnāt to this sound doctrine. All which is taught vs plainlie in the holy Scriptute. For the Apostle Saint Paule saith, That these doe labour in the worde. And elswhere:* That it is to be done according to the measure or rule of faith. Moreouer,* that a Pastor must hold fast that faithfull worde according to doctrine, and deuide the same aright. Also, He that pro∣phecieth (that is that preacheth the word) speaketh vnto men to edifying,* and to ex∣hortation, & to comfort. In an other place he doeth set downe him self for a patron vnto all Pastors, declaring that openlie and throughout the houses, hee hath taught repentance towards God, and faith toward our lord Iesus Christ. But specially he doth deliuer vnto vs a notable description of the charge of a Preacher of the Gospell 2. Cor. 5.17.* All thinges (saith hee) are of God, which hath reconciled vs vnto himselfe by Iesus Christ, and hath giuen vnto vs (name∣lie Apostles and Pastors) the ministerie of reconciliation. For God was in Christ recon∣ciling Page  [unnumbered] the word to himselfe, not imputing their sinnes vnto them: and hath committed vnto vs the worde of reconciliation. Now then are wee Ambassadours for Christ: as though God did beseech you through vs, wee pray you in Christes steade, that ye be re∣conciled to God. Concerning the refuting of false doctrine, the same Apostle saith Tit. 1.9. that a Minister must hold fast the word of God, that he may convince them that speake against it.

Secondlie, the Pastors charge is, to make publike prayers in the behalf of the whole church, for that which the Apostles say, Act. 6.4. we will giue our selues cōtinually to prayer, & to the ministery of the word, is cōmen to al Pastors.* Therfore S. Paul saith to Timothe, J exhort, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thankesgiuings be made for all men, &c.

Thirdlie, they are to administer the Sacra∣ments,* which the Lord hath ordained to be seals of his grace, as it appeareth by the cō∣mandmēt that Christ gaue to his Apostles, belonging also to all other Pastors, Baptise them in the name of the Father, and of the Sonne, & of the holy Ghost. Also 1 Cor. 11 I haue receaued of the Lorde that which I also deliuered vnto you, to wit, That the Lorde Iesus in the night when hee was be∣trayed, Page  [unnumbered] tooke bread, &c.

Finally, the Pastors ought to maintaine & gouerne the church of God in good disci∣pline, after the maner that the Lorde hath appointed. For Christ Math. 1.1. hauing spoken of the Christian censures, saith to his Apostles, What soeuer ye shal binde vpō earth, shall be bound in heauen. And Paule will haue the Ministers to bee able to gou∣uerne well their own house,* because other∣wise they should not be able to rule the Church of God.* Therefore are the Pastors called in the Scriptue Stewards & Bishops, that is to say, Ouerseers & Watchmen, be∣cause they haue the ouersight ouer the house of God in the which they conuerse, to the end that all things may be done in it orderlie, decentlie, and honestlie: and that by the keyes of the kingdome of heauen,* that are committed vnto them, the shut∣ting and opening may be practised, accor∣ding to the charge that God hath giuen them.

By these things ye may see, what an excel∣lent work the Pastors office is, seeing ther∣by so great thinges are brought to passe: yea how necessarie it is in all respectes, to bring men vnto saluatiō. For which cause the Lord willeth ye same to remain alwayes: seeing he said to his Apostles, when he sent Page  [unnumbered] them out to execute this holie ministerie, Lo I am with you alway vnto the end of the world.* Whereby he sheweth his will is, that his holie Ministerie (considering the Apo∣stles could not liue vntill the ende of the world) from time to time should be main∣tained vpon earth. Therefore Paul also ad∣monisheth Timothe, That what thinges he had heard of him,* he should deliuer to faith∣full men, that were able to teach others like∣wise. And hauing ordained Titus to bee a Pastor,* commaundeth him further to or∣daine Elders in euerie Cittie.

Considering then that we also, to entre∣taine the same Ministerie in the Church of God, doe ordaine or admit this our bro∣ther N. & haue hetherto sufficientlie spo∣ken of his chariage: You therfore N. shall aunswere vpon that which I am to pro∣proud vnto you, to the end that euerie one may vnderstand that you are minded to accept the same charge in a conuenient manner.

First I aske you, whether you feele in your heart that you are called lawfullie by the church of God, and consequentlie by God himselfe, to this holie ministerie?

Secondlie, whether you hold the bookes of the old and new Testament to be the onlie word of God & the perfect doctrine Page  [unnumbered] of saluation: and doe forsake all doctrines repugnant vnto the same:

Thirdlie, whether you promise to exe∣cute your charge as before it is described, with all fidelitie according to the same do∣ctrine: and to execute & accompanie your instructions with a godlie life: as also to submit your self to the Church-censures, according to the common order of the Churches, if it happē that you should mis∣carie your selfe either in doctrine or life?

Vpon this he aunswereth.

Yea with all my heart.

Then shall the Minister who hath asked him these questions (or an other Minister when there are more) lay their "handes vpō his head, and speake thus:* "handes vpō his head, and speake thus:

God our heauenlie father who hath cal∣led you to this holy calling, illuminate you by his Spirit, strengthen you by his hande, and so direct you in your Ministerie, that you may walke in the same orderlie, faith∣fullie and fruitefullie, to the praise of his holy name, and the furthering and increa∣sing of the kingdome of his Sonne IESVS Christ, Amen.

After this shall the Minister from the Pulpit admonish in this sorte both the con∣firmed Minister, and the people:

You therefore welbeloued Brother and Page  [unnumbered] fellow Minister in Christ, take heed vnto your selfe, and vnto all the flocke, whereof the holy Ghost hath made you Ouerseer, to feed the Church of God, which he hath purchased with his owne bloud. Loue Christ, and feede his sheepe, hauing a care of them, not by constraint, but willinglie: not for filthie lucre, but of a readie minde: not as though you were a Lorde ouer the people committed vnto you, but as beeing become a paterne vnto the flocke. Be an ensample vnto them that beleeue, in word, in conuersation, in loue, in spirit, in faith, and in purenesse: giue attendance to rea∣ding, to exhortation, and to doctrine, and neglect not the gift that is giuen you: exer∣cise these things, and giue your selfe vnto them, that it may bee seene how you doe profit among all men. Take heede vnto learning, and continue therein. Beare pa∣tiently all gainsaying & reproch, as a good souldior of Christ. Doeing this you shall saue your selfe and those that heare you: And when the chiefe Pastor shall appeare, you shall receyue the incorruptible crown of glorie.

You likewise deare brethrē, receyue this your Minister in the Lord, with all ioy, and make much of such: thinke that God him selfe doeth speake by them vnto you, and Page  [unnumbered] pray you. Embrace the Worde which hee (according to the Scripture) is to deliuer, and that not as any mans word, but (as it is in deed) the worde of God. Let the feete of them that publish peace, and declare good things, be beautifull and acceptable vnto you. Obey them that haue the ouersight of you: for they watch for your soules, as they that must giue account: that they may doe it with ioy, and not with griefe: for that is vnprofitable for you. By doeing so, the peace of God shall enter into your houses, & you receyuing this man in the name of a Prophete, shall receyue the rewarde of a Prophete: and by his worde, beleeuing in Christ, shall inherite life euerlasting. Not∣withstanding, seeing no man is fit to anie of all these thinges of himself, let vs call vnto God with thankesgiuing in this ma∣ner:

O mercifull Father, we thanke thee that it hath pleased thee, out of mankinde that is corrupted, to gather thee a Church vnto life euerlasting, by the ministerie of man, and that so mercifullie thou hast prouided the Church here of a faithfull and trustie Minister: wee beseech thee heauenlie Fa∣ther, to make him by thy spirit, more and more fitt for that seruice wherevnto thou hast called him, giuinge him wisedome Page  [unnumbered] to vnderstand thy holy Scripture, and vt∣terance to open his mouth boldly, and pu∣blish the mysterie of the Gospell. Endue him with wisedome & courage, to rule a∣right and maintaine in Christian peace the people committed vnto him, and that thy Church vnder his administration & good ensample may increase in multitude & true godlines. Graunt him a good hearte in all troubles and crosses that may meete him in his charge, that beeing strenghtened by the comfort of thy Spirit, and continuing cōstantlie vnto the end, he with all thy true seruants may be receaued into the ioyes of thee his Lord God. Likewise shew mercie to this people, that they may behaue them∣selues reuerently towards this their Pastor, acknowledging him to be sent vnto them from thee, receauing his doctrine with all respect and honour, & submitting them∣selues vnto his exhortations, that they by his word beleeving in Christ, may be made partakers of life euerlasting. Heare vs ô Fa∣ther through thy welbeloued Sonne, who hath taught vs thus to pray:

Our Father, &c.