The compleat English-scholar, in spelling, reading, and writing: containing plain and easie directions for spelling, and reading English, according to the present pronunciation ... And directions for true writing of English, with several copies of the most usual hands engraven in copper. Also examples of the different writing and pronouncing of the same words in the English tongue. Lastly, how to spell words as are alike in sound, but differ in their sence and spelling ... / By E. Young, schoolmaster in London.

About this Item

The compleat English-scholar, in spelling, reading, and writing: containing plain and easie directions for spelling, and reading English, according to the present pronunciation ... And directions for true writing of English, with several copies of the most usual hands engraven in copper. Also examples of the different writing and pronouncing of the same words in the English tongue. Lastly, how to spell words as are alike in sound, but differ in their sence and spelling ... / By E. Young, schoolmaster in London.
Young, E., schoolmaster in London.
London, :: Printed for Ben. Alsop ...,

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Subject terms
English language -- Orthography and spelling.
English language -- Phonetics.
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"The compleat English-scholar, in spelling, reading, and writing: containing plain and easie directions for spelling, and reading English, according to the present pronunciation ... And directions for true writing of English, with several copies of the most usual hands engraven in copper. Also examples of the different writing and pronouncing of the same words in the English tongue. Lastly, how to spell words as are alike in sound, but differ in their sence and spelling ... / By E. Young, schoolmaster in London." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed June 16, 2024.


Page 50

Words of three Sylables, both whole and divided into Sylables.

A-ba-sed Abased
a-ba-ted abate
ab-hor-ring abhorring
ab-hor-red abhorred
ab-or-tive abortive
a-bo-lish abolish
a-bound-ing abounding
a-bun-dance abundance
ab-sti-nence abstinence
ac-cep-ted accepted
ac-cep-tance acceptance
ac-com-plish accomplish
ac-cu-sed accused
a-dorn-ed adorned
ad-vi-sed advised
ad-vanc-ed advanced
ad-ju-red adjured
af-fa-ded affaded
af-fect-ed affected
af-firmed affirmed
af-fright-ed affrighted
a-gre-ed agreed
a-larm-ed alarmed
al-low-ed allowed
al-lu-red allured
al-ter-ed altered
a-ma-zed amazed
a-mend-ed amended
an-cho-red anchored
a-noint-ed anointed
an-swer-ed answered
ap-peal-ed appealed
ap-pear-ed appeared
ap-peas-ed appeased
ap-point-ed appointed
ap-pli-ed applied
ap-proach-ed approached
ar-ray-ed arrayed
a-scend-ed ascended
a-scrib-ed ascribed
as-sault-ed assaulted

Page 51

as-sign-ed assigned
as-sist-ed assisted
as-su-red assured
as-swag-ed asswaged
at-tain-ed attained
at-tend-ed attended
a-ti-ring atiring
a-veng-ing ave••••ing
aug-ment-ed augmented
a-vouch-ed avouched
a-wa-ked awaked

Back-bi-ting Backbiting
back-sli-der backslider
back-ward-ly backwardly
ba-nish-ed banished
bap-tiz-ing baptizing
bar-ba-rous barbarous
bar-ren-ness barrenness
beau-ti-ful beautiful
be-got-ten begotten
be-guil-ed beguiled
be-head-ed beheaded
be-hold-ing beholding
be-liev-ing believing
be-long-ed belonged
bel-low-ing bellowing
be-liev-ed believed
be-moan-ing bemoaning
be-reav-ed bereaved
be-seech-ing beseeching
be-sieg-ed besieged
be-tray-ing betraying
be-troath-ed betroathed
blas-phem-er blasphemer
bor-row-ed borrowed
bran-dish-ing brandishing

Can-ker-ed Cankered
car-bun-cle carbuncle
care-ful-ness carefulness
car-ca-ses carcases
care-less-ness carelesness
car-nl-ly carnally
car-pen-ter carpenter
car-ri-age carriage
car-i-ed carried
cen-su-red censured
chal-leng-ing challenging
chast-en-ing chastening
cha-stiz-ing chastizing
cheer-ful-ly cheerfully
che-rish-ing cherishing
chur-lish-ly churlishly
cla-mour-ing clamouring
clou-di-ness cloudiness
com-li-ness comliness
com-for-ted comforted
com-mand-ed commanded
com-mit-ted committed
com-mon-ly commonly
com-pel-led compelled
com-plain-ing complaining
com-pound-ing compounding
con-demn-ed condemned
con-duct-ing conducting
con-fes-sing confessing
con-quer-ing conquering
cor-rect-ing correcting
cost-li-ness costliness
co-ver-ing covering
cre-a-ted created
con-ver-ted converted
con-firm-ing confirming
cor-upt-ed corrupted

Dam-na-ble Damnable
da-mo-sel damosel
dan-ge-rous dangerous
dark-en-ed darkened

Page 52

de-ceas-ed deceased
de-ceit-ful- deceitful
de-ceiv-ed deceived
de-cent-ly decently
de-cla-red declared
de-fa-ming defaming
de-fend-ed defended
de-fil-ed defiled
de-fraud-ing defrauding
de-lay-ed delayed
de-light-ing delighting
de-mand-ed demanded
de-ny-ing denying
de-pri-ved deprived
de-scend-ing descending
de-serv-ed deserved
de-spair-ing despairing
de-spi-sing despising
de-stroy-ed destroyed
de-tain-ed de-tai-ned
dif-fer-ing differing
dis-charg-ed discharged
di-rect-ing directing
di-scern-ing discerning
dis-dain-ing disdaining
dis-gra-ced disgraced
dis-guis-ed disguised
di-stract-ed distracted
distres-sed distressed
di-spo-sing disposing
dread-ful-ness dreadfulness
doubt-ful-ly doubtfully
di-vor-cing divorcing
dis-sol-ved dissolved
drunk-en-ness drunkenness
di-vi-ner diviner
di-vor-ced divorced
dread-ful-ly dreadfully
dul-ci-mer dulcimer
dun-ge-on dungeon
du-ra-ble durable

Ear-nest-ly Earnestly
earth-li-ness earthliness
e-di-fie edifie
ef-fect-ed effected
e-lect-ed elected
e-le-ments elements
e-lo-quent eloquent
em-bol-den embolden
em-brac-ing embracing
em-broid-er embroider
e-mi-nent eminent
em-ploy-ment employment
em-pti-ness emptiness
en-cli-ning enclining
en-camp-ing encamping
en-clo-sed enclosed
en-count-er encounter
en-cou-rage encourage
en-dam-age endamage
en-dan-ger endanger
en-dea-vour endeavour
en-du-ring enduring
e-ne-my enemy
en-mi-ty enmity
enfl-a-ming enflaming
en-gage-ment engagement
en-gra-ver engraver
en-large-ment enlargement
en-light-en enlighten
en-sam-ple ensample
en-tice-ment enticement
en-ter-tain entertain
en-ter-ing entering
en-trap-ping entrapping
en-ter-prise enterprise
en-vi-ous envious
en-vi-ron environ
e-pi-cure epicure
e-pi-stle epistle

Page 53

e-qui-ty equity
e-scap-ing escaping
e-schew-ing eschewing
e-spou-sals espousals
e-sta-blish establish
e-sti-mate estimate
e-ter-nal eternal
e-ver-more evermore
e-vi-dence evidence
ex-act-er exacter
ex-a-mine examine
ex-ceed-ing exceeding
ex-cel-lent excellent
ex-chang-er exchanger
ex-clu-ded excluded
ex-cu-sing excusing
ex-hor-ting exhorting
ex-or-cist exorcist
ex-pect-ing expecting
ex-pel-led expelled
ex-pen-ces expences
ex-pi-red expired
ex-pound-ed expounded
ex-pres-ly expresly
ex-tend-ed extended
ex-tol-led extolled

Fa-cul-ty Faculty
faith-ful-ly faithfully
feign-ed-ly feignedly
fa-mous-ly famously
fa-mi-ly family
fa-ther-less fatherless
fa-vou-rite favourite
fear-ful-ly fearfully
fee-ble-ness feebleness
fel-low-ship fellowship
fer-vent-ly fervently
fil-thi-ness filthiness
flat-ter-er flatterer
flesh-li-ness fleshliness
flou-rish-ing flourishing
fool-ish-ness foolishness
for-bear-ing forbearing
for-reign-er forreigner
for-feit-ed forfeited
for-get-ful forgetful
for-give-ness forgiveness
for-got-ten forgotten
for-sak-ing forsaking
fro-ward-ness frowardness
fron-ti-ers frontiers
fruit-ful-ness fruitfulness
fur-ni-ture furniture
fur-bish-ing furbishing

Gal-le-ries Galleries
gar-di-ner gardiner
gar-nish-ing garnishing
ga-ther-ing gathering
ga-sing-stock gasingstock
ge-ne-ral general
gen-tle-ness gentleness
gar-ri-son garrison
glo-ri-fie glorifie
glo-ri-ous glorious
glut-to-ny gluttony
gloom-i-ness gloominess
god-li-ness godliness
go-ver-nor governor
gras-hop-per grashopper
gra-vi-ty gravity
gree-di-ness greediness
griev-ous-ly grievously
grudg-ing-ly grudgingly
guile-ful-ly guilefully
guil-ti-ness guiltiness
guilt-les-ly guiltlesly

Hal-low-ed Hallowed

Page 54

hard-en-ing hardening
ha-sten-ing hastening
hate-ful-ly hatefully
haugh-ti-ness haughtiness
health-ful-ly healthfully
heark-en-ed hearkened
hea-ven-ly heavenly
hea-vi-ness heaviness
hei-nous-ly heinously
here-af-ter hereafter
here-to-fore heretofore
he-re-tick heretick
he-ri-tage heritage
ho-li-ness holiness
ho-ne-sty honesty
hor-ri-bly horribly
hum-ble-ness humbleness
hus-band-ry husbandry
hy-po-crite hypocrite

Jest-ing-ly Jestingly
jea-lou-sy jealously
ig-no-rance ignorance
i-ma-gine imagine
i-mi-tate imitate
im-mor-tal immortal
im-part-ing imparting
im-ploy-ed imployed
im-po-sed imposed
im-po-tent impotent
im-pu-dent impudent
im-pu-ted imputed
im-mer-sed immersed
in-chan-ter inchanter
in-creas-ing increasing
in-di-ting inditing
in-fa-mous infamous
in-fi-del infidel
in-fi-nite infinite
in-flu-ence influence
in-form-er informer
in-graft-ed ingrafted
in-ha bite inhabite
in-he-rit inherit
in-larg-ment inlargment
in-light-en inlighten
in-no-cent innocent
in-spi-ed inspired
in-stant-ly instantly
in-struct-ed instructed
in-tang-led intangled
in-tend-ed intended
in-trea-ty intreaty
in-ter-est interest
in-vent-er inventer
in-vi-ting inviting
in-ward-ly inwardly
joy-ful-ly joyfully
joru-ney-ing journeying
ju-bi-lee jubile
i-vo-ry ivory
ju-sti-fy justify

Kind-nes-ses Kindnesses
know-ing-ly knowingly

La-bour-er Labourer
la-men-ted lamented
lan-guish-ing languishing
law-ful-ly lawfully
law-giv-er lawgiver
learn-ed-ly learnedly
le-pro-sy leprosy
li-be-ral liberal
li-ber-ty liberty
light-en-ing lightening
love-li-ness loveliness
low-li-ness lowliness
lu-sti-ness lustiness
lurk-ing-ly lurkingly
le-che-ry lechery

Page 55

Ma-gi-strate Magistrate
mag-ni-fy magnify
ma-je-sty majesty
main-te-nance maintenance
ma-ni-fest manifest
ma-ni-fold manifold
ma-ri-ner mariner
mar-vel-lous marvellous
mea-sur-ing measuring
me-di-cine medicine
me-di-tate meditate
me-mo-ry memory
men-ti-on mention
mer-ci-ful merciful
mes-sen-ger messenger
migh-ti-ly mightily
mi-ni-ster minister
mi-ra-cle miracle
mer-ri-ment merriment
mis-chiev-ous mischievous
mis-car-ry miscarry
mi-se-ry misery
mo-de-rate moderate
mo-de-sty modesty
mol-li-fy mollify
move-a-ble moveable
mor-ti-fie mortifie
mul-ti-ply multiply
mul-ti-tude multitude
mur-der-er murderer
mur-mur-ing murmuring
mu-si-cal musical
mu-ster-eth mustereth
mu-tu-al mutual
my-ste-ry mystery

Na-ked-ness Nakedness
na-ti-on nation
na-tu-ral natural
naugh-ti-ness naughtiness
neg-li-gent negligent
neigh-bour-ly neighbourly
nig-gard-ly niggardly
no-ble-ness nobleness
no-ta-ble notable
nou-rish-ing nourishing
noi-som-ness noisomness
nur-se-ry nursery
no-vel-ty novelty
num-ber-ing numbering
nu-tri-ment nutriment

O-bey-snce Obeysance
of-fer-ing offering
ob-serv-ing observing
ob-tain-ed obtained
oc-cu-py occupy
o-di-ous odious
of-fen-sive offensive
of-fend-ed offended
ob-sti-nate obstinate
o-pen-ly openly
o-pe-rate operate
op-po-sing opposing
op-pres-sing oppressing
o-ra-cle oracle
o-ra-tor orator
or-dain-ing ordaining
or-der-ly orderly
or-din-ance ordinance
or-na-ment ornament
o-ver-charge overcharge
o-ver-come overcome
o-ver-see oversee
o-ver-sight oversight
o-ver-take overtake
o-ver-throw overthrow
out-go-ing outgoing
out-lan-dish outlandish

Page 56

out-stretch-ed outstretced
out ward-ly outwardly

Pa-ci-fy Pacify
pain-ful-ly painfully
pa-ra-ble parable
pa-ra-dise paradise
par-ta-ker par-ta-ker
par-ti-al partial
pas-sen-ger passenger
pas-so-ver passover
pas-si-on passion
pa-ti-ence patience
pa-tri-arch patriarch
peace-able peaceable
pen-ti-cost penticost
pe-nu-ry penury
per-fect-ly perfectly
per, fu-med perfumed
pe-ri-lous perilous
pe-ri-shing perishing
per-ju-red perjured
per-mit-ting permitting
per-plex-ed perplexed
per-se-cute persecute
per-se-vere persevere
per-swaded peswaded
per-vers-ly perverssly
pe-sti-lence pestilence
pha-ri-see pharisee
pi-e-ty piety
pil-gri-mage pilgrimage
pi-ti-ful pitiful
plea-sant-ly pleasantly
plen-te-ous plenteous
pos-ses-sor poss ssor
pos-si-ble possible
po-ten-tate potentate
po-ver-ty poverty
pow-er-ful powerful
pre-ci-ous precious
pre-pa-red prepared
pre-sent-ly presently
pre-ser-ved preserved
pre-si-dent president
pre-vail-ing prevailing
pre-vent-ed prevented
prin-ci-pal principal
pri-so-ner prisoner
pri-vi-ly privily
pro-ceed-ing proceeding
providence providence
pro-fit-ed profitted
pro-fes-sing professing
pro-long-ing prolonging
pro-mi-sed promised
pro-se-lyte proselyte
pros-pe-rous prosperous
pro-sti-tute prostitute
pro-ven-der provender
pro-claim-ing pro-claim-ing
psal-te-ry psaltery
pub-li-can publican
pu-nish-ment punishment
pur-cha-sing purchasing
pu-ri-fy purify
pur-po-sing purposing
pur-suing pursuing

Qua-li-ty Quality
quar-ter-ing quartering
qui-et-ing quieting
qui-et-ness quietness
qui-et-ly quietly
quick-en-ing quickening

Ran-som-ing Ransoming
ra-ven-ous ravenous
ra-vish-ment ravishment
rea-di-ness readiness
rea-son-ing reasoning

Page 57

re-bel-ling rebelling
re-bu-ked rebuked
re-ceiv-ing receiving
re-com-mend recommend
re-con-cile reconcile
re-cor-der recorder
re-co-ver recover
re-count-ing recounting
re-deem-er redeemer
re-form-ed reformed
re-fresh-ing refreshing
re-fu-sing refusing
re-gard-ed regarded
re-gi-on region
re-gi-ster register
re-hear-sal rehearsal
re-main-der remainder
re-me-dy remedy
re-mem-ber remember
re-pair-er repairer
re-pen-tance repentance
re-port-ed reported
re-pro-bate reprobate
re-proach-ful reproachful
re-prov-ed reproved
re-si-due residue
re-veal-ed revealed
re-vi-ling reviling
re-vi-ving reviving
re-vol-ter revolter
ri-o-tous riotous
ring-lead-er ringleader
rob-be-ry robbery
rot-ten-ness rottenness
ru-di-ments rudiments
roy-al-ty royalty

Sa-cra-ment Sacrament
sa-cri-fice sacrifice
sa-cri-ledge sacriledge
sa-lu-ting saluting
san-cti-fy sanctify
sa-tis-fy satisfy
sa-vi-our saviour
sa-vou-ry savoury
schis-ma-tick schismatick
scorn-ful-ly scornfully
scor-pi-on scorpion
se-cret-ly secretly
se-cure-ly securely
se-du-ced seduced
se-pa-rate separate
se-pul-cher sepulcher
ser-vi-tude servitude
se-ve-ral several
shame-ful-ly shamefully
shel-ter-ing sheltering
sig-ni-fy signify
si-lent-ly silently
si-mi-le simile
sin-gle-ness singleness
si-tu-ate situate
sin-ful-ly sinfully
slan-der-ed slandered
slip-pe-ry slippery
sloath-ful-ness sloathfulness
so-ber-ness soberness
so-journ-ing sojourning
so-lemn-ly solemnly
sooth-say-er soothsayer
sor-cer-er sorcerer
sor-row-ful sorrowful
spe-ci-al special
spee-di-ly speedily
stam-mer-er stammerer
sted-fast-ly stedfastly
sub-scrib-ing subscribing
sub-ver-ted subverted
suc-cour-er succourer
suf-fer-ing suffering
suit-a-ble suitable
sur-feit-ing surfeiting
su-ste-nance sustenance
swal-low-ing swallowing

Page 58

sy-na-gogue synagogue

Task-ma-ster Taskmaster
tem-pe-rance temperance
tem-po-ral temporal
ten-der-ness tenderness
ter-ri-ble terrible
ter-ri-fie terrifie
te-sta-ment testament
te-sti-fie testifie
te-sta-tor testator
thun-der-ing thundering
to-ge-ther together
tor-men-tor tormentor
tot-ter-ing tottering
tra-vel-ler traveller
trea-su-ry treasury
tres-pas-ses trespasses
tri-umph-ing triumphing
ty-ran-ny tyranny
tru-sti-ness trustiness

Va-ga-bond Vagabond
va-li-ant valiant
va-lu-ed valued
va-ni-ty vanity
va-ri-ance variance
ve-he-ment vehement
ve-ri-ty verity
vi-cto-ry victory
vi-ctu-al victual
vi-gi-lant vigilant
vi-la-ny vilany
vi-ne-gar vinegar
vi-o-late violate
vi-o-lence violence
vi-si-ble visible
vi-si-on vision
un-a-ble unable
un-a-wares unawares
un-be-lief unbelief
un-cer-tain uncertain
un-clean-ness uncleanness
un-come-ly uncomely
un-co-ver uncover
un-der-stand understand
un-der-take undertake
un-feign-ed unfeigned
un-faith-ful unfaithful
un-fruit-ful unfruitful
un-god-ly ungodly
un-ho-ly unholy
u-ni-ty unity
un-learn-ed unlearned
un-kind-ness unkindness
un-law-ful unlawful
un-mind-ful unmindful
un-ru-ly unruly
un-seem-ly unseemly
un-skil-ful unskilful
un-wor-thy unworthy
up-hold-en upholden
up-right-ly uprightly
u-surp-er usurper
ut-ter-ance utterance
ut-ter-ly utterly
ut-ter-most uttermost

Wal-low-ing Wallowing
wan-der-er wanderer
war-ri-our warriour
way-fa-ring wayfaring
wea-ri-ness weariness
wea-ri-some wearisome
whis-per-ing whispering
wick ed-ness wickedness
wil-der-ness wilderness
wi-li-ly wilily
wil-ling-ly willingly
wit-nes-sing witnessing
won-der-ful wonderful
wor-ship-per worshipper
wor-thi-ly worthily

Page 59

wrong-ful-ly wrongfully
wi-ther-ed withered

Youth-ful-ly Youthfully

Zeal-ous-ly Zealously

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