A word in season, for a warning to England: or a prophecy of perillous times open'd and apply'd. Wherein the signes of bad times, and the means of making the times good, are represented as the great concernment of all good Christians in this present age. First exhibited in a sermon preached in the Abby at Westminster, July 5. 1659. and since enlarged and published.
Willis, Thomas, 1619 or 20-1692.
The second Mark. Self-separation from the true Church.

SEctaries and Seducers are wont to sepa∣rate [ II] themselves from communion with the true Church under pretence of the greater holinesse. They shun Communion with the Members of the true Church, for feare of Pollution, and separate themselves (as they pretend) into purer communion. Thus the Pharisees, Gnosticks, Adamites, the filthi∣est Sects, have done. These indeed made a Profession of more Purity then ordinary, but their Practises were well known to be full of Pollution. The Pharisees made a Page  258 faire shew outwardly, but within (by our Saviours own Testimony) they were full or all manner of Filthinesse and Iniquity. Whence he fitly compares them to* whi∣ted Sepulchres, which are Beautiful and splendid without, but full of Corruption, and Uncleannesse within. The Gnosticks who pretended to be wholely taken up with sublime Speculations, did yet so farre plunge themselves into the vilest Impuri∣ties, and filthiest Abominations, that the Name of Borborites (taken from Mire and Mud) was fitly set upon them, as a Brand of Infamy, for the abhor'd loathsomnesse of their impure Conversations*. Thus while they would seeme to have their heads in Heaven, their feet stuck fast in the Mire and Clay of a filthy life: And while they would be thought to have escaped the pol∣lutions of the World through the KNOW∣LEDGE of the Lord Jesus, and the My∣steries of the Gospel, they returned with the dog to his own vomit, and as *The Sow that was washed to her wal∣lowing in the mire. Not long after the Gnosticks, sprung up that filthy Sect of the Adamites, who un∣der that Name cloath'd their Nakednesse with the Pretences of the same Purity, that Adam had in his state of Innocency. But their very Principles led to Uncleannesse, and their Practices were full of Pollution. Page  259 For they held it unlawful for men or wo∣men to wear any cloaths in their Assem∣blies for worship, as a thing very unsuta∣ble to the Nature and intent of their meet∣ings, which were to be esteemed the one∣ly Paradise on Earth, wherein they were to enjoy the Pleasures of eternal Life, and not to expect them in Heaven. For as God brought Adam into his Paradise, so should Christians enter into theirs, na∣ked, casting away their Cloathes, as the Badges of their sin and shame, from which they were perfectly freed (which is both the Opinion and Practice of many Qua∣kers at this day) being perfectly pure and holy. In their Night-Assemblies (for that time they chose, as indeed fittest for their works of darknesse) after some extravagant Discourses of Religion (for they rejected Prayer as needlesse, seeing God knowes our wants without our Advertisement) they put out their Lights, and so committed all manner of Uncleannesse in their Promiscu∣ous Copulations. How fitly does the Apo∣stles Character and description of the un∣believing Gentiles pertaine unto them! Who* having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, through the ignorance that is in them, because of the Blindnesse of their heart. And being past feeling, have given themselves over un∣to lasciviousnesse, to work all uncleannesse with greedinesse. So a Pestilent Sect (as Page  260 Sands relates it) sprang up not long since in Aragn (whose Founders were a crew of their hypocritical Priests) who at the first professing a kinde of Angelical Purity, fell suddenly to the very contrary point of justifying Bestiality.

The Scripture speaks of such self-sepa∣rating Sectaries as these are, both in the Old Testament and the New, as a sort of men, notwithstanding their glorious Preten∣ces of holinesse and spirituality, justly o∣dious in the sight of God. Concerning such saith the Lord, by the Prophet Isaiah, I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious People, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts: a People that provoketh me to anger continually to my Face, that sacri∣ficeth in gardens, and burneth incense upon Altars of brick: which remaine among the Graves, and lodge in the Monuments, which eat swines flesh, and broth of abomi∣nable things is in their Vessels: which say, stand by thy self, come not near to me, for I AM HOLIER THEN THOU: These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day. Thus these profane Idolaters and wicked Necromancers, would needs (under pretence of greater Holinesse) separate themselves from all others, though members of the true Church, lest by Com∣munion with them, they should contract Pollution to themselves. So the* Sama∣ritans, Page  261 for the same Reason, refused to hold so much as any Civil Correspondency with the Jews, though they were, (howe∣ver corrupt) the onely People at that time whereof consisted that Church of God, wherein onely men might, upon any Scri∣pture-ground, expect salvation. Of such also does the Apostle Jude speak, when warning the believing Hebrews of Mock rs that should come in the last Time, who should walke after their own ungodly Lusts, he sayes, These be they who SEPARATE themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. Vile hypocrites! who though they walked after the Lusts of the Flesh, should thus separate themselves from the society of the Saints, pretending (doubtlesse) therein to be led by the Spirit. Thus we see self-separation from the true Church is a Scripture Character of false-Teachers, and Seducers.

Amongst many such separations, that of the Donatists is, as to our present purpose, very considerable. The Father of this Sect was Donatus, a Numidian, who meerly out of Envy and Spite, because Cecilian was prefer'd before him to the Bishoprick of Carthage, and his devilish Designe which he conceiv'd hereupon, for the extirpati∣on of him and all the Bishops that ordain'd him, by a false accusation, fell to the ground, in Contempt of all their Churches, built up his Wall of Separation. And though by Page  262 his Pride, Envy, Lying, and Malice he had printed so many staines upon his own soul, yet had he the impudence to affirme, that could be no true Church which was not altogether without spot or blemish, and that such was the Church by him founded and father'd, and no other in the world. And yet they had no better Marks of their un∣stained Purity, then these following Articles of their Faith, viz. LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE; that no man must be prest to the Practice of piety, but every man left to live as he list: TOLERA∣TION OF ERROURS; that the Magi∣strate might punish no man for his Opinion, though never so wicked in Matters of Re∣ligion: REBAPTIZATION OF BE∣LIEVERS; that Believers, Baptiz'd in their Infancy ought to be rebaptiz'd, be∣cause Infant-Baptisme was a Nullity: KILLING NO MURDER; that though the Magistrate might not by virtue of his Office punish any man for his Reli∣gion or conscience, yet they themselves, be∣ing thereto moved by the Spirit, might lawfully, and without any scruple, kill a∣ny man that was not of the Houshold of Faith (or rather of the Synagogue of Sa∣tan) if they had him at an advantage. But may we not say of them (and receive our warrant from our blessed Saviour)* Ye are of your father the Devil, and the lusts of your Father ye will do: He was Page  263 a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the TRUTH, because there is NO TRUTH in him. When he speaketh a LYE, he speaketh of his own: For he is a LYAR, and the Father of it.

Now after a while this Church of the Donatists was divided in it self, and so one separation still springing from another, it at length expir'd in a fruitful Dissolution. For, as Vipers are said to have a bloody Birth by the Death of the Dam, thus is∣su'd from the Bleeding Bowels of this di∣vided Church, many petty Congregations, and yet all of them in some of the foremen∣tion'd Features and Lineaments, somewhat resembling both Father and Mother. Thus was the Schismatical Confederacy, which at first rent it self from the true Church, minc't and mangled, as Augustine speakes,*Into small shreds of Society, amongst whom there was nothing retain'd, but a few rags of Religion, which were not suf∣ficient to hide their Nakednesse, either from the eyes of God or men. The chief of these Sub-Sects was that of the Circum∣cellions, so called from their Cells and Cot∣tages, in which they liv'd separated from all Society, that they might have the more freedome for the use of certain Austeri∣ties (as they pretended) for self-mortifi∣cation. Page  264 But the truth is they rather lurkt in them as Lions in their Dens, to take the better advantage for the exercise of their cruelty in the murder of Innocents. For without touch of humanity these bloody Mon∣sters would barbarously murther all they met with, that were not of their Religion, whereby they became more dangerous then High-way Robbers, and more detestable then the vilest of men, as being Enemies to mankind. And thus at length did that separated Church, which gloried in its singular sanctity, produce a Company of common Cut-throats. And by all this we see that Seducers are justly Stigma∣tiz'd with this brand of SEPARA∣TISTS.

They are such as have a high Opinion of themselves, though never so bad, and a low Opinion of others, though never so good; and so they separate themselves from the Saints, as being too good for their Society. But we know that God himself vouchsafes to be present in the Assemblies of his Saints. These therefore are by the Apo∣stle fitly stiled, *Lovers of them∣selves, but despisers of those that are good*. And therefore however they may make a glorious Profession of godliness, if we duly consider their Properties and Practices, they are such as carry a flat Page  265 contradiction to that golden Rule of the Gospel; Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory, but in lowlinesse of minde, let each esteeme other better then them∣selves.

It's true, some of them, it may be, are of a Life unblamable; But, *Heresie is not to learne the Art of Lying, which it can performe, not with the lips onely, but with the Life also: If you demand an account of their Faith, there is nothing more Christian; if you make enquiry of their Conversation, its most unblamable; and look what they affirme in their words, they'l by their works confirme it. But the more holy they are in appearance, the more hurt∣ful. An unblamable life is the fittest Field for Satan to set his snares in to take decei∣ved souls. The Serpent hath a beautiful skin, but a deadly sting. A beautiful Har∣lot shall have the most Followers. Beautiful and glorious Appearances oft vaile the foul∣est and filthiest Abominations. The great WHORE comes forth in a glorious Dresse; and gives her Lovers Poyson to drink in a golden Cup. Behold her as she is repre∣sented to us in the Coelestial Mirrour of the REVELATION. And (sayes John the Page  266 Divine) the woman was aray'd in Purple, and Scarlet-colour, and decked with gold, and precious stone, and Pearles, having a golden Cup in her hand, full of Abomi∣nations and filthinesse of her Fornication. The Spouse of Christ is not more glorious in her Apparel and Ornaments, then this Mother of Abominations. A Scarlet Robe may cover an ulcerous Body. The Plague of Errours may be upon a man that wears cloth of Gold in his Conversation. Satan never shews himself so much a Devil, as when he appears like an Angel of Light. And if Satan himself is thus transformed into an Angel of Light, it is no great thing if his Ministers also be transformed as the Ministers of righteousnesse, whose end shall be according to their works*.