Cosmeticks or, the beautifying part of physick. By which all deformities of nature in men and women are corrected, age renewed, youth prolonged, and the least impediment, from a hair to a tooth, fairly amended. With the most absolute physical rarities for all ages. Being familiar remedies, for which every one may be his own apothecary. / All extracted out of that eminent physician John Jeams Wecker, never yet extant in the English tongue before, but was promised to the world by Mr. Nic. Culpeper.

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Cosmeticks or, the beautifying part of physick. By which all deformities of nature in men and women are corrected, age renewed, youth prolonged, and the least impediment, from a hair to a tooth, fairly amended. With the most absolute physical rarities for all ages. Being familiar remedies, for which every one may be his own apothecary. / All extracted out of that eminent physician John Jeams Wecker, never yet extant in the English tongue before, but was promised to the world by Mr. Nic. Culpeper.
Wecker, Johann Jacob, 1528-1586.
London :: Printed by Tho. Johnson, at the White Cock in Rood-lane,

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Subject terms
Cosmetics -- Early works to 1800.
Medicine, Popular -- Early works to 1800.
Beauty, Personal -- Early works to 1800.
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"Cosmeticks or, the beautifying part of physick. By which all deformities of nature in men and women are corrected, age renewed, youth prolonged, and the least impediment, from a hair to a tooth, fairly amended. With the most absolute physical rarities for all ages. Being familiar remedies, for which every one may be his own apothecary. / All extracted out of that eminent physician John Jeams Wecker, never yet extant in the English tongue before, but was promised to the world by Mr. Nic. Culpeper." In the digital collection Early English Books Online 2. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Accessed September 20, 2024.


A Liniment to smooth flaggy, wrinckled Breasts.

Take Lees of Oyl, as much as is sufficient, Gum-arabick, Tragacanth, Mastick, each a little, Camphure a very little, mix them.

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