The Popes brief: or Romes inquiry after the death of their Catholiques here in England, during these times of warre:: discovered by two commissions; the one sent from the Pope that now is: the other from the Bishop and Duke of Cambrey, to severall commissioners in England: whereby the death of such Catholiques may be returned to the See of Rome, to be determined of (as may be fit for the glory of God.) Together with a catalogue of the vicars generall, and archdeacons under the Bishop of Calcedon, for the setling of the popish hierarchy in England. With divers letters concerning the same. Also severall letters and papers of the Lord Inchiquines in Ireland, intercepted by the Earl of Warwick, and sent to the House of Commons; wherein is discovered the ungratefull and perfidious dealing of the said Lord with the Parliament of England. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that the said Commissions, together with the Hierarchy, and severall letters and papers intercepted, be forthwith printed and published: H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.
Catholic Church. Pope (1623-1644 : Urban VIII), Inchiquin, Murrough O'Brien, Earl of, 1614-1674., Warwick, Robert Rich, Earl of, 1587-1658., England and Wales. Parliament.
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5. October. 1643.

FRancis Vander Burch, By the Grace of God, and of the Apostolicall Sea, Archbishop and Duke of Cambrey, Prince of the Sacred Romane Empire, Earl of Cambresis, &c. Agent and Commissary for the things hereafter mentioned. Joyntly, and severally, with some others in that behalf, by Apostolicall Let∣ters especially deputed. To all and singular persons, to whom our present Letters shall come, and whom the matter herein after mentioned, doth or may con∣cerne, joyntly and severally, by what names soever they shall be called, or of what dignity and honour they shall be of, health everlasting in the Lord, to give undoubted credit to these Presents, and to obey our, or more truly the Apostolicall commands. Know ye, we did receive with that reverence which was meet, the Letters of the most Holy Father in Christ, our Lord, the Lord Vrbane, by the Divine Provi∣dence, the Eight Pope of that name, under this Tenure, Pope Vrbane the VIII. for future remembrance of the matter: Being willing to Condescend unto the pious desires of our beloved Son, the Generall Procuratour of the Congregation of England, of the order of Saint Bennet, and to favour him with a speciall Grace (and by the Order of these Presents absolving him, and holding him to be absolved, from whatsoever censure of Excommunication, Suspension and Interdict, and all other Ecclesiasticall Censures, and Paines inflicted by Law, or by man: For whatsoever oc∣casion or cause, if in any way, he do lye under any of them, onely for he effecting of these Presents) Page  6Inclining unto the Petition humbly presented unto us in that behalfe, in the name of the same Generall Pro∣curator, with the Councell of our venerable Brethren, the Cardinals of the holy Roman Church, Inquisitours Generals, especially deputed by this holy Apostolicall Sea in all the Christan Common-wealth against Here∣ticall wickednesse, by the tenour of these presents, and Apostolical authority we substitute our venerable Bre∣thren the Archbishop of Cambreys the Bishops of Saint Omer and Iper, and every one of them into the place of ordinary in England only to that effect, that they may by ordinary authority according to Law make out Pro∣cesse, To enquire after the cause and kinde of death of them that suffer in England for the Catholique Faith: So that such Processe and other Acts lawfully done by them, or any of them, for the clearing of the Truth of such sufferings and deaths, be done by ordinary authori∣ty, nor otherwise, nor in any other manner; Comman∣ding that whatsoever in that behalfe shall happen here∣in to be attempted otherwise by any man, either wit∣tingly or ignorantly, it shall be void and of none effect; Notwithstanding any use that may be made of the Con∣stitution of Pope Boniface the eight, our Predecessor, of most happy memory, commonly called de una, or that of the Generall Conncell, commonly called de Duabus, or any other constitutions or Apostolicall Ordinances made to the contrary whatsoever. Given at Rome at Saint Peters under the King of the Fisher, the three and twentieth day of February 1643. in the twentieth year of Our Popedome, signed M. A. Maraldus.

After the presentation and reception of the which Apostolicall Letters above written, to Us and by Us Page  7(as is abovesaid made) we have been earnestly and duly required by the Reverend Master, Master George Mu∣sher, President of the English Colledge of Dowey, Fryer Iohn Mentisse, Prior of the Covent of Saint Gre∣gory the great, of the English Benedictins, and Frier An∣gell of Saint Francis, Commissary of the Province of the Friers Minorites in England, on the behalfe of all the Secular Clergie of England, of the English con∣gregation of the Order of Saint Bennet, and of the said Province of the Friers Minorites, that we would be wil∣ling & vouchsafe to go on in the execution of the same above mentioned Apostolicall Letters, and of the con∣tents of the same, according to the power, manner, and authority, given or sent to us from the said Apostolical Sea by the same Letters, and to grant to that end as ne∣cessary Letters. We therefore Francis Vanderburgh Archbishop and Duke of Cambrey, Prince of the sacred Roman Empire, Earle of Cambresis, &c. Agent and commissary substituted by the above-said Apostolical Authority into the place of the Ordinaries in England, taking into consideration that such a request is just and reasonable, and willing (with reverence as we ought to do) to put in execution the abovesaid Apostolical com∣mand directed & committed to us in that behalf. Ther∣fore by the Apostolicall authority committed to us, & by the authority which we exercise in that behalfe; by the Tenure of these presents, we ordaine and depute for them that live at London or on this side Trent in England, the Reverend Mrs. M. George Gage, Aposto∣licall Prothonotary, Father Thomas Dade, Provinciall of the order of Saint Dominick, in England aforesaid; Father Bennet Cox, Priest of the English Congregation of the Order of S. Bennet, Father Francis Bell, Limitor Page  8Collector of the Province of the Friers Minorites in England aforesaid; and for those that live at York, or beyond the River of Trent in England aforesaid, the Re∣verend Mr. Phillips Confessor to the most gracious Queene of England, and the Reverend Masters, Master George Cathericke, Father Robert Hadock, alias, Benson, late Provinciall of the Province of Yorke, of the order of S. Bennet, and Father William Anderton of the order of S. Francis; all & every one of them joyntly, severally, and wholly to this purpose; that they according to law make presse to inquire of the cause and kinde of death of them, who in their respective Limits, during this last fierce persecution there against the Catholickes, have dyed for the Catholick Faith: Commanding them by the said Apostolicall Authority, that they do personally repaire to such places, as for this purpose are or shall be to be repaired unto: and that they call before them, such persons of honesty and credit, as have knowledge of the sufferings and deaths of such Catholicks; and that they diligently inquire, heare and examine, upon solemne oath, the truth and manner of their sufferings and deaths, and the cause of such their knowledge and such circumstances pertaining to the same and other things requisite for the discovery of the truth of the matter: and that they conveniently put in writing, the names sirnames, sayings, and depo∣sitions of the said persons, and direct them to us, being so disposed, & faithfully closed up; That we may after∣wards transmit them to the Apostolicall See; to the end that the said See may ordaine and determine of them, that which shall bee fit to the glory of God. Moreover, we intend and declare, That if any one, or some of them deputed by us by himselfe, or by themselves, cannot Page  9personally performe that office, he or they, whom, one or some of the said deputed persons shall or will substi∣tute to that effect; he or they so substituted, shall enjoy the very like power & jurisdiction, as they which were principally and first deputed doe enjoy: To that end, that any one of the said deputies or their substitutes, the rest having lawfull excuse of absence, may proceed and go on with effect in the execution of these presents, and by our ordinary authority given unto us by the A∣postolicall See from this time forth wee grant unto them such power; for testimony and credit whereof we have authorized with our hand and seale these presents: Dispatched by our Secretary.

Given at Cambrey in our Archiepiscopall Palace in the yeare of our Lord 1643. Tenth of June

FRANCIS VANDER BURGH, Archbishop of Cambrey,

By the command of the most Illustrious and Reve∣rend Lord, the Lord Archbishop and Duke of Cam∣brey aforesaid.

Foulin Secretary.