Knovvledge of the times: or, the resolution of the question, how long it shall be unto the end of wonders. By John Tillinghast, a servant of Jesus Christ.
Tillinghast, John, 1604-1655.
SECT. 4.

It being clear that the two thousand three hun∣dred dayes are Prophetical dayes, and also to be understood of so many Prophetical dayes com∣pleat; Our next Question is, where we are to begin this large Epock?

A late Writer would have the beginning of this number to be fixed with the beginning of the seventy years captivity in Babylon.

But this opinion I cannot receive.

1 Because it is contrary to all the Prophetical numbers of Daniel and the Revelations, to go from the time of the Vision backwards for a begin∣ning.

2 Because this beginning neither doth, nor can make the two thousand three hundred dayes to con∣cur in their end with the one thousand three hundred thirty and five, unlesse some other Head be found for that number; which Head must be such too, as will bring the one thousand two hundred and ninety dayes, which ariseth from the same Head with the one thousand three hundred thirty and five, to concur also in their end with the one thousand two hundred and sixty, which concurrence of numbers must be upon the grounds laid down in my Key, Thesi 17. and Thesi 34.

3 Because this beginning exceeds the bounds of the Prophesie it self.

Quest. But where then are we to begin?

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Answ. With the beginning of the Persian Mo∣narchy, viz. in that year the Scripture calls the first of Cyrus; and that for these two Reasons;

1 Because the Prophesie it self, which begins with the beginning of the Persian Monarchy (as compare vers. 3.4. with vers. 20.) warrants this be∣fore any other.

2 Because this beginning fitly agrees as to the scope of the Prophesie, so also to the time when Da∣niel saw this Vision.

The time of the Vision bears date the third year of the Reign of King Belshazzar, vers. 1.

This year was the last year of the Babylonian Monarchy; and to go strictly to the time of the Vision, it was in the latter part of the year, after Babylon was taken, Belshazzar slain, and the Ba∣bylonian Monarchy translated to the Medes and Persians; as the learned and judicious Dr. Light∣foot in his Harmony of the Old Testament upon Daniel the eighth hath clearly proved; his words are these; The first and second verses of this Chapter plainly shew that Belshazzar reigned but three years; for it telleth that in the third of Bel∣shazzar, Daniel was in Shusan, the Royal City of Persia. It cannot be imagined, he was there in Bel∣shazzars life time, for his preferment and residence was in Babylon, till Babylon fell; but his coming thither, was by the transporting of him thither by the Persian Monarch, after he had conquered Ba∣bylon, who as it appeareth by vers. 27. had pre∣ferred him there, and interessed him in the Kings employment. This (saith he) is called the third year Page  135of Belshazzar, purposely that we might learn to give the first year of Cyrus its proper Date, i. e. reckon the first year of Cyrus and Darius, not the year that Babylon fell, but the year after; and partly that we may observe how that in the very year the Medes and Persians destroy Babel, the Lord re∣vealeth to Daniel the destruction of the Medes and Persians, and the Monarchies after them. Hitherto Dr. Lightfoot.

Give me leave to adde, as a farther explication, That that Kings businesse, which vers. 27. Daniel is said to do, is no way likely to be Belshazzar, who neither knew Daniel, nor had Daniel to do with him, as the words, Chap. 5. vers. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. seem to import; but very likely to be Darius, who upon the taking of Babylon set Presidents over the Kingdome, or Empire, of which Daniel was first, Chap. 6.1, 2. And by reason of the nature of his employment, it was meet his abode should be in the Royal City of the Empire where he might better at∣tend it then he could elsewhere. Now this was not Babylon, but Shushan, as appears, Esther 1.2. where therefore Daniel now was, not Visionally (as say some) but really and personally, as is clear from vers. 2. And I saw in a Vision (and it came to passe when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the Palace, which is in the Province of Elam) and I saw in a Vision, and I was by the River of Ulai.

Had Daniel been in the place here mentioned Visionally only, he would never have spoken of two places; for Visionally how could he see him∣self at Shushan, in the Palace, and also by the River Page  136of Ulai at the same time, beholding the same Vi∣sion; the meaning therefore undoubtedly is, Daniel by vertue of his residence at the time he saw this Vision, was at Shushan in the Palace; but locally he was either walking abroad to pray, me∣ditate, refresh himself, &c. by the River of Ulai; as when he saw his great Vision, Chap. 10. he was by the River Hiddekel, vers. 4. and this not Vi∣sionally, but really, for he had company with him, vers. 7.8. so was Daniel at this time really and personally by a River called Ulai, neer adjoyn∣ing (in all probability) to Shushan the Palace, where he saw this Vision. Now what made Daniel there, if at the time of this Vision Babylon were not taken? It must therefore be that Baby∣lon was now taken, and the Monarchy translated, although the Vision bears date (for the reasons given by Dr. Lightfoot) the third of Bel∣shazzar.

Now it being so that Belshazzars third was the last yeer of the Babylon an Monarchy, and consequently Cyrus first, the very next year, our beginning of the two thousand and three hundred dayes, agrees most fitly to the time of the Vision; for observe the third of Belshazzar being the current year, its necessary therefore that we do not bring that into our account, but let it fall: The very first year therefore that we either may, or can begin our account upon, is Cyrus first, which begun with the beginning of the following year; and therefore to begin the two thousand three hundred dayes, with the first of Cyrus, agrees most excellently both to the matter, and the time of Page  137the Vision. This therefore I conclude to be the only true beginning.