Knovvledge of the times: or, the resolution of the question, how long it shall be unto the end of wonders. By John Tillinghast, a servant of Jesus Christ.
Tillinghast, John, 1604-1655.
SECT. 2.

Ob! But it may be objected, That Daniel saw the rise of this little Horn (namely Antichrist) after the rise of the other Horns, Dan. 7.8. I consi∣dered Page  61the Horns, and behold there came up among them another little Horn, vers. 24. And the ten Horns out of this Kingdom are ten Kings that shall arise, and another shall arise after them.

Ans. Three opinions there are of this little Horn, which if either of them might be admit∣ted, would easily quit our hands of this Ob∣jection.

The first is that which interprets it of Antiochus Epiphanes; but as touching this I shall say no∣thing til I come to my Third part.

Two other opinions there are embraced at this day by men of great light, learning, and worth, whom I would not thwart, were it not but that this Prophecy of Daniels little Horn is so materi∣all, that an error here turns the streams of all Da∣niels Prophecies out of their proper channel; and because the best men, and men of greatest Light may have their particular mistakes, I hope it will not be grievous or offensive to any, if for truths sake I bring the principles of those, whose light in other things I esteem above my own, as to this particular thing, to the touch-stone.

Yet ere I come to examine either opinion, I shall in order thereunto premise these few things.

1 That all Daniels Prophecies, viz. That of the great Image, chap. 2. Of the four Beasts and lit∣tle Horn, chap. 7. Of the Ram, Hee-Goat and little Horn, chap. 8. Of the Kings of the North, and Kings of the South, chap. 11. have but one and the same end.

2 That the last thing in each of these is the Page  64description of the Fourth or Roman Monarchy.

These two Principles are so clear and unque∣stionable upon the grounds, that not my self on∣ly, but also those good men go, from whom yet (as to their opinions of the little Horn) I vary, yea from the plain scope and expressions of each Prophecy, that to insist upon particular proof, were but to multiply words.

3 That the Fourth or Roman Monarchy consist∣ing of two States; 1 A pure Civil State, 2 A mixt State, partly Civil, partly Ecclesiastical; hath therefore in each of Daniels Visions and Prophe∣cies a two-fold representation suitable to its two-fold state. In that of the Great Image, the Roman Mo∣narchy (which is signified by the leggs and feet of that Image) is first represented as a pure Civil State, by the leggs of Iron, breaking in peeces and subduing all things, vers. 40. as a mixt State, by the feet and toes of the Image, which are part of Iron, part of Potters clay, ver. 41.

In the second Vision of the fourth Beast, the Roman Monarchy, signified by the fourth Beast, is represented in two States. 1 As a Civil State, and so it is a Beast dreadfull, terrible, strong ex∣ceedingly, having great Iron teeth, devouring and breaking in peeces, vers. 7.2. As a mixt State, and so a raging blasphemous little Horn, ver. 8.21.25.

In the third, chap 8. the Roman Monarchy (re∣presented by the little Horn, vers. 9.) hath two States; 1 A Civil State, and so it is a little Horn waxing great in a way of conquest, subdu∣ing Nations to it self, vers. 9. 2 A mixt State, Page  65and so it is a little Horn, waxing great in a way of opposition to the truths, people, and worship of God, ver. 10, 11, 12.24, 25.

In the fourth and last Prophecy, the Roman Monarchy hath two States; 1 A Civil State, and so it is that terrible potent King of the North, chap. 11. vers. 14. to 21. 2 A mixt State, and so it is that vile Person, vers. 21. whose descripti∣on and acts are continued to ver. 40.

This I take to be (and I doubt not but he who thorowly weighs each Prophecy will, yea must in this be of my minde) the true state of the Roman Monarchy, as the same is set forth in all the Pro∣phecies of Daniel.

Hence fourthly, It follows upon the former, That the little Horn, chap 7. signifying the mixt State of the Roman Monarchy, and the mixt State of the Roman Monarchy being also the thing signi∣fied chap. 2. by the feet and toes of the great I∣mage, chap. 8. by the little Horn there mentioned in his second waxing great, chap. 11. by the vile Person; Hence I say, it follows, That the feet and toes of the great Image, chap. 2. the little Horn, ch. 7. the little Horn in its second waxing great. chap. 8. and the vile person cha. 11. are all one and the same thing. What therefore is affirmed of the little Horn, chap. 7. must bee of all the rest.

This premised, I come now to the opinions themselves.

The first opinion is that which interprets this little Horn of Mahomet, at least-wise as to the special accommodation. The rage of this little Horn against the Saints to be specially meant of Page  64the Turks Tyranny over, and oppression of the Jews.

But this opinion cannot I receive, because it seems to me to be inconsistent with all the four fore∣going Prophesies.

1 for the Prophesie of the great Image, its inconsistent with that; for the feet of the great Image (the same with the little Horn) are to be understood of such a power, as First, is made up of a mixture, and that of things contrary, as iron and clay. Secondly, it is such a power as consists of ten parts, which ten parts are represented by the ten Toes, vers. 42. Now neither of these Characters either do, or will agree to the Empire of the Great Turk, but both are punctually ful∣filled in the Kingdome of Antichrist, which first is made up of a Civil and Ecclesiastical power moulded together; secondly, consists of ten Horns i.e. so many Kingdomes, Rev. 17.12.16.

2 For the Prophesie Chap. 8. The proud He, there spoken of (who is the same with this little Horn) is said to cast down some of the host of hea∣ven, and of the stars to the ground, and to stamp upon them, vers. 10. to take away the daily sacrifice, throw down the place of his Sanctuary, cast down the truth to the ground, vers. 11.12. Yea, he is also said to understand dark sentences, vers. 23. to be mighty, but not by his own power, to destroy wonder∣fully, to destroy the mighty and holy people, vers. 24.

None of these Characters (which are all the Characters of the little Horn) either will, or can agree to any act of the Turk put forth towards the Jews, for,

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1 The Jews in the state they are in, and have been in these many years, cannot be called The Host of Heaven, i. e. The true worshippers of God, as the phrase signifies.

Neither secondly, can the casting down and trampling the Jews be called A casting down of stars, and trampling upon them. The Officers of the Christian Churches are called Stars, Rev. 1.20. The seven Stars are the Angels of the seven Chur∣ches; but where in any Prophesie relating to the Church of the New Testament, from the day the Jews were broken off, till this day, are the Jewish Doctors and Rabbins called Stars?

Neither thirdly, can the Turks sitting over the material Temple, viz. the place of it at Jerusalem, be in a true sense called the taking away of the daily sacrifice, and a throwing down the place of his San∣ctuary. If it be said, by sitting there, he hinders men from embracing the Messiah, so he doth by sitting in Constantinople, and therefore his sitting there may as properly in that sense (though Jeru∣salem were not under his power) be called a ta∣king away of the dayly sacrifice, and casting down the place of Gods Sanctuary.

Neither fourthly, can his opposing the Mo∣saical worship be termed a casting down the truth to the ground, seeing God hath cast down that al∣ready, and owns it for his truth no longer.

Neither fifthly, will it agree to Mahomet to entitle him a King understanding dark sentences, whose birth and education was poor and mean, and so far was he from learning and high specu∣lations (which Antichrist not onely pretends to, Page  66but is also furnished with) as that indeed he had nothing lesse.

Neither sixthly, doth it agree to the Turk to term him mighty, but not by his own power; seeing his might lies in no other power but his own; but it is an excellent description of the Romish Antichrist, who whilst he would make the world beleeve that he is Christs Vicar, and a spiritual creature, doth yet lift up and exercise, and be∣comes mighty thereby, a Civil sword, which in∣deed he hath nothing to do with.

Neither seventhly, can it be said of the Turk that he hath destroyed wonderfully, i.e. more then any before him; and this wonderful destruction, to be a destruction of the mighty and holy people; seeing it is a thing rare with the Turk upon a meer account of Religion (what to increase his Empire he hath done, is but what others have done) to destroy men. But now what the Ro∣mish Antichrist in this kind hath done, is notori∣ously known. If it be said, he hath destroyed by the poyson of his Religion more then ever any be∣fore him.

Its answered, but not the holy people, the holy people are kept by God, and therefore safe from the inchantments of Satan. To understand it of the Jews, will neither agree to them, either in the state they were in, when Daniel saw this Vision, nor the state they are in at present. Not the for∣mer, because then they were not the mighty people; for they were a people in Captivity; not the latter, because now they are not the holy people, being a people as yet rejected of God.

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3 For the Prophesie Chap. 11. The vile per∣son (the same with the little Horn) is said to have indignation against the holy Covenant, vers. 30. to cause the understanding people, who shall instruct many, to fall by the sword, the flame, by captivity and spoyl many dayes, vers. 33. The following Cha∣ractors of this King, I shall take up, and shew whose they are, in answering the other opinion of this little Horn.

As for these two we have named, how will they, or can they agree to the Turk.

1 What holy Covenant is that which he hath in∣dignation against? If the Levitical Covenant, God owns not that for the Holy Covenant any longer; but put case he did, what particular indignation doth the Turk expresse against that Covenant, when as a great part of his Religion is founded upon it? If the Gospel-Covenant, then must this indignation of his be not against Jews, but Christi∣ans; for they are the children of this Covenant; and if so, then are we off of our Argument, and we must rather of the two conclude the Romish Antichrist to be this vile person, then the Turk; for he, and not the Turk, is the great and princi∣pal oppressor of these.

As for the second, what understanding people are they who are said to instruct many, that through sword, flame, captivity, and spoyl, fall by the hand of the Turk? Can they be the Jews as such? None will say so. Are they Chri∣stians? then are these things in a more especial manner to bee applyed to the Romish Anti∣christ than the Turk; for the understanding Page  68people who have been the instructers of many, have fallen ten to one, I might say a hundred to ••e, more by his hand then ever have fallen by the hand of the Turk. Nay when did ever yet the Turk make a war upon, raise a persecution a∣gainst the understanding people meerly upon this account because they were such? But this hath been the practice of the Romish Antichrist throughout all ages.

4 For the Prophesie it self, Chap. 7. This in∣terpretation of the little Horn agrees not to it, neither to the Characters of the little Horn menti∣oned in it, nor to the time of his continuance.

1 Not to the Characters, the little Horn is said, to make war with the Saints of the most High, vers. 21. to wear out the Saints of the most High, vers. 25. How doth he wear them out?

Answ. Partly by inward grief to hear his blas∣phemies, partly by outward sufferings, persecuti∣ons, martyrdomes.

But now as to the first, The Turkish oppression of the Jews by detaining their land from them (which he hath done divers hundred years) cannot be called a making war with the Saints of the most High; for the Jews from the day he first had their land to this, have been a people rejected by God, and therefore cannot in the condition they are in, and have stood in a long time, be considered as the Saints of the most High.

As for the second, The Turk cannot be said in either of the forementioned respects, to wear out the Jews; For first, They grieve not, nor (as yet) are their souls worn out to hear his blasphemies. Secondly, They have not been by him persecuted Page  69and martyred for Religion sake meerly, but are owned and countenanced in his Dominions.

2 Not to the expressions used by the Holy Ghost to set forth the time of his continuance; For the time of his continuance is expressed by a time, times, and dividing of time, vers. 25. which words being spoken in the Gentile Dialect, and signifying the very time of the black day of the Gentile Churches, Revel. 12.14. seems to me clearly to argue, that this little Horn is such a one as should Tyrannize over the Gentile Churches, not the Jews; and this agrees not to the Turk, but the Ro∣man Antichrist.

So that we see that this interpretation will not agree to any one of all Daniels Prophesies.

Yet here let me say, that thus far I go up with the Assertors of this opinion, as to beleeve, that the Prophesies of the Old Testament, as touch∣ing the glorious restitution of the Church, do more directly and immediately look towards the Jews; yet with this Proviso, that this rule is appliable to such Prophesies only as relate to the time of the Jews coming in: But now this Pro∣phesie of Daniels little Horn, and his blasphe∣mies, his rage against the Saints, relate to another time, namely that time in which the Jews are re∣jected; for the coming in of the Jews is not till the end of the time, times, and a half, which is the time where the little Horns dominion ceaseth. It therefore follows, that all the time of the little Horns blasphemy and tyranny, the Jews are a people rejected, and are not received till the day where a period is put to his reign; therefore al∣though Page  70Prophesies that relate to the time of their restitution have a look firstly to that people, yet not this Prophesie, which relates to the time of their rejection.

But indeed our Rule in Daniels Prophesies must be this, viz. That the scope of the Holy Ghost in Daniel is to represent the state of things in the world from Daniels time to the end, with a special reference still to Gods Church and people in it. This being so, it follows that so long as the Jews remained a Church, so long did the things foretold primarily respect them; when they are broken off, and the Gentiles, Gods chosen people, throughout that period, do the things foretold primarily respect the Gentiles; when the Jews are grafted in again, then shall the things, as at first, so now again, be primarily fulfilled to them. So that (I say) although Prophesies which relate to the time of the Jews coming in do primarily look to that people, yet is the case otherwise as to those Prophesies which relate to the times be∣twixt their breaking off, and their receiving again.

And although the name Antichrist is appliable all the time of the Jews rejection to none but the Ro∣man Antichrist, the only Persecutor of the Gentile Saints; yet this I readily grant, if we speak of the time after the Jews come in, that the name Anti∣christ shall be as well, and as properly appliable at that time to the Turk, as to the Romish Antichrist (which consideration affords answer as to all those agreements (some make) betwixt Pope and Turk) and this seems to me to be the great Page  71and only thing intended, Dan. 11. vers. 40. to the end, which place I shall a little open, chiefly to let light into that Prophesie, which (in my appre∣hension) is generally mistaken.

The great knot of that Prophesie, is, Whom we are to understand by the King of the North, and who by the King of the South. Now for the untying hereof, we are to consider, that these titles the King of the North, and the King of the South, are not appliable to two parties or people only, but to divers parties and people; For this Chapter carries us through the second, third, and fourth Monarchies, and takes in the beginning of the fifth; so that here is very frequently a change of persons, though the old names are still retained, King of the North, and King of the South.

Now the reason of the names, in understanding which lyes the chief mystery, and the very Key of the Prophesie, is taken from the situation of parties, that party in every change, contest, skir∣mish here mentioned, whose situation was more Northerly, goes ever under the title of the King of the North; that party whose situation was more Southerly, under the title of the King of the South.

So in the very first contest, where these names are used, which was betwixt Alexanders two chief Captains after his death, and the division of the Grecian Monarchy: the Race of the Lagidae, so called from Ptolomeus the son of Lagus, the first of that Race, is called the King of the South, vers. 5. because their situation was in Egypt and Africa, which lay more towards the South. The Page  72Race of the Seleucidae, so called from Seleucus Ni∣canor, the first of them, are called the King of the North, vers. 6, 7. because they were situated in Assyria, Babylon, and other parts of Assa, which did border somewhat more upon the North, then the other.

So in the next contest which begins with the beginning of the Roman Monarchy, the parts first assaulted and invaded by the Romans when they were reaching after the Monarchy, as Macedon, Egypt, Judea, &c. are called the King of the South, vers. 14. because these Countries were situated Southward from Italy and Rome, and the Romans invading are called King of the North, vers. 15. because of their Northern situation.

And here by the way, give me leave to ob∣serve what a notable mark the Holy Ghost hath left us in this close transition from the Grecian Monarchy to the Roman, to give us light where in this Prophesie we are to begin the Roman Mo∣narchy, which otherwise, considering how things all along hang as it were in a chain, were a thing most difficult to find; vers. 14. And in those dayes many shall stand up against the King of the South, which is a most proper description of the Roman Monarchy in its first rise, and seems to point them out from all the people in the world; for it is observable of them that at the time they were growing into a Monarchy, they were governed by a Senate, consisting of many persons, which many also, to shew us that they are to be understood of such a many as do yet make up but one Representative bony, are Page  73therefore in the next Verse called the King of the North. The words in the close of the fourteenth Verse, They shall fall, which may seem to make this Exposition doubtfull, do not relate to the many standing up against the King of the South in the beginning of the Verse, but to the robbers of thy people in the end, which are not the Ro∣mans, but another people opposing the Romans in the beginning of their Monarchy, and falling be∣fore them.

So likewise in the controversie afterwards be∣twixt the vile Person Antichrist, and the Turks and Saracens, which began about the year one thousand ninety six, the Turks upon whom the vile person makes War, are called the King of the South, vers. 25. because their situation lay Sou∣therly from Rome; and Antichrist is King of the North, because his Seat was situated most Nor∣therly.

This Light gained, sets open a window to that which follows, from verse forty to the end of the Chapter. For the better understanding whereof let it be noted, That these six last verses do set forth the very last part of that Tragedy that now for a long time together had been acting upon the Stage of the World; and they are not (as is most generally thought) a repetition of things before delivered, but indeed a continuation of the Prophecy, and that from that very point of time where Antichrists Tyranny, which is the thing described in the fore-going verses, ends. The description of Antichrists rage in the fore-going verses brings us down to the very end of the forty two moneths, the one thousand two Page  74hundred and sixty days, now with the end of that time begins this Prophecy, which carries things on, but with a special respect to the Jews untill Christs coming.

Hence the time is particularly noted to be the time of the end, vers. 40. At the time of the end shall the King of the South push at him; and in this sence, viz. for the very concluding time, and shutting up of the things here fore-told, is this phrase used throughout this Prophecy, vers. 27. The end shall be at the time appointed, vers. 35. even to the time of the end, because it is yet for a time ap∣pointed, ch. 12. v. 4. Seal the Book even to the time of the end, vers. 6. How long shall it be to the end of these Wonders? vers. 8. What shall be the end of these things? So vers. 9, 13. all verifying our sense.

Now we are here to remember what I have proved in my Key, That the one thousand two hundred and ninety days (the time of the Jews first stirring) concur in their end with the forty two months, the one thousand two hundred and six∣ty days. This noted, things lie thus. The fore∣going verses brings us down to the end of the for∣ty two months, with which time ending, ends likewise the one thousand two hundred and nine∣ty days. Now do the Jews stir, and get their own Land, which Land of theirs, because it lies Southward from Rome, the Seat of the Beast, and Constantinople likewise the Seat of the Turk, the new-stirring Jews in opposition to these take this name, King of the South. The Jews, this new King of the South, being gotten into their Land, push at the Turk and Pope both; at the one upon Page  75a Civil account; at the other upon a Christian, or at leastwise as favourers of the Gentile Saints. This makes Pope and Turk (though sometimes before they had been quarrelling with each other, not herein serving any design of Christ so much as their own Lusts; for though they quarrelled, yet it is said of them, vers. 27. That both their hearts were set to doe mischief) now at last gaspe to joyn hands; and as Herod and Pilate, the one a coun∣terfeit Jew, the other a professed Heathen, dead∣ly enemies to each other before, became friends in opposing Christ; so shall Antichrist and the Turk, the one a counterfeit Christian, the other an open Pagan, who till this day lived by one a∣nother as enemies, be now reconciled and made friends, yea become one in opposing Christs Cause, in doing which they shall fall together. This combination of these two grand Enemies as chief, goes under the name of the King of the North, because either of them (as I have said) are Northerly situated from Jerusalem. These combined shall come with great fury into the Land of Judea, and the Countries adjacent, as Aegypt and Aethiopia, who shall at this day fa∣vour the Jews, Isa. 19.23, 24, 25. Here shall be∣gin the Jews black and terrible day of trouble; for this raging King of the North, filled with out∣rage to see a new Enemy risen up against him, and the more because of tidings he hears from the East and the North, vers. 44. which tidings in likelihood is news brought to him of those Gentile Saints (who having been instruments of setting the Jews at first in their own Land, and upon Page  76that, having done their work, being returned home) now hearing this, march up again from the Northern parts to assist the Iews, and toge∣ther therewith also tidings of other Iews coming up to their Land from the Eastern Countries. This news sets him in a great rage, and to the end that he may dispatch one party first, before the other can get up, he marcheth with wonderful fury, resolving to destroy all, into Iudea, and up to Ie∣rusalem, pitching his Tents in the holy Moun∣tain, i. e. laying close siege to Ierusalem, as Ioel 3.1, 2, Zach. 12.2, 3. by which the Iews shall be brought into such straits as never was any peo∣ple in the world. Now in the day of their greatest straits, when the Enemies rage, and their straits shall be at the highest, shall Michael stand up, i. e. Christ appear, as Chap. 12.1. Zach. 14.1, 2, 3, 4, 5. who instantly upon his appearing pours out the seventh Vial upon all these his enemies, now ga∣thering and gathered together, by which they shall come to their end, and none shall help them, verse last.

Thus this last verse brings us to the point of Christs Personal appearance, which more fully is opened in the following Chapter, ver. 1. all that fol∣lows afterwards to the end of the twelfth Chapter, is not of things succeeding, but only, first a rehear∣sall of the state of the Jews in the time of their first stirring, (the handling whereof, that no inter∣ruption might be caused in the Story, is omitted till the discourse was come to an end) which is set forth by a resurrection, ver. 2, 3. the same with E∣zekiels resurrection of the dry bones, Chapter 37. Page  77And afterwards a revealing to Daniel the time of these things, (viz. their first stirring, and their compleat deliverance by the appearance of Christ;) which is set forth by two mysticall num∣bers, of which I have discoursed at large in Gene∣ration work, Part 3. Chap. 2. Sect. 5. and in my Key, Thes. 17. Thes. 34.

Thus much by way of answer to the first opi∣nion concerning the little Horn, in answering which I have been led into some things a little out of the way, but not unprofitable.