Cheiragogia heliana.: A manuduction to the philosopher's magical gold: out of which profound, and subtile discourse; two of the particullar tinctures, that of Saturn and Jupiter conflate; and of Jupiter single, are recommended as short and profitable works, by the restorer of it to the light. To which is added; Antron Mitras; Zoroaster's cave: or, An intellectuall echo, &c. Together with the famous Catholic epistle of John Pontanus upon the minerall fire.
Thor., George.
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The Colours.

When the matter has stood for the space of forty dayes in a moderate heat, there will begin to appear above, a blacknesse like to pitch, which is the Caput Corvi of the Philo∣sophers, and the wise men's Mercury.


Blacknesse once seen, thou mayst be sure a True Conjunction of the principles is made.

Before the clear Splendent colour comes, all the Colours in the world will appear and disappear: then thou shalt see an admi∣rable whitenesse, that it will seem to thee the True whitenesse, and yet it is not so. Before the True whitenesse comes, thou shalt see all about in the margin of the Glass as it were Oriental pearls, in the matter of the Stone, glittering like the Eyes of fishes, and when thou seest the Matter white as Snow, and shining like orientall gemms, The white stone is then perfect. Let it cool of Itself.
Isaacus Flander.

The Colours are only Three, the others that come are called the middle Colours, that vanish away: But the Black, White, and Red, are Eminent and lasting Scenes.


When in the work blacknesse appears, Page  81 know that thou hast found the right way of working. Then rejoyce, for God has given thee a very Great and pretious Gift.

Phoenix. pag. 71.

In horâ Conjunctionis mirabilia maxima ap∣parent. Nam omnes Colores quotquot Excogrtari possunt, &c. In the hour of Conjunction wonderfull things present themselves appa∣rent to us. For all the Colours that can be Imagined, appear in the work; and the Im∣perfect body is colour'd with a firm Colo∣ration, by mediation of the Ferment.

Arnaldus in Flore Florum.