The saints communion with God, and Gods communion with them in ordinances.: As it was delivered in severall sermons
Strong, William, d. 1654.
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Christian Reader,

AT the earnest in∣treaty and request of some Pious and Christian Friends, who finde sweet Communion with God in Gospell-Ordinances, I am bold to commend the reading of this book unto thee: The Author hereof I believe is now in Heaven, receiving his wages after his work is done; and a glorified Saint, Page  [unnumbered]enjoying eternall Communion with God above Ordinan∣ces. We must all confesse, that in respect of human frailties, we are not so STRONG, but that weak∣nesse will attend the best of us, whilest here below in our pilgrimage to that Heavenly Canaan: He will be much deceived, that reckons this World his Heaven, but doth, and will finde it his Wilder∣nesse, and at best, but his passage through the Red-Sea; and here we have need of Moses, not only to kill the Aegyptian for us, and to Page  [unnumbered]bring us out of Egypt; and also lift up his Rod, and stretch forth his Hand, and so divide the Red-Sea, that our passage may be safe; but also of a Joshua to bring us into Canaan, and this is our Lord Jesus Christ, who is God blessed for evermore. No true Saint in this life can live without or above Ordi∣nances, no more then the na∣turall body can live without food and raiment. God in his infinite wisdome and mercy, hath admitted the Churches new born babes in all ages to Ordinances, whereby Page  [unnumbered]Grace, and the seeds of Re∣generation may be, through mercy, conveyed to them: and are not Saints to the end of their daies perfected by them also, as the Apostle speaks, Ephes. 5.26, 27. Some waters are contained in Springs and Wells, some in Conduits and Pipes, and some also in the main Ocean; yet they are all conveyances of Water for the several uses of the sonnes of men; and they are all bounded within their due limits: And so it is with Gospell Ordinances; there's the Wells and springs of life, Page  [unnumbered]there's the Pipes of spiritu∣all Comfort, and there's the Ocean of mercy, and all the priviledges of free Grace conveyed to the believing soule. All those in these li∣centious daies (which God will require some where) that cry down Ordinances are forc'd themselves to de∣vise new waies of conveying their apprehended spirit un∣to us. And should we refuse the waies of Gods own ap∣pointment? Whereever God shall record his Name, shall we deny to worship him there? How then will God Page  [unnumbered]come unto us, and blesse us, as he hath promised? Let those wild men of this Age, that have been at Jericho in stead of Ierusalem, re∣solve the question, how the Lord will appear in waies and Ordinances that are not of his own institution and allowance? Will he not sadly, personally, and publickly say to them at the great day, who hath required these things at your hands? bring no more vain oblations.

Reader, I will say no more, but beseech thee to turn thy reading into prayer, and thy Page  [unnumbered]praying into humble and holy practise, that thou maist know the Trinity in Ʋnity, and Ʋnity in Trinity, which reason cannot understand, and maist enjoy soule-Communion with all the Persons in the Trinity by Faith in Gospell-Ordinances; and that both in the Temple, and also in every Administration of the Lord Jesus to thee, thou maist cor∣dially, affectionately, and with comfort say, Iehovah Shammah, the Lord is there: And with Iacob in his Pil∣grimage be able to confesse, Surely the Lord is in this Page  [unnumbered]place, though sometimes I knew it not through mine own default. And that thou maist finde all mercies and glories bottomed on thy spirituall Communion with God, recon∣ciled to thee in Christ thy Re∣deemer, is the desire of him, who thirsts after more Com∣munion with God and Christ in holy Ordinances, and begs alwaies to be found upon a spirituall account

Thine in the Lord Christ, IOHN HERING.

From my Study in Brides Church-yard London, Octo. 27. 1655.