A new light of alchymie:: taken out of the fountaine of nature, and manuall experience. To which is added a treatise of sulphur:
Sędziwój, Michał, ca. 1556-ca. 1646., French, John, 1616-1657., Paracelsus, 1493-1541. Of the nature of things., Dorn, Gerhard, 16th cent. Dictionarium Theophrasti Paracelsi.

Of the Separation of Animalls.

IT is necessary, that Anatomie goe before the separation of Animalls, that the bloud may bee apart, the flesh apart, the bones apart, the skinne apart, the bowels apart, the tendons apart, &c. and after this must every one of these bee separated by it selfe by the help of the Spagiricall Art.

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Therefore the separations in this place are chiefly 4.

*The first draws forth a waterie, and flegmatick hu∣midity from the bloud. For from the bloud being after this manner, according to the processe shewed in the book of Conservations, prepared, there comes forth a most excellent Mummie,* and so excellent a Specificum, that any fresh wound may bee cured, and consolidated in the space of twenty four hours, only with one binding up.

*The second is the separation of fat from flesh; for that being separated from Mans flesh is a most excellent balsome allaying the pains of the Gout, and Cramp, and such like pains, if any part affected bee anointed with it warm. It helps also the tendons of the hands, or feet, being drawn together, if they bee daily anointed with it. It cures also the scab, and all kinds of Leprosy.

Therefore it is the chiefest Chirurgical specificum, and in all cases, as in wounds and the like most pro∣fitable, &c.

The third is the separation of waterie, and fleg∣matick moisture, together with the fat extracted out of bones. For if these two bee carefully by the Art of Alchymie separated from Mens bones by the de∣gree of Distillation, and the bones bee reduced, or burnt into most white ashes by the degree of Calci∣nation; and then these three bee again after a right manner joined together, so that they resemble butter, they become a most wonderfull specificall Arcanum, with which thou maist soundly cure any fracture of bones without any pain at three bindings up, so that thou dost handle, and set the fracture ac∣cording to the rules of Chirurgery, and then apply that specificum by way of plaister, &c.

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This also doth most speedily cure the wounds of the skull, and any other contusion of bones whatso∣ever.

The fourth, and the last is the separation of Refines, and Gummes from the Skin, Bowels, and tendons. For this Refine being extracted, and separated out of them by the degree of Extraction, according to the Spagiricall Art, and congulated by the beams of the Sun, become a cleer transparent Glew. Out of this glew being prepared, extracted, and separated out of Mans body, as is prescribed, a most excellent Ar∣canum, and specificall stiptick comes forth, where∣with Wounds, and Ulcers may speedily bee conso∣lidated, and their lips bee brought together: (even as two boards are glewed together with glew put be∣twixt them) so that you put two or three drops of it being resolved into the wound. This also is a singu∣lar Arcanum for Burns, Falling of the nails, Scabs, &c. if the place affected bee nointed with it. For the skin will presently bee brought over the raw flesh.

There might many other separations of these and other things bee reckoned up. But seeing wee have mentioned them in other places, it would bee but lost labour here to repeat them. It wil bee necessary that wee speak of those things here, of which wee have made no mention elsewhere.

*And lastly in the end of all things shall bee the last separation, in the third generation, the great day when the Son of God shal come in majesty, and glory, before whom shal be carried not swords, garlands, diadems, scepters, &c. and Kingly jewels,* with which Princes, Kings, Cesars, &c. doe pom∣pously set forth themselves, but his Crosse, his crown Page  98of thorns, and nails thrust through his hands, and feet, and spear with which his side was pierced, and the reed, and spunge in which they gave him vineger to drinke, and the whips wherewith hee was scour∣ged, and beaten. He comes not accompanyed with troopes of Horse, and beating of Drums, but foure Trumpets shall bee sounded by the Angells towards the foure parts of the world, killing all that are then alive with their horrible noise, in one moment, and then presently raising these again, together with them that are dead, and buryed.

*For the voice shall bee heard: Arise yee dead, and come to judgment. Then shal the twelve Apostles sit down, their seats being prepared in the clouds, and shal judge the twelve Tribes of Israel. In that place the holy Angels shall separate the bad from the good, the cursed from the blessed, the goats from the sheep. Then the cursed shall like stones, and lead be thrown downward: but the blessed shall like eagles fly on high. Then from the tribunall of God shal go forth this voice to them that stand on his left hand: Goe yee Cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devill, and his Angells from all eternity: For I was an hun∣gry, and yee fed me not; thirsty, and you gave no drink; sick, in prison, and naked, and you visited me not, freed mee not, cloathed me not, and you shewed no pity to∣wards me, therefore shalt you expect no pity from me. On the contrary, hee shal speak to them on his right hand: Come yee blessed, and chosen into my Fathers Kingdome, which hath been prepared for you, and his Angells from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave me meat; thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you took me in; naked, Page  99and you covered me; sick, and you visited me; in prison, and you came unto me. Therefore I will receive you into my Fathers Kingdom, where are provided many mansi∣ons for the Saints. You took pity on me, therefore will I take pity on you.

All these being finished, and dispatched, all Ele∣mentary things wil returne to the first matter of the Elements, and bee tormented to eternity, and never bee consumed, &c. and on the contrary, all holy things shall return to the first matter of Sacraments: i. e. shall be purified, and in eternall joy glorifie God their Creator, and worship him from age to age, from eternity, to eternity, Amen.