A faithfull friend true to the soul: or The soules self-examination, preparing it self for the great triall of life or death eternall in the other world, in 86. quæries. Whereunto is added, the Christian jewell of faith, or the ready way to beleeve and be saved. By Timothy Rogers, minister of the church at Chappell in Essex.
Rogers, Timothy, 1598-1650?

CHAP. 4. How the Gospell workes to the bringing us to be∣leeve savingly in Christ.

THe working of the Gospell in this hum∣bled soule consisteth in Page  23eight things also for the bringing forth of faith in him.

1. It inlightens him, to see two things.

First that God of his meere good will and mer∣cy to miserable lost sin∣ners hath provided them a sufficient meanes, viz. Christ whereby to be sa∣ved and delivered * from his eternall wrath. Iohn. 3.17. 1 Iohn. 2.2. not excluding any that will accept of it. Revel. 22.17. upon Gods termes; and in his order; that is by being first humbled and so made capeable thereof.

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Secondly. That God is as willing to shew him mercy as any other Ioh. 3.16. yea will doe it, and save him by this meanes, Christ; if he will but trust God, on his word, and beleeve this his goodwill to him, and that he hath provided this meanes for him, so that if he be not saved, it is because he would not trust God; but thinkes that God meanes not so well to him, as he speakes. Iohn. 3.16. That whosoever beleeveth in him shall not perish.

Thus the doctrine of the Gospell inlightning Page  25the humbled sinner, is as a voice that comes from the Holy One, saying, Heare thou poore Soule & hearken unto me, now thou canst doe nothing for thy selfe, see what God is willing to doe for thee: hereupon followes.

2. Admiration, where∣with he is so rapt, as that it is with him, as it was with the Church, upon their so strange Returne out of Captivitie, * they were like them that dreame. He wonders much at this a thing so admirable, that God should offer a Re∣medie (and that such an Page  26one) to man so great a sin∣ner, whereas not one of the Angels that sinned ever had such a favour of∣fered them, though there be millions of them, this (I say) is wonderfull to him, though as yet, he be∣leeves not this Remedie to himselfe, but under∣stands a possibilitie wher∣in he may be included; as to a miserable captive, the news of a release for some of the Company is admi∣rable to him, upon the ge∣nerall intelligence, though as yet he know not whe∣ther he be one of them.

3. Conviction, the Go∣spel Page  27holds him to it, whereas he goes about to put it from himselfe: O thinks he, this is good in∣deed, but too good for me; that is not for me, I am so great a sinner; nay, saith the Gospel, Whosoe∣ver beleeveth shall not pe∣rish, and therefore (if thou wilt) that is for thee as well as any other, unlesse by not beleeving it, thou deprive thy selfe of it, and a broken heart, * God will not despise, (being offered to him) such an one is thy heart.

4. Consultation. He fals to reasoning with Page  28himselfe, what he were best to doe. What (thinks he) doth God indeed bid me beleeve his good will to me by Christ, and to be perswaded thereof? yes: and gives me good leave and warrant? yes: What, God to shew me mercie? Why to me? What is in me? What reason have I to be so per∣swaded? none at all, but onely because God bids me; that is great reason: What danger is't, if I do not? oh the greatest sin of unbelief and contempt of the Grace of God, thus offered me, and it will be Page  29unrecoverable losse of my Soule: What danger is't if I doe now beleeve this his good will and mea∣ning to me by Christ? None at all, but shall please God best, and shall find sure mercie and Sal∣vation.

5. Resolution. He comes to resolve, and puts him∣selfe upon this point with unfained Resolution thus to doe, he gives his mind and inclines his heart to it, thus; well then, seeing it pleaseth God best, and is best for my Soule, and no danger in it (I being right∣ly humbled) I will then Page  30venture my Soule upon Gods word and bidding; and rest perswaded, that he meanes me well, even me and my poore soule by Christ. Yet now there is difference between this his Resolution and his doing of it, which fol∣lowes afterward.

6. Longing affection: finding for all this his Re∣solution, how unable he is to performe it, he fals to an heartie desiring and earnest longing for it; ve∣ry highly prising of it; Oh (thinkes he) that I could so doe, that I could be so happie; the Lord, Page  31the Lord give me Grace to doe it, whatsoever be∣tides me in this world, though I beg my bread: this desire is very earnest; longing for this rather then any thing, as one pressed to death, desiring water; or a condemned man a pardon, as David for the waters of Bethle∣hem, and the chased heart after the water brookes: * this is the hungring and thirsting of the Soule, whereof the Scripture speakes, and whereto the Promise is made, Matth. 5.6. John 7.37.

7. Supplication. This Page  32his desire is so strong and vehement, that it can no longer hold in, but breaks forth in Prayer to God. First, [ 1] as the Prodigall and Publicane in humble and heartie Confession of his sinfull Condition, think∣ing none so great a sinner as himselfe, feeling his owne burden best, and abasing himselfe to no∣thing, in regard of his owne unworthinesse; yet secondly in earnest fuit and petition to God to give him that blessed re∣medie, [ 2] and an heart to embrace it, which he sees of his good will he hath Page  33provided for him, even Iesus Christ; that he may be well perswaded of it, to his Soules Comfort; and thus continues every day praying, which is his hanging upon Christ, and crying after him, he will have no nay, nor let him goe, but thus clings close∣ly to him.

8. At length God gra∣ciously answers his re∣quest, with Son thy sins are forgiven thee, be it unto thee as thou hast desired, and so workes it in him, as in the Creation, when God said, Let there be this or that, it was so; so now workes in Page  34him a true perswasion of his good will in Christ, even to him, and of be∣stowing Christ a Reme∣die on his Soule, and that by him, he shall have Grace and Mercie, and be saved: and that in this sort, the humbled sinner thinks thus, God hath gi∣ven me an heart to desire it, and to pray unfainedly for it, and it is according to his will I should do so; now he heareth the desire of the humble, Psal. 10.17. and, If we aske any thing according to his will, he hea∣reth us. 1 Joh. 5.14. Ther∣fore I am perswaded he Page  35will grant it me, even the blessed Remedie Christ, with all his benefits to the everlasting Salvation of my Soule.

This now is a true per∣swasion, and thus is faving Beliefe wrought and brought forth at length by the Gospel.

Object. But his prayer for it, is not altogether according to the will of God, and therefore is he not mistaken for his ground, 1 Iob. 5.14. and so his perswasion false?

Ans. Nor is any good thing we doe altogether according to Gods will; Page  36but, first, it is that which God requires, and so ac∣cording to his will. Se∣condly, it is upright, un∣fained, and therefore also accepted, the weaknesse not imputed. Thirdly, he doth not desire to main∣taine himselfe in doing it otherwise then Gods will is, nay, it is all his care, it may be according to his will every way, therefore It is accepted according to that he hath, and not accor∣ding to that he hath not. 2 Cor. 8.12.

2. Object. But it is not in Faith, he praies thus; see∣ing Faith is not yet Page  37brought forth till after his praying for it.

Ans. It is not void of all Faith, as is shewed in the Chap. following.