Summary reasons against the new oath & Engagement.: And an admonition to all such as have already subscribed it. With a cautionarie exhortation to all honest English spirits, to avoid the danger of perjurie by taking of it.
Prynne, William, 1600-1669.

A Low-Country Free-State,

Is an Ignoble Servitude under the Militarie Command of many selfe-Created new States, erected and supported by the meere Power of a standing Army, constant Garrisons, Citadels, accompanied with perpetuall Monethly Contributions, Taxes, Excises and Free-Quarter imposed on the Clergy & Laity by these new States alone, without common consent or Act of Parliament, and aug∣mented and disposed of at their owne Will and Pleasures.

Utrum horum mavis, accipe.
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