The articles and conditions of the perpetuall peace: concluded between the most potent King of Spaine, &c. on the one partie, and the high and mightie Lords, the States Generall of the Vnited Netherlands, on the other partie, subscribed and sealed the 13th. of Ianuary, 1648. At Munster.
Philip King of Spain, 1605-1665., United Provinces of the Netherlands. Staten Generaal.
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A COPY Of the full power of his Royall Majestie of Spaine which was deli∣vered to the Ambassadors of the High and Mightie Lords the States Generall of the Vnited Netherlands, being at present as∣sembled at Munster; wherein his royall Majestie declareth the Vnited Netherlands to be free and franke, without that he hath any pretence on them in any manner; as followeth.

DON PHILIP by the grace of God King of Castile, Leon, Arragon, the two Sicilies, Jerusalem, Portugall, Navarr, Granada, Toledo, Valentia, Gullicia, Majorca, Mi∣norca, Sivill, Sardinia, Cordua, Corsica, Murcia, Jaen, the Algarves, Algerica, Gibraltar, the Canary Ilands, the East and West Indies, the Ilands and firme land of the Ocean Sea; Arch∣duke of Austria, Duke of Burgundie, Brabant, Millaine, Earle of Absburg, Flanders, Tiroll and Barcelona, Lord of Biscaye and Mechelen, &c.

Whereas I do so far and so much desire to advance the rest and tranquilitie of the Subjects and Inhabitants of the Provinces of the Netherlands, that they may cease from such a long cruell war, for the better attainiug of a generall Peace in Europe, for the good of Christendome; And having by common and mutuall consent chosen and appointed the City of Munster in West∣phalia, for the Assembly and Treaty of the said Peace, I have found it convenient to nominate persons, who may in my name assist at the said Assembly with all authoritie and full power, and especially with the States of the free Provinces of the United Netherlands, or their Ambassadors, and Plenipotentiaries, par∣ticularly authorized and deputed, and taking into consideration the sufficient integritie, circumspection, experience, judgement and zeale to my Service, and the good of the rest of Christen∣dome in generall, which do concur in the Persons of Don Gaspar de Braccamonte and Gusman Earle of Peneranda, Gentlemen of of my Counsell Chamber, and of the Chamber of Justice, as also of my Extraordinary Ambassador in Germanie, Fryer Ioseph Ergaigne Arch Bishop of Cambray, and Anthony Brun of my Page  25High Counsell in Flanders; and for the satisfaction they have alwayes given me in severall and great negotiations which were laid upon them, and by them severally treated, therefore fully be∣leeving, that they all together, and each one in particular in the absence or inconvenience of one or the other, will have regard to the best welfare of Christendome, and my particular interests, I have nominated them for my Ambassadors and Plenipotentia∣ries, and by vertue of these presents, I give them jointly, and to each one in particular in the absence or inconvenience of any of them, full and absolute power to make an overture to the States of the said free Provinces of the United Netherlands, or to their Ambassadors, and Plenipotentiaries, who shall be thereunto especially authorised and constituted: As also to heare what shall be propounded to the pacifying of the said long and cruell war, moved in the Provinces of the Netherlands, and such which have growne from thence against the said States Generall in o∣ther lands and seas, lying far off, And in sequell thereof to enter into an accomodation with the said States general of the said free United Provinces, or with their said Ambassadours and Plenipo∣tentiaries to confer, propound, agree, capitulate, and conclude, a good, firme, and inviolable Treaty of rest, either of Peace or of a Truce, promising for my Self and my Successors for ever, to hold firme and valid, precisely and punctually, without any de∣fault, whatsoever by my said Ambassadours and Plenipotentiaries joyntly, or by each in particular in the absence or inconvenience of any of them, shall be agreed and capitulated in the said Trea∣tie with the said States Generall, or their said Ambassadors and Plenipotentiaries of the said United free Provinces: And also to approve and ratifie it my selfe, within the time which shall be re∣ciprocally appointed, with corroboration of an oath and all so∣lemnities in such case needfull and usuall; In witnesse whereof I have commanded to dispateh these presents, Subscribed with my hand, and counter-signed with the Subscription of my Secretarie of State;

Given at Saragossathe 7th. June 1646.

I the King. P. Coloma.