Tractatus de simplicium medicamentorum facultatibus. = A treatise of the nature and qualities of such simples as are most frequently used in medicines,: both purging, and others. Methodically handled, for the benefit of those that understand not the Latine tongue. To which is added: many compound medicines for most diseases incident to mankinde: as also two alphabeticall tables, very necessary for the reader. Together with, the explanation of all hard words or termes of art, whereby the vulgar may the better understand it.
Pemell, Robert.

CHAP. 82. De bolo Armenio, of Bolarmoniacke.

The Names and temperature.

IT is called in Latine Bolus Armenius, and Bolus Armenia, and that ecause the best comes from Armenia: in English Bolearmoniack, and Bole-armeny, or red Bole. It is cold and dry in the first degree.

The best sort.

The best is firme and close, without gravell or stone, heavy, and for the most part wholly of one colour. without discolouring parts, and being put to the tongue it cleaveth very fast.

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The Duration.

It will keep good many yeares.

The inward use.

It is drying astringent and strengthning; therefore it is usefull in any Fluxe of the belly, in womens Fluxes, whether white or red, in Rhumes and Catarrhes, in spitting of blood, bleeding of the nose or any inward bleeding: it thickneth humours, resisteth putrefaction, and is excellent in all contagious diseases of the Pestilence, Small-pox, Measells, and against poyson and venome.

The manner of Administring it.

It is given in powder, or in Electuary.

The outward use.

It stoppeth the bleeding of the nose, or the bleeding of any wound, helpeth Ulcers of the mouth, consolidateth broken bones, and is much used in binding Pultises and astringent powders.

Against bleeding of the nose.

Take Bole Armoniack in powder an ounce, red Rosewater foure ounces, Vineger of Roses one ounce and a halfe, mixe them well to∣gether, and wet clothes therein and apply it cold into the forehead.

The Dose.

The dose is from halfe a dram to a dram in Plantaine water, or such like.

Of Medicines made thereof.

Bole Armony washed or prepared. Ʋnguentum Ophthalmicum. Ʋnguentum rubrum siccativum, &c.