Tractatus de simplicium medicamentorum facultatibus. = A treatise of the nature and qualities of such simples as are most frequently used in medicines,: both purging, and others. Methodically handled, for the benefit of those that understand not the Latine tongue. To which is added: many compound medicines for most diseases incident to mankinde: as also two alphabeticall tables, very necessary for the reader. Together with, the explanation of all hard words or termes of art, whereby the vulgar may the better understand it.
Pemell, Robert.

The outward use.

A decoction of the roots of either, mollifieth the hardnesse of the wombe, if women do sit therein, and openeth the veines, and bringeth downe the courses. The leaves boiled and laid hot upon a∣ny hot and painefull Apostumes, especially in the more remote and sinewie parts doth both coole the heat and inflammation of them, and ease the paines. The juice of the leaves snuffed up into the Nostrils, purgeth the tunicles of the brain. The juice of the green leaves applyed to hot inflammations of the eyes, asswageth them. The juice of the berries boiled with a little Honey, and dropped into the eares, easeth the paines of them.

A decoction of the root maketh the haire black if it be washed therewith: the leaves boiled till they be tender, then beaten and mixed with Barley-meale, and applyed to hot inflammations, as∣swageth them, and helpeth places that are burnt either by fire or water, cureth Fistulous Ulcers being laid thereupon; and easeth the paines of the Gowt being beaten and boiled with tallow of a Bull, or Goat, and laid warme thereon. The young buds and leaves of the Elder, and as much of the roots of Plantaine beaten together, and boiled in Hogs-grease, this being laid warme upon the place pained with the Gowt doth give present ease thereto: the leaves also burnt, and the powder of them put up into the Nostrils stayeth the bleed∣ing once or twice used. The leaves of Elders boiled tender, and applied warme to the fundament, easeth the paines of the Piles, if Page  [unnumbered] they be once or twice renewed growing cold. The pitch in the middle of the Elder stalkes, being dried and put into the cavernous, or hollovv holes of Fistulous Ulcers that are ready to close, open∣eth and dilateth the Orifices, whereby injections may be used, and other remedies applied for the cure of them. The Mushromes cal∣led Jewes-eares, helpeth the inflammation of the eyes being mace∣rated or steeped in Rose-water, or Plantaine-water, and the eyes washed therewith. The dryed Jewes-eares steeped in Rose-water and applied to the Temples and forehead, do ease the paines of the head or head-ach. The distilled water of the flowers of Elder, is of much use to cleare the skin from Sun-burning, Freckles, Mor∣phew or the like: and both the fore-part and hinder-part of the head being bathed therewith, it taketh away all manner of head-ach that commeth of a cold cause. The same water taketh away the heat and inflammation of the eyes, and helpeth them when they are blood-shotten. The hands being washed morning and evening with the same vvater of the flovver doth much help and ease them that have the Palsy in them, and cannot keep them from shaking.

The foule inflamed or old Ulcers and sores of the leggs, being often vvashed vvith the vvater of the leaves or of the flovvers distilled in the middle of the moneth of Maey doth heale them in a short space. The water also helpeth the paine of the side, if a linnen cloth be vvet therein, and the side bathed therevvith vvarme. Oile of Elder-flovvers doth assvvage paine, cleanse and mundifie the skin, profiteth in stoppings of the Liver and spleene, and is good for the paines of the joynts and nerves, and is very usefull in burning and wild-fire. An ointment made of the green leaves of Dan-wort & May butter made in the Moneth of May, is accounted with many a sove∣reigne remedy for all outward paines, aches and cramps in the joynts, nerves or sinewes, for starcknesse and lamenesse by cold and other casualties, and generally to warme, comfort, and strengthen all the outward parts ill-affected, as also to mollifie the hardnesse, and to open the obstructions of the spleen, the grieved parts anoint∣ed therewith.