Tractatus de simplicium medicamentorum facultatibus. = A treatise of the nature and qualities of such simples as are most frequently used in medicines,: both purging, and others. Methodically handled, for the benefit of those that understand not the Latine tongue. To which is added: many compound medicines for most diseases incident to mankinde: as also two alphabeticall tables, very necessary for the reader. Together with, the explanation of all hard words or termes of art, whereby the vulgar may the better understand it.
Pemell, Robert.

The externall use.

It is outwardly used in all cold Diseases of the Nerves, as in Convulsions, Tremblings, Palsies, and in pains of the Joynts, in the Sciatica, as also in the French Pox, in sleepy Diseases of the Brain, if it be mixed with Oyle of Spike, and the neck anoynted there∣with, it availeth much. Collyries made thereof may be used in suf∣fusions of the eyes, as also to take away the filmes thereof: But in the use of it about the eyes, I advise Practitioners to be very careful and wary, because of its burning faculty. In wounds and contu∣sions of the Nerves, it doth much profit. Mingled with Oyle of Bay, Bears grease, Wolves grease, or such like, it cures the Fox∣mange, and Scurfe of the head. The Nape of the Neck being anoin∣ted with the Oyle of Euphorbium, recovereth the speech of those that have lost it by reason of the Apoplexie, or any other casualty, and takes away the Noise and pain of the ears, being put into them. Euphorbium mingled with Vineger, and applied, takes a∣way the marks and scars of Wounds, and all other foul spots and blemishes of the skin. It helpeth to scale bones that are loose, and that suddenly. It is used with other means to provoke sneezing, as also to draw Blisters.