A compendious body of chymistry, which will serve as a guide and introduction both for understanding the authors which have treated of the theory of this science in general: and for making the way plain and easie to perform, according to art and method, all operations, which teach the practise of this art, upon animals, vegetables, and minerals, without losing any of the essential vertues contained in them. By N. le Fèbure apothecary in ordinary, and chymical distiller to the King of France, and at present to his Majesty of Great-Britain.
Le Fèvre, Nicaise, 1610-1669., P. D. C., One of the gentlemen of His Majesties Privy-Chamber.
SECT. IV. Of the Element of Water.

THE most learned and perspicacious Philosophers amongst the Ancients, have been of opinion, that Water was the first Principle of all things; because it could in their apprehension, by its rarefaction or condensation, produce the other Elements. But as we have heretofore declared this mutual change to be im∣possible, so must we have our recourse to another way of Philo∣phy. We shall not here cosider Water, as being a constitutive Principle in the Composition of the Mixt; for in this sense we have already spoken of it, where we have treated of Phlegm: But we shall speak of it as of a vast Element, concurring to the frame of this Universe, and containing in it self many particu∣lar Matrixes, which produce a fair and pleasing variety of fruits: First of Animals, viz. Fishes, and all sorts of Water-Insects: Se∣condly, Vegetables, as the herb called Ducks-meat, which hath her root implanted in the Water it self: And finally, Minerals, as Shells, Pearls, and Salt, which is abundantly through Creeks and secret pores conveyed into the Earth, to advance the pro∣duction of her own fruits. The Water then is the second gene∣ral Matrix, where the Universal Spirit takes the Idea of Salt, communicated by the Air, which did receive it from the Light, and the Heavens, for the production of all sublunary things. Paracelsus calls the knowledge of this Philosophy of Water, Hydromancy.