A compendious body of chymistry, which will serve as a guide and introduction both for understanding the authors which have treated of the theory of this science in general: and for making the way plain and easie to perform, according to art and method, all operations, which teach the practise of this art, upon animals, vegetables, and minerals, without losing any of the essential vertues contained in them. By N. le Fèbure apothecary in ordinary, and chymical distiller to the King of France, and at present to his Majesty of Great-Britain.
Le Fèvre, Nicaise, 1610-1669., P. D. C., One of the gentlemen of His Majesties Privy-Chamber.
Of Armoniack Salt and its Chymical preparation.

THere is mention made in ancient Writers of a natural Ar∣moniack Salt, which was wont to be found in the Lybian sands, there formed and sublimated as they say, by the mixture of the stale of Camels used in their Caravaes, and making for the most part their Stations and Baitings in places appointed for that purpose. But we have none of it for the present, and know none other but that which is artificial and compounded of com∣mon salt and sal gem, salt of Soot and of Urine; this salt hath a harsh taste, mixt with an acid bitternesse very subtile and biting. Chymists do call it the solar Salt, the white Eagle, the white Mor∣curial Rain, and the Philosophers Mercurial Salt. That which is purest is to be preferred in choyce, as also the clearest and whitest. That which comes from Venice is the best, and the second in or∣der of goodnesse is that of Antwerp, the coursest and worst is that which comes from Holland. The general vertues of it are, to provoke Sweat and Urine, and to work also by insensible transpi∣ration: it is of very great efficacy against all aguish distempers, Page  303and chiefly against Quartans, it resists corruption and putrefaction. The Dosis is from iv, grains to ℈ j. It is used also outwardly against Gangrenes, and to consume the superfluous and corrupted flesh. It is also very good used in Gargals against the Quinsy; and moreover, it is mixt in waters for sore eyes.

Moreover, the Artist must note, that Armoniack Salt is one of the most powerful Agents amongst all Chymical Operations, for extracting the sulphuts of Metals and Minerals by the help of sublimation: wherefore it is not without very good reason, that the greatest part of the most famous Writers in our Art, have disguised it with several aenigmatical and figurative appellati∣ons.

The preparations of salt Armoniack are, purification or chrystal∣lization, sublimation, calcination, distillation and liquation; we will treat in the sequel of this Discourse of all these Operations in particular, and will give examples both of the Remedies and the manner of working, that the Sons of Art may be so well in∣structed by it, as not to be surprized with the several changes that use to happen by the mixture of this salt with sundry dif∣ferent matters upon which it operates with so much efficacy, that it ravishes with wonder even the most knowing in those my∣steries which it opens, and drawes from the bosom and center of natural beings: and chiefly because this Salt is compounded of several parts which are united amongst themselves, and produce a Salt quite different from all other salts, and which consequent∣ly operates in a very different way, as it will evidently appear to those that shall put it in practice.