A compendious body of chymistry, which will serve as a guide and introduction both for understanding the authors which have treated of the theory of this science in general: and for making the way plain and easie to perform, according to art and method, all operations, which teach the practise of this art, upon animals, vegetables, and minerals, without losing any of the essential vertues contained in them. By N. le Fèbure apothecary in ordinary, and chymical distiller to the King of France, and at present to his Majesty of Great-Britain.
Le Fèvre, Nicaise, 1610-1669., P. D. C., One of the gentlemen of His Majesties Privy-Chamber.
The sublimation of Antimony.

THis is one of the most necessary operations to open the Bo∣dy of antimony, and to begin the maturation of the crude and indigested substances that are hid in it. And the Son of Art must know, that when Paracelsus speaks of reducing Antimony into al∣kohol by the preparation of his Lili; that his meaning is not to have it ground upon the Marble stone to reduce it into an impal∣pable powder; but that he understands another much more Phi∣losophical Trituration, which is the meteorizing and exalting of it into vapours by the help of fire, which is nothing else but its sublimation; for you must observe, that this great and wonderful Artist requires that all the Body of Antimony should passe, with∣out leaving behind the least small portihn of its sulphur and Mer∣cury, which it can do by no other way but sublimation. The sublimation yields also the Flowers of Cinnabar, whereof we shall speak hereafter.