Delaun reviv'd, vix. A plain and short discourse of that famous doctor's pills, their use and virtues VVith choice receipts for the cure of the scurvy, dropsy, jaundies, venereal and other diseases. Before I speak to this famous medicine, I will declare who Delaun was; then, the price of his pill and how to take it, and of its several virtues in order, in such plain words, as to the weakest capacity may understand: and I intreat those who hope for help hereby, would throughly read this short book, and observe my directions for their own good and the authors's credit.
Lomax, Nathaniel.

The Price of, and how to take this Pill.

Note, that in and about London the Poor (who may fetch them every day, * as they use them) may buy one single Pill clos'd in a Paper box gilt with Gold, and costs but six pence, yet is a sufficient Purge for most Con∣stitutions, but, to remote parts I send only whole Boxes or half boxes of Tin, containing 6 or 3, Price three shillings, or eighteenpence, sealed with three Scallop shels on a Bend Ingrail'd, and 'tis hop'd, that none will murmure that every Pill should cost six pence. A Lark excels a Kite; And who can expect a pleasant Purge, (prescrib'd and allow'd by a Con∣sult of the most towering Judgements, and Compounded of the most costly Ingredients that Art or Nature ever yeilded) for less than six pence.

Note further, * that this Pill is so inviting to the Eye and Smell and of such easy Operation, that those who once take it bid adieu to all other Physick; and it's bulk is but as a grey Pea, and may be divided into two, ten, or twenty Pills at pleasure, and then, sure none will quarrel at their Number.

These Pills are alwaies as soft wax, * never grow dry, or decay in Page  3their Virtues, which makes them in such esteem with Sea-faring men, and in the Indies, Virginia, France, Ireland, and this Island, where the spreading Scurvy would otherwise eat up the Inhabitants.