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Title:  The ancient doctrine of the Church of England maintained in its primitive purity. Containing a justification of the XXXIX. articles of the Church of England, against papists and schismaticks: The similitude and harmony betwixt the Romane Catholick, and the heretick, with a discovery of their abuses of the fathers, in the first XVI ages, and the many heresies introduced by the Roman Church. Together with a vindication of the antiquity and universality of the ancient Protestant faith. Written long since by that eminent and learned divine Daniel Featly D.D. Seasonable for these times.
Author: Lynde, Humphrey, Sir.
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To the fourteenth. Neither Scotus nor Yri∣barne speake of the interpretation of the words, This is my body,Bellar. l. 3. de Euch. c. 23. unum addit Scotus, &c. quod ante La∣teranense con∣cilium Tran∣substantiatio non fuit dag∣ma fidei. Yrib. in 4. dist. 11. q. 3. disp. 42. in primi∣tivâ ecclesiâ de substantia fidei erat cot∣pus Christi sub speciebus con∣tineri: tamin non erat de fide substantiam panis in corpus Christi con∣verti. Aug. de doct. Christ. l. 2. c. 9. omnia quae continent fi∣dem, & mores in illis inveniuntur quae apertè posita sunt in seripturâ. Chrysost. in 2. ad Thess. hom. 3. manifesla sunt in divinis Scripturis quaecun{que}, sunt necessaria. Rivet Cathol. orthod. q. 18.138 Gat. discourse of Tran. pag 60.61. Scotus 4. Sent. dist. 11. ad hoc multùm expressè videturloqui Ambrosius. nor of the manner of the delive∣rie of the doctrine of Transubstantiation in for∣mer times, but de dogmate fidei, of a doctrine of faith, which they expresly denie Transubstantia∣tion to have beene, and what they say, may bee confirmed by Flood his owne answer in this place. For if Transubstantiation in former ages was not plainly delivered, as hee confesseth, p. 167. it could not bee then dogma fidei, or de substantiâ fidei, any doctrine of faith. For all do∣ctrines of faith are plainly and evidently set downe in holy Scriptures, as S. Austine and S. Chrysostome joyntly teach. As for the pas∣sage alledged by Scotus out of S. Ambrose it is ful∣ly answered, & retorted by Andrew Rivet, Mr. Ga∣taker, and others; Whereunto I thinke fit to adde nothing, but that Scotus in the place alledged speaketh not confidently of S. Ambrose, that hee held the doctrine of Transubstantiation: but that in words he seemed to favour that opinion.To the fifteenth. Albeit S. Austine in the place alledged by the Knight speaketh not expresly a∣gainst your carnall presence, yet by consequence hee quite overthroweth it; for if the unbeleeving Iewes in the Desert, and Iudas in the new Testa∣ment 0