took them, it is not good, for he acknow∣ledgeth by the evidence, that he made the trespasse, and justifies that, 25 H. 8. Generall Issue, 81.
Waste, No waste made is pleaded, and evidence that the Plaintiffe let to him the House and Land by Deed, and granted to him by the same Deed, that he might cut Trees to repaire that, it is no good evidence: The same Law in Debt, he owes him nothing, and evidence that the Plaintiffe hath released that to him: The same Law in Trespasse of Battery, not guilty, and evidence that he did that (in defending himselfe) it is not good: The same Law in maintenance, not guilty, and evidence law∣full maintenance, it is not good, for these matters in e∣vidence are justifications, which goe in discharge of the party, and not by title, but by Justification, 12 Hen. 8. fol. 1.
Trespasse, not guilty, and evidence that he had a Close adjoyning, that the Plaintiffe ought to inclose, and for not inclosing they enter, it is not good, for it is contrary to (not guilty) and is a Justification, 19 H. 8. fol. 6.
Trespasse, not guilty, and evidence that it was the free∣hold of J. S. and that he licensed him to enter, by ver∣tue of which he entred, it is not good, for it is Justification, 4 Ed. 4. fol. 5.
Trespasse of Battery (not guilty) and evidence that it was made in his defence, not good, 11 H. 4. fol. 63.
25 H. 8. Br: tit. Generall Issue, 81. In Assise or Tres∣passe, if the Defendant pleads no wrong, or not guilty, he cannot by evidence intitle a stranger, and justifie by his commandement: So for Common, Rent service, Rent charge, or justifie by license, these ought to be pleaded, and not given in evidence; contrary of a Lease for yeares.
34 H. 8. Title, Generall Issue, 89. Debt upon an Escape out of execution, Defendant cannot say that escaped not, and give in evidence that he was not arrested, for that is in Plea.
27 H. 8.21. By Fitzherbart and Shelley, in Debt upon the Statute of 21 H. 8. against a Vicar for taking Farmes, the Defendant saith, that hee neither had, nor kept to farme, against the forme of the Statute; he may give e∣vidence that he took that for maintenance of his House,