Considerations tending to the happy accomplishment of Englands reformation in church and state.: Humbly presented to the piety and wisdome of the High and Honourable Court of Parliament.
Hartlib, Samuel, d. 1662.

Of the Office of Addresse.

WEE would advice then that a Certaine Place should be designed by the Autho∣rity of the State, whereunto all Men might freely come to give Information of the Commodities which they have to be imparted unto others; and some body should bee set in that Place to receive these Informations to the end that he may give address to every one that shall repaire to him, to make enquiry for such Commodities, Where and How to finde the same. His proper Charge then and Duty should bee to inable himselfe to direct all men to the attainment of such desirable things, as the Soci∣ety of Mankind in the Common-wealth where he lives can comfortably yeeld unto them: so that this Office should bee erected properly for the Relief of Humane Necessities; and to ac∣complish the effect of a wel-ordered Society; that all things which are Usefull and profitable Page  38 in a Common-wealth for Publick and Private Accommodation, & the Contentation of Soul or Body, being known where they are to bee found, such as stand in need therof may know whither to repair to get speedy notice therof, how to come by them lawfully. As for example: A man of good parts would fain serve a Master, Hee comes to the Office and enquires whether it knows of any Gentleman that desires a Ser∣vant; if the Register of the Office can tell him of any, he gives him Addresse where to find him: if he can tell him of none, then he should leave his name to be Registred with a Memoriall ex∣pressing his desire, and the place of his abode, and such other Circumstances as he shall thinke fit to inform the Office of, that as soon as any doth inquire for a Man of his quality, hee may be directed to him. In the like manner a Gen∣tleman desires a servant of such and such qua∣lities, hee comes to the Office to inquire after one, and the Master of Addresses should be able to tell him whether or no, and where any is to be found: and in case none is to bee found or known at that present, then the Gentleman leaves a Memoriall to bee kept for an Addresse to any that may afterward present himselfe. Page  39 And when these that have made enquiry for some Commodity have gotten it by the Ad∣dresse of the Office, they should bee obliged within the space of 24 houres to give notice thereof unto the Office; that the Register may be disburdened of their Memoriall, lest some body be addressed in vaine unto them. Suppose a Man would let out his house or his ground at a certain rent, or sell it, another would faine take a house or parcell of ground for rent, or buy it; both these run up and down, and make enquirie here and there at adventures for that which they want, and perhaps never light one upon another, till the convenient season bee past, and they for want of Accommodation have taken some courses lesse advantageous for their Affaires, then their mutuall encounter would have been; but if the Master of Addresse had been informed of both their desires, hee would have instantly directed the one of them to the other, by which meanes both would have been accommodated. And thus in all other Cases Whatsoever, which fal within the Com∣passe of Humane Conveniences, which the So∣ciety of Men in a Common-wealth can affoord for Contentation of the mind in Spirituall or Page  40 Bodily Concernments. From whence we may see that such an Office wil be the onely Proper Remedy and Help to that disorderly and con∣fused condition of Life wherin we may lye for want of profitable Contrivements begetting sociable encounters and communications. And if we will consider, that nothing doth make na∣ture fruitfull in all things, but the onely Ad∣dresse of Proper Agents to their Patients to cause them meet seasonably together; and that nothing doth cause Trade flourish in great Ci∣ties, so much as the Use of Exchanges and Meeting Places, where Merchants may come together at certain times to transact Matters; and that without this Contrivement of Mutual Converse, all Trade would bee so clogged and retarded, that it would be almost impossible to bring businesses to any issue Conveniently and in due time: If, 〈◊〉 say, we consider this, we shall find that what Conveniency the Use of Ex∣change-meetings doth bring to a Particular sort of Men who are called Merchants; the same, and farre greater will this Office bring to the whole Society of all Men, for all their Mutuall Occasions and Accommodations wherein they have need to incounter with one another; so Page  41 that this Office will be a Center of all Mens sa∣tisfactions to gaine their Interest in each other for mutuall help. The Advantages which Post-houses and Exchange-places since they have been in Use (for of Old they were not) have brought unto those that trade, and to all Mens private dispatches are almost innumerable; but the Advantages, which such an Office as this is, will bring to the Society of Mankind, will bee altogether innumerable; for all that which is good and desirable in a whole Kingdome may be by this means Communicated unto any one that stands in need thereof; and if it is evident that the benefit of Mutuall Communication in good things is the Chief fruit of all Society; and that to facilitate the Wayes therof unto a Peo∣ple, is one of the Chiefe Duties of a faithfull Magistrate, whereby hee may make himselfe Powerfull, and his People Happy, whereby he may addresse all Men to profitable Employ∣ments; and know what every ones employ∣ments are, and by this Meanes be able to pre∣vent and rectifie an infinite number of disor∣ders which arise in a State to the great disad∣vantage therof, for want of such Employments as the idle People might be put to. Therfore it Page  42 belongs to none but to a supreame Magistrate to establish such an Office, and to Order it for the Proper Ends and Uses whereunto it should serve.

Let it then have Two Parts or Branches: the One for Bodily, the Other for Spirituall Mat∣ters, and these should have each of them a Warden or Master of their severall Addresses, who should be Regulated and directed in their Ways by such Constitutions and Orders, which should prevent all danger of Abuses, and make them Unblamable and Comfortably Service∣able to every one.

The Office of Bodily Addresses, should bee appointed to Meddle with al Outward Things concerning this present life, for the relations of men to each other in worldly Concernments, and may be called the Addresse of Accommoda∣tions. But the Office of Spirituall Addresses should bee appointed to meddle with all In∣ward things concerning the Soules of Men, and the Wayes whereby they may be helpfull one to another in Matters relating the same, which may be called, The Addresse of Communications. Their Main and Proper Objects of Employ∣ment will bee different; but their Ends and Page  43 Wayes to doe service will bee the same, and some things Collaterall to their Main Objects, will be common to both, and in these Collate∣rall Matters, they should be appointed to keep Mutuall Correspondency with each other for the Advancement of their Publick Services.

The Office-bearer in each of these Offices should be warranted and authorized, each in his Sphere to make Inventaries, and keep Re∣gisters of all Commodities, Persons, Employ∣ments, Offices, Charges and Things which are Actually in being, and Usefully considerable in the Common-wealth, and which may be a mat∣ter of information to any for Addresse to that which hee in any kinde shall enquire after. Of these Inventaries and Registers some should be Perpetuall standing and the same; so farre as the things which they containe are existent in the Common-wealth, but some other Regi∣sters and Bookes must bee kept of Changeable Matters also, wherin daily Occurrences of New Accommodations and Communications to bee imparted from one Man to another, are to bee recorded and kept for Information. These Occasionall Registers (for so they should bee called) should be of Two Sorts; the One Com∣mon Page  44 and open to all to be lookt upon, contai∣ning the Summary Intimation of that whereof Information is to be given, to such as shall de∣sire it. The other secret, and reserved for more speciall Use, containing the particular point of that Addresse, which is to bee given to such as stand in need to be informed of it.

Besides these Registers which will admit of some further Subdivisions, there must be Alpha∣beticall Tables of the Heads of Matters; wher∣of Informations are to bee given both for Ac∣commodations and Communications, so as may be needfull, which should be openly hung up in the Office-House with a Reference to the Register-bookes: and some of these Tables must be perpetual and standing Unchangeably; Others must bee, as the Occasionall Register-bookes will be, alterable.

The Office of Addresse for Accommodati∣ons, although it may be exceeding usefull unto all, and can be prejudiciall to none, if he, that is intrusted therewith, wil not purposely abuse his trust; yet it will bee above all others most usefull for the Poore, to help them to employ∣ment, and to distinguish the Industrious from the Idle: and for the Supreme Magistracy in Page  45 all purposes of State, but chiefly in that of a healthfull Reformation: because it may be in his hand (if he will make use of it) an Engine to reduce all into some Order which is confu∣sed; and to discover what the Chief Inconve∣niences of the Subjects are, which are to be Re∣medied, which Two Things are the Pillars of an outward Reformation. The other Particular Uses of this Office of Accommodations, with the Way to Regulate it, to Oversee it, & to Im∣prove the Advantages, which it will yeeld to the State in matters of Publike Consultation, and in Cases of Resolution to bee taken con∣cerning Neighbour Nations in times of Peace and Warre, need not here to be mentioned di∣stinctly. A Man of Wisdome by that which hath been said, will easily discern this, and in due time Particulars may be mentioned, when it shall be requisite.

The Office of Addresse for Communicati∣ons, is as far beyond that of Accommodations in Usefulnesse, as the Matters of the Mind are above those of the Body. It is then to bee e∣rected for Addresses and Informations in mat∣ters of Religion, of Learning, and of all Inge∣nuities, which are Objects of Contemplation Page  46 and delight unto the Mind, for their strange∣nesse and usefulnesse unto the life of Man. The Warden of this Office should be authorized to have and keep not onely all manner of Regi∣sters, Inventaries, Catalogues and Lists con∣taining the Peculiar Objects wherof he should furnish Information for Addresse to such as shall desire it (such as have been mentioned heretofore, and named, Perpetuall and Occasio∣nall Registers) but hee should bee Authorized also to negotiate for Spirituall Intelligence; and to maintaine a Correspondency and Lear∣ned Trade with all Men of Abilities within and without the Kingdome, about the things belonging to the Sphere of his Office; so that he should be allowed not onely to give Infor∣mation of things elswhere to be found, (which is properly the worke of Common Addresses) but also of that, which should be in his own pe∣culiar Possession and Custody, which he should be allowed to gather up and keep concerning all Matters of Religion, Learning and Ingenu∣ities, as a peculiar Stock belonging to his Of∣fice, to communicate the same by way of Spiri∣tuall Trade and Commerce to whomsoever he should think fit and expedient, onely for Page  47 the Ends wherunto his Commerce in this kind is to be directed.

Now the Ends should be these:

First, in Matters of Religion hee should in∣tend, 1 To Facilitate the Meanes of Recti∣fying Mistakes, and of Preventing the Increase of Divisions and Disorders about Matters of dispute whether in Opinion or Practise. 2 To stirre up and waken the sense and love of Pie∣ty, of Charity, and of the profession of Edify∣ing Knowledge in the Minds of all Men with∣out partiality.

Secondly, in Matters of Humane Sciences, the End of his Negotiation should be, 1 To put in Practice the Lord Verulams Designati∣ons, De Augmentis Scientiarum, amongst the Learned. 2 To help to perfit Mr. Comenius Undertakings, chiefly in the Method of Teaching, Languages, Sciences, and of Orde∣ring Schooles for all Ages and Qualities of Scholars.

Thirdly, in the Matters of Ingenuity his End should be to offer the most profitable In∣ventions which he should gaine, unto the be∣nefit of the State, that they might he Publikely made use of, as the State should think most ex∣pedient.

Page  48And that he may bee able to proceed cleer∣ly and worke toward these Ends effectually, Certain Rules and Directions should bee given him, whereby he should be instructed and ob∣liged to walke in his Calling Unpartially, and answerable to the Scope of Common Edi∣fication. So then his Office of Communication should be made a Center and Meeting-place of Advices, of Proposalls, of Treaties and of all Manner of Intellectuall Rarities freely to bee given and received, to and from, by and for all such as may think themselves concerned to re∣ceive or to give notice of the best Helpes and Overtures, and of the most Profitable Under∣takings, Discoveries, and Occurences; wherby Godlinesse, Truth, and Peace, and all the Ways and Means tending to the harmlesse Advance∣ment of Divine and Humane Wisdome and Perfections may be set forward in Church and Common-wealth.

His way of Negotiating should be free and obliging, hee should make his Addresse to∣wards all that are of eminent Parts, or of any singular Abilities and Straines; whether in Publike Places or not; within or without the Kingdome; to give them some Objects to Page  49 work upon, and exercise their faculties in; that the gifts of one may be provoked and stirred up by another, according to the difference or similitude of their Straines; to the end that all Knowledge may abound in Love, and the discovery of one Truth may beget ano∣ther. Thus Forainers may be made partakers of Domestick, and such as are at home, of Forain Straines; that all may in their severall Abilities be set a worke, and contribute unto the Stock of Learning, that which may be use∣full to every one, in their severall Occasions: And amongst all other his speciall Correspon∣dency should bee with the Chiefe Library-keepers of all places, whose proper employ∣ments should bee to Trade for the Advanta∣ges of Learning and Learned Men in Bookes, and M. S. to whom he may apply himselfe to become beneficiall, that such as Mind the End of their employment may reciprocate with him in the way of Communication.

But to improve the fruit of this Agency, both for the Advancement of our owne Reformation, and for the Generall Advance∣ment of Learning; hee should bee obliged from time to time:

Page  50First, to impart the Profit of all his Pur∣chases, and the Substance of all his discove∣ries (especially concerning Religion, and State or Church Government) unto the Committee for Rules of Reformation; whose Wisdome should direct them to revise every two or three Moneths once; the State of his Negotiation, to take the creame of it for their Use, and to direct him in the prosecuting of his Purchases and Communications, for the better Advantage of the Publique.

Then Secondly, hee should yearly once at a certaine time bee obliged to give up the ac∣count of his Annuall Negotiation, to the Professors of all Sciences in both Universi∣ties, and to the Heads and Masters of Colled∣ges and Halls, who should bee made a Speci∣all Committee and appointed, according to their severall Faculties, or all jointly to meet, and to take into Consideration the things which he shall produec that such peeces as shal deserve to bee put into the Publike Libraries, to bee made Common unto Scholars, or other∣wise published in Print for the benefit of eve∣ry one, may by their advice bee applyed unto their proper Uses; for the advancement of Page  51 Divine and Humane Learning, according to the Counsell and Designe of the Lord Veru∣lam, to whose structure, by their joint advice, every yeare some stones should bee added. And to this effect a more speciall Way of Concurrence and Correspondency amongst the Professors and Heads of Colledges them∣selves should in due time bee contrived and proposed.

Hitherto wee have considered these Offices of Addresse in their Intrinsecall Frame and Usefulnesse, whereby they may bee servicea∣ble unto all degrees and qualities of Persons; but especialy unto the designes which the Par∣liament should Advance for our compleate Reformation: Now one word more is to bee added concerning the Extrinsecall Frame and Constitution thereof, and then We have done.

In the Affaires of this world, where Instru∣ments and Agents must be employed, nothing can bee done without Expences. Men must live in the Body, and Money must answer for all; nor can those that serve the Publick (al∣though they may bestow freely their owne paines, without cost to the Publique, yet they cannot command others) without Meanes Page  52 maintaine those whom they must set a worke, and without whose helpe the businesse can∣not proceed. Therefore as it is just, so it is necessary that the Employments which re∣dound to the benefit of all, should be maintai∣ned by Publick Revenues.

And as there is no Charity so commendable, as that which reacheth unto All, and doth con∣ferre or procure the benefits which without all comparison are the best, so there is no∣thing so answerable to the Duty, and so commendable in the care of a Christian Magi∣strate, as to bestow his Charity upon such Objects. And although the maintaining of these Offices of Addresse in one respect may bee commended to the State, as the greatest Worke of Charity, which can bee bestowed upon the whole Nation, that is upon them∣selves in their Members, yet in another re∣spect the Charges which will bee laid out this way by them, will bee found the most profi∣table and richest Trade that they can drive, to increase their owne worldly Substance: For it will direct them both to preserve without losse, and mannage all that they have within the Kingdome to the best advantage; and al∣so Page  53 to increase their Stock every way by all the Negotiations which are afoot amongst their Subjects, within themselves, or towards their Neighbour Nations. So then there is nothing more Just, nothing more Charitable, and nothing more Profitable in order to Trade it self, then to bestow that cost which will bee necessary to maintaine these Offices, and the Agents belonging unto them.

The First Thing then which is to bee be∣stowed upon them, is a House in a place which shall bee found for each of them most conve∣nient. And for the Addresse of Accomodati∣ons, no doubt London will bee the most Cen∣trall place. But for the Addresse of Communi∣cations, Oxford should bee made the Center, besides other Reasons for this, because the Great Library being there, more Strangers for it resort thither, and the Keeper thereof may bee a great helpe unto the Negotiation of the Warden of Addresses for Spirituall Matters.

The Warden of the London Office should bee furnished with a House and Meanes to set up and furnish his Office with all Necessa∣ries; to him Maintenance should bee allowed to attend his Charge without distraction; and Page  54 because his worke will be principally to over∣see his Clerkes, and to make Observations of Matters fit for the States benefit and Informa∣tion; he should be free from all other Employ∣ments, except that which is proper and subor∣dinate unto the Charge of Addresses, or Col∣laterall thereunto in the Way of Trading and Employing People that are out of employ∣ment. His Clerkes may be sworne unto Him, and Hee to the State, to bee faithfull accor∣ding to the directions which should bee given him. The Clerkes should have some Compe∣tency allowed them, that without incroaching upon the Subject, or burdening the worke of Addresse, they may be able to live; and if any benefit bee allowed them out of the Worke which they doe, it should bee no more at the most, but a penny or two, for some Extract in Writing, to bee given in matters of profit, by such as are rich; but to the Poore all is to bee done freely; and if any Clerke bee convicted to have refused to communicate the Addresse which shall bee desired of him by any, hee shall bee most severely punished and lose his place without mercy. And as the Warden of Addresses for Accommodation is over his Page  55 Clerkes, so over Him some others should have an inspection to this intent, to see Matters carryed faithfully and truly for the Publique Good, to helpe the Warden with Advice and Counsell in Cases of Importance; and to con∣sider the Occasions of his Ordinary and Extra∣ordinary Expences (if any should be for the State) that some way may bee thought on to refound the same unto Him, as is just, and to this effect some Revenue of the State should be nam•• to beare such burdens.

The Warden of the Oxford Office may have some Colledge or Hall appointed for his Of∣fice-place; and the Revenues thereof for his maintenance to support him in his Charge. His Clerkes that keep his Registers, should bee maintained under him, and also such as he shall have need of for his Negotiation to Copie out Matters, to write Letters for Correspondency as hee shall direct them; and to give Extracts freely to all such as hee shall appoint them to give unto.

And as without his knowledge and appoint∣ment the Clerkes for his peculiar Negotiation should not bee permitted to impart any thing to any, so the other Clerkes must be obliged Page  56 to deny nothing unto any that shall desire In∣formation of things Contained in the Standing and Occasionall Registers.

The Extraordinary Expences which he shal bring to the States account, the Committee of Professors and Heads of Colledges shall consi∣der and allow to bee paid, as they shall see Cause, out of some Revenue which may bee designed for such an Use. And seeing there can be nothing proposed of a more Publique and Usefull nature, then this worke is; We sup∣pose it would bee an injury done to the zeale and integrity of this Parliament, which hath received so many blessings at Gods hand, which is so deeply engaged to his service; and which hath undertaken so great things, and so succes∣fully advanced our Reformation so far hither to; to think that such an Enterprise as this, will not finde favour in their eyes, and sufficient Meanes to support the Charges necessary for the Undertaking and prosecuting thereof. For suppose the Charges should bee farre greater then at first they need to bee (because a small foundation may give a beginning to this work) yet what difficulty can there bee to allow them, where so many and large Revenues are Page  57 by Gods Providence for such Ends abundant∣ly put into their hands, and cannot justly bee otherwise disposed of then to Publique Uses? The Ecclesiastical Estates and Revenues, which are so Vast, and now to bee disposed of, to what Publique Uses can they bee more pro∣fitably applyed, then to the Advancement of the Wayes of Piety and Learning? And if in processe of time the Occasions in this Worke of Publike Expences grow greater (as no doubt they will, when the Communication be∣ing inlarged, the benefit thereof will invite all the Learned to a Concurrence) then also more Meanes may be raised to beare the same, which divers wayes may bee effected; whereof wee shall not need to speak; but to make Way for the increase of a Competent Stock hereafter in due time, Feoffees in trust may bee appointed by the Houses, to receive such Legacies, Do∣nations and Contributions which will cheer∣fully proceed from the Charity and zeal of the Lovers of Religion and Learning towards the Maintenance of a Trade for the Advancement of the same.

Now to have the matter carryed on easily and without delay. It should bee imparted Page  58 unto all, or as many as are eminently and truly zealous for the Glory of God, that are free from Selfe-ends and partiality, and that Love Learning, and have power with o∣thers in the Houses. If not all, but onely three or foure of these bee throughly pos∣sessed with this designe, and they can bee brought to lay their Heads together, to move for the Erecting of such an Office in the Houses, and get the Contrivement ther∣of Referred unto some few, who for Pie∣ty, Prudency, and Learning are most com∣mendable unto all, no doubt the thing may bee speedily brought to passe, and a founda∣tion laid, which by the accomplishment of our Reformation will bee a blessing unto all Poste∣rity: Whereunto our prayers shall be offered as a daily Sacrifice, and what else God shall in∣able us to contribute; to whom the successe of all our Wishes is to bee referred in Christ; to Him bee Glory and Honour for ever. Amen.

Psal. 50.23.

Hee that Ordereth his Conversation aright, shall see the Salvation of God.

Page  59Philip. 4.8.

Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, what∣soever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any Ʋertue, and if there be any praise, thinke on these things.

Anno 1647.