Considerations tending to the happy accomplishment of Englands reformation in church and state.: Humbly presented to the piety and wisdome of the High and Honourable Court of Parliament.
Hartlib, Samuel, d. 1662.

Of the First.

BY the Universall Kingdome of God, is to be understood that Administration of his Power, of his Justice, and of all his Good Gifts towards Mankind; whereby all men may bee made sensible of his Soveraignity and Provi∣dence over them: and so wrought upon, to de∣pend upon him, by his Outward Ordinances both Temporall annd Spirituall, as to fear him, to love him, and to give themselves up to be di∣rected by him, for to reap comfort to them∣selves, and to increase the good of Humane So∣ciety.

The Advancement of this Kingdome is the proper sphere of a Christian Reformed Magi∣strate: First, as he is Gods Vicegerent over men, as they are in the condition of nature, and In∣habitants of the world. Secondly, as hee is a Page  18 Nursing Father to the Church within his do∣minions; to protect it, and provide for it all Outward Helps & Comforts. For his Relation to the World is under God to be their Leader in the things which may settle their Society in Righteousnesse and Love, that every one may be Usefull to his Neighbour by his abilities. And his Relation to the Saints is to bee their Brother and Fellow-servant in the Kingdome of Christ for the Glory of God their Common Father in Him.

By the Communion of Saints, which is called Generall, is understood the administration of Grace through that entercourse of Love and Care for mutuall good in Spirituall and Tem∣porall things which ought to bee amongst the Members of Christs Body visible, that every one may reap the fruit of other gifts freely for his edification in knowledge and in vertue; and that all receiving each other to the Glory of Christ, even as Christ received Ʋs unto the Glory of his Father, the common Burdens of all may be borne by every one, and the common Ene∣mies of all, opposed by the joint strength of the whole Body at once.

To entertain this Communion is the proper Page  19 work of faithfull Ministers of the Gospel, who walking before others according to the Rule of the New-Creature without partiality deny themselves; and holding forth the word of Life unto all, labour without prejudice to provoke every one unto Love and to good Workes without giving offence unto any.

So then by these Two States whereof the one relates the Outward, the other the Inward man directly; yet neither separate in their rela∣tions from the other; all the Glory of Gods goodnesse is by certain degrees to be advanced to such as are capable therof. The Apostle saith, That which is Naturall is first, and then afterward that which is Spirituall; therfore the Magistrates Administration in the first place is to bee orde∣red for the Outward Things of this life, and first to the Naturall and then towards the Spi∣rituall Man, and afterward in the Second place the Ministers Administration for Spirituall Things is to be ordered, first towards those that are at home, and within the Houshold of Faith, and then also towards others, that are abroad and without the same.