A caveat to all true Christians: against the spreadings of the spirit of Antichrist, and his subtile endeavours to draw men from Jesus Christ
Horn, John, 1614-1676., Charles King of England, 1630-1685.

Sect. 1. That there is a Reward promised

AS the faith of the Saints leans upon the VVord of God in general, and so upon God himself, as the original of that VVord, and the things declared therein; so their hope leans on, and hath for its object the pro∣mises of God, which hold forth the marrow and fatness of the feast of good things made in Christ; and the consideration of them is very requisite for their patient encountering with temptations, and enduring to the issue, they be∣ing partly the things fought for, and partly helps in fighting; for they are of two sorts, things to be given to, and enjoyed by us in the combate; Page  191and things to be met with in the issue of it; ac∣cording to that, Fear not Abraham, I will be thy shield (to protect and defend thee in the way) and thy exceeding great Reward, Gen. 15.1. (when thou hast overcome.)

Under the first head are comprehended the promises of this life in the outward man; and for the life of the Spirit in the inner man, the pro∣mises of provision and maintenance; such as this, Fear the Lord ye Saints, or holy ones, for they that fear the Lord shall want no good thing, Psal. 34.9. And that, Seek the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all other things shall be added to you, Mat. 6.33. Whence that, Let your conversa∣tion be without covetousness, Heb. 13,5,6. (Be not reaching in your desires after the world, either in provision for sustenance or safety, as if you were left to shift for your selves therein; or as if your happiness consisted partly in having much thereof, or as if God would not provide for necessaries or conveniences herein for your warfare here) but be content with such things as ye have; for he hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. So that we may be bold and say, the Lord is on my side, I will not fear what flesh can do unto me, Heb. 13.5,6. And for protection from enemies, so as that they shall not harm or devour us; such as that, All the hairs of your head are numbred, and the Lord will save them from the Page  192wicked; and he will help them, because they trust in him, Matth. 10. Psal. 37.41. the promises for their helpfulness in Spirit are such as these; That he will sanctifie and cleanse them, 1 Thes. 5.23,24. VVrite his Laws, and put his fear in them, Ezek. 36.25,26, Fer. 31.32. &c. that he will send the Spirit of Truth, and put it into them as a Comforter, and to lead them into all truth, Heb. 8.9,10,11. That he will pardon their sins, accept them, watch over them, gather them in his arms, lead, and feed them, &c. Isai. 27.2,3. and 40.11,12.

Of the other sort are the full and finall deli∣verances of them from all adversity, temptati∣on, opposition, and evil; giving them full, firm, and free peace, and the possessing them of all the fulness of his glory in Jesus Christ, the full and open knowledge of God in everlasting life, to see as they are seen, and be like to Jesus Christ in the enjoyment of fellowship with God, and the consolations and satisfactions of God, &c. Concerning which, consider a little, first, who are the proper heires of them, to whom they are made; and secondly, what the time of their fulfilling.