A survey of the summe of church-discipline. Wherein the vvay of the churches of New-England is warranted out of the vvord, and all exceptions of weight, which are made against it, answered : whereby also it will appear to the judicious reader, that something more must be said, then yet hath been, before their principles can be shaken, or they should be unsetled in their practice.
Hooker, Thomas, 1586-1647.

Of the Efficient.

Concerning the Principall cause and Institutour of a visible Church, there is a common concurrence of all sides, so far as I can reade, and therefore I shall ease the Reader of all large dis∣course in this behalf.

It shall be enough to point out the truth, as it is expressed in Scripture: namely, The institution of the Church issues from the speciall appointment of God the Father, thorow the Lord Jesus Christ, as the head thereof, by the holy Ghost, sent and set on work for that end. So the Apostle speaks most pregnantly and plainly, Heb. 3.31. For this man (meaning Christ) was counted worthy of more honour then Moses, inasmuch as he that hath build∣ed the house, hath more honour then the house. Christ is set over the Church, which is, the house of God, as the Sonne, Moses as a ser∣vant. He the master-builder, Moses as an Inferiour and under-workman. And vers. 4. For every house is builded by some man, but he that buildeth all things is God. This ALL is to be re∣ferred to the things that went before, to wit, the things of the house.

What ever belongs to the Church hath God in Christ the Au∣thour of it. And hence in the old Testament it was given in charge to Moses, that as he saw all presented before him in the Mount, in a lively manner, so he must be cautelous and consci∣entious to hold himself to that patern, not to swerve an hairs breadth there-from, or to adde any thing of his own devising. And hence our Saviour claims this as his prerogative royall, Mat. 16. Ʋpon this rock I will build my Church. It is his house, and he knows his own minde, and therefore he only will fashion it there∣unto.* And from hence it is, that in the time wherein Ezekiel would limme out, and that unto the life, the Temple to be erected in the new Testament, he there laies out all the particulars by Gods spe∣ciall appointment; The Outgoings and Incomings, Forms, Fashions, Laws thereof, and the Ordinances thereof.

Touching the Inferiour helping cause, viz, The Civil Magistrate, Page  13 how farre he may be said to have a hand in the erecting of Chur∣ches, It is that which hath exercised the heads and pens of the most judicious, and is too large for this place, and our purpose, we willingly passe it by, being not yet perswaded that the chief Magistrate should stand a Neuter, and tolerate all Reli∣gions.